REG 10.10.10 – Authority of the University Attending Veterinarian
Authority: Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation
History: First Issued: August 20, 2024
Contact: IACUC Director (phone: 919/515-7507, 919/515-9532 e-mail:
Animal Welfare Act/Regulations (7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, and 371.7)
Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
1.1 The University Attending Veterinarian (UAV) is responsible for the well-being and clinical care of animals used in research, testing, teaching, and production. This responsibility extends to monitoring and promoting animal well-being at all times during use, and throughout all phases of an animal’s life. It is expected that the program of veterinary care will uphold the highest standards of care and ethics. There must be timely provision of veterinary medical care, and emergency veterinary care must be available at all times, including after work hours and on weekends and holidays.
2.1 This policy defines the authority of the UAV at North Carolina State University (“NC State”). This policy does not supersede state or federal law. In the case of any inconsistency, state and federal law govern.
2.2 In accordance with the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWAR), the institutionally appointed Attending Veterinarian of record has final authority and responsibility to:
2.2.1 Ensure the provision of adequate veterinary care; and
2.2.2 Oversee the adequacy of other aspects of animal care and use that impact animal welfare and safety.
2.3 Other aspects of oversight include:
2.3.1 Animal housing
2.3.2 Husbandry
2.3.3 Nutrition
2.3.4 Sanitation practices
2.3.5 Biosecurity
2.3.6 Behavioral management
3.1 The attending veterinarian shall be a voting member of the IACUC; provided, however, a research facility with more than one Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) may appoint to the IACUC another DVM with delegated program responsibility for activities involving animals at the research facility.
4.1 The duties of the UAV may be shared with or delegated to other veterinarians and/or scientists trained and experienced in the proper care, handling, and use of the species being maintained or studied. At NC State, this authority can be delegated to the named Primary Site Veterinarian (PSV).
4.2 Animal Unit Facility Managers, Faculty Liaisons, or equivalent, have delegated authority to oversee items listed in 2.3 and are expected to collaborate with the PSV to facilitate regulatory compliance and ensure animal health, well-being, and the provisions of the animal care program are met.
5.1 In accordance with federal law, there must be a mechanism of direct and frequent communication so that timely and accurate information on problems of animal health, behavior, and well-being is conveyed to the UAV.
5.2 At NC State, an animal health incident is any animal health occurrence that requires communication with a veterinarian (in-person or remotely) or the use of a veterinary-written and -approved SOP to maintain the health or welfare of the animals.
5.3 A Clinical Animal Health Report must be submitted to the UAV within 72 hours each time new diagnostic and/or therapeutic measures are initiated for a research or teaching animal.
5.3.1 This form should be used to document unexpected deaths, as well as chronic or ongoing medical or biosecurity issues.
5.3.2 Delegated veterinarians reporting directly to the UAV may utilize alternate methods of reporting, provided that communication is direct, frequent, and recorded in such a manner that they are readily available for inspection.
6.1 NC State has empowered the UAV with the final authority to, at their discretion, treat or humanely euthanize animals. Ideally, this is done after consultation with the principal investigator (PI) or members of the research team designated by the PI.
6.2 In emergency situations with animal welfare or safety considerations, the UAV is not required to seek approval from the PI, the PI’s supervisor, or the NC State IACUC in order to treat or euthanize animals if such actions are judged prudent by the UAV. The UAV shall promptly notify the PI or designated members of the research team and the IACUC of the animal treatment or euthanasia.
7.1 At times it may be necessary to halt, or discontinue, a procedure being conducted on a specific animal or groups of animals for animal health or welfare concerns (i.e. personnel training or facility deficiencies). This differs from the suspension of IACUC approved activities.
7.1.1 The UAV has full authority to halt individual animal activities that are an immediate threat to animal health and welfare.
7.1. 2. In cases where an activity is halted, the UAV or their designee promptly forwards the incident to the IACUC for further review.
7.2 The IACUC may suspend an activity that it previously approved if it determines that the activity is not being conducted in accordance with the description of that activity provided by the principal investigator and approved by the Committee. The IACUC may suspend an activity only after review of the matter at a convened meeting of a quorum of the IACUC and with the suspension vote of a majority of the quorum present.
8.1 The UAV, or an individual designated by the UAV, should be granted access to all areas where University-owned animals are being used or housed (animal housing, research laboratories, satellite facilities, etc.) and all animal medical and use records.