POL 01.05.06 – Board of Trustees Delegations of Authority and Committee Responsibilities
Authority: Board of Trustees
History: First Issued: November 4, 2022. Last Revised: November 22, 2024.
Related Policies:
NCSU Policy 01.05.01 – Board of Trustees (BOT) Bylaws
Contact Info:
Vice Chancellor and General Counsel (919-515-3071)
Chief of Staff and Secretary of the University (919-515-2191)
Through the adoption of this document, the Board of Trustees of North Carolina State University hereby delegates certain authority to its various committees, the Chancellor, and the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration. This document is a companion to the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees and may be amended from time to time by the Board of Trustees in its discretion and is maintained by the Assistant Secretary of the Board of Trustees. In the event of inconsistency between this document and the Bylaws, the Bylaws shall control.
I. Audit, Risk Management and Finance Committee Delegated Authority and Assignments
a. Audit
i. Provide oversight of the internal audit function.
ii. Review and approve the annual internal audit plan at the beginning of the audit cycle.
iii . Review and approve the internal audit charter.
iv. Approve decisions regarding the appointment, removal and remuneration of the chief audit executive (CAE) or similarly titled director of the internal audit office.
v. Determine whether there are scope or budgetary limitations that impede the ability of the internal audit activity to execute its responsibilities.
vi. Receive quarterly activity reports from the internal auditor.
vii. Receive direct verbal and/or written reports from the university’s internal auditor regarding out of the ordinary reviews and findings that may involve senior level university employees, trustees or affiliates.
viii. Review a comparison of the annual internal audit plan to the actual internal audits performed.
ix. Provide oversight of the annual financial statement audit.
x. Assure that the university is performing self-assessments of operating risks and evaluations of internal controls on a regular basis.
xi. Meet with representatives of the State Auditor’s Office to review the annual state auditor’s report and the university’s corrective action, if any.
xii. Review audit reports of University-associated entities.
b. Finance
i. Advise the Chancellor with respect to the development, execution, and administration of the university budget, consistent with actions by the General Assembly and Board of Governors.
ii. Review and recommend to the Board of Trustees approval of a comprehensive “all-funds” budget of the university for the fiscal year, which shall reflect estimated General Fund, Institutional Trust Fund, and other revenues and expenditures as defined by and in a manner prescribed by the UNC President or the President’s designee.
c. Risk Management
i. Provide oversight of the risk management and compliance functions.
ii. Receive annual reports on risk management, compliance and legal issues.
d. Policy Development
i. Recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval policies regarding the preservation, maintenance and management of institutional trust funds.
ii. Upon recommendation of the Chancellor, recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval policies related to the maintenance of campus security.
iii. Upon recommendation of the Chancellor, recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval policies related to information technology and cybersecurity.
II. Buildings and Property Committee Delegated Authority and Assignments
a. Subject to policies of the Board of Governors and all legal requirements relative to the construction of state-owned buildings, for the following matters concerning campus capital construction projects which have been approved by the Board of Governors and authorized by the State of North Carolina:
i. Select architects or engineers for buildings and improvements requiring such professional services;
ii. Select construction managers at risk for buildings and improvements requiring such professional services;
iii. Select design-build teams for building and improvements requiring such professional services;
iv. Approve building sites;
v. Approve plans and specifications; and
vi. Accept all completed buildings and projects.
b. Capital Improvement Projects in accordance with delegated authority granted by the Board of Governors:
i. Approve capital improvement projects funded entirely with non-General Fund money that are projected to cost less than $750,000; and
ii. Approve advance planning of capital improvement projects where the advance planning effort is to be funded entirely with non-General Fund money.
c. Prepare and maintain a master plan for the physical development of the institution.
d. Acquisitions and dispositions of an interest in real property in accordance with additional delegated authority granted by the Board of Governors
i. Approve any acquisition or disposition of any interest in real property valued at $50,000 or more, other than by lease, provided that if the acquisition or disposition involves an interest in real property valued at $1,000,000 or more, the matter shall be recommended by the Committee to the Board of Trustees for its approval and forwarded for further approval to the UNC President or Board of Governors, as required by the policies of the Board of Governors.
ii. Approve any acquisition or disposition of any interest in real property by lease where the lease has an annual rent in excess of $150,000 or a term in excess of 10 years, provided that where the term of the lease exceeds 10 years or has an annual rent in excess of $750,000, the matter shall be recommended by the Committee to the Board of Trustees for its approval and forwarded for further approval to the UNC President or Board of Governors, as required by the policies of the Board of Governors.
e. Policy Development
i. Upon the recommendation of the Chancellor, recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval policies applicable to the control, operation and supervision of buildings and property pursuant to applicable provisions of State law and policies of the Board of Governors.
ii. Upon the recommendation of the Chancellor, approve changes to campus parking and traffic policies.
III. Executive Committee Delegated Authority and Assignments
a. Act for the full Board of Trustees between meetings with the responsibility to report on its actions at the next Board meeting.
b. Review and take final action on proposed contracts of $10,000 or more that may constitute a potential conflict of interest under the Dual Memberships and Conflicts of Interest Policy of the Board of Governors, UNC Policy 200.1.
c. Review and make recommended findings to the Board of Trustees regarding allegations of violation of UNC Policy 200.1.
d. If a member of the Executive Committee has a substantial interest in an entity that is intending to contract with the university, as defined in UNC Policy 200.1, the Chair of the Board of Trustees may assign the matter to another standing committee of the Board of Trustees or appoint an ad hoc committee of no less than three members of the Board of Trustees to handle the matter. If the Chair of the Board of Trustees has a substantial interest or is alleged to have violated UNC Policy 200.1, the Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees will assign or appoint the committee.
e. Approve the following personnel actions in accordance with the authority granted to the Board of Trustees by the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina:
i. Permanent and temporary appointments and salary adjustments for Vice Chancellors within the salary ranges established by the UNC System Office.
ii. Any non-salary or deferred compensation for Vice Chancellors, including bonuses in accordance with UNC Regulation 300.2.14.2[R].
iii. Permanent non-promotional salary increases for Vice Chancellors, within the salary ranges established by the UNC System Office and pursuant to the authority granted by the Board of Governors, that do not exceed either 10% of the June 30 base salary as of the most recent fiscal year or that do not exceed the 75th percentile of the salary range regardless of the amount of increase.
f. Recommend to the Board of Governors for approval the following personnel actions:
i. Permanent non-promotional salary increases for Vice Chancellors that both exceed 10% of the June 30 base salary as of the most recent fiscal year and exceed the 75th percentile of the applicable salary range.
ii. All other salary actions for Vice Chancellors that require Board of Governors approval.
g. Make updates to these “Board of Trustees Delegations of Authority and Committee Responsibilities” that are non-discretionary, mandatory changes to comply with UNC policies and regulations or state or federal law.
IV. University Advancement and External Affairs Committee Delegated Authority and Assignments
a. Development and Advancement Activities
i. Approve all university fundraising campaigns.
ii. Advise the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for university advancement on the formation of campaign steering committees.
iii. Advise the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for university advancement on the priority, timing, direction, funding and management of capital and other fundraising campaigns.
iv. Recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval the naming of all facilities and programs, owned, operated or controlled by the university.
v. Advise the Chancellor in all areas pertaining to development, advancement services, university communications and alumni relations.
vi. Receive nominations for the Watauga Medals and recommend nominees for approval to the Board of Trustees.
vii. Receive regular reports on University Communications and NC State Alumni Association activities and initiatives.
b. External Affairs
i. Receive regular reports on the activities of the state legislature.
c. Policy Development
i. Upon the recommendation of the Chancellor, recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval policies related to the relationship between the university and its affiliated foundations and the coordination of all fundraising activities intended to benefit the university.
ii. Upon the recommendation of the Chancellor, recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval policies including but not limited to such matters as the conduct of fundraising campaigns, and the use and application of privately donated funds for any activity whose sponsorship may implicate or obligate the university.
iii. Upon the recommendation of the Chancellor, recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval policies regarding fundraising activities intended to benefit the Endowment Fund and various affiliated foundations.
iv. Recommend naming guidelines for endowed funds, and facilities and programs funded in whole or in part by private monies.
v. Upon recommendation of the Chancellor, recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval policies regarding the awarding of the Watauga Medal.
V. University Affairs Committee Delegated Authority and Assignments
a. EHRA Personnel – upon the recommendation of the Chancellor:
i. Approve permanent and temporary appointments and promotional and non-promotional salary increases for SAAO Tier I positions, other than the Chancellor, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, and Vice Chancellors, within the salary ranges established by the UNC System Office pursuant to the authority granted by the Board of Governors, that do not exceed either 10% of the June 30 base salary as of the most recent fiscal year or that do not exceed the 75th percentile of the salary range regardless of the amount of increase.
ii. Approve non-salary and deferred compensation and bonuses for EHRA employees, other than Vice Chancellors, in accordance with UNC Policy 300.2.14, NCSU POL05.15.03 and UNC Regulation 300.2.14.2[R].
iii. Establish salary ranges, based on available relevant market data for senior academic and administrative officers that are not established by the UNC System Office.
iv. Recommend to the Board of Governors any salary increase for EHRA employees other than for Vice Chancellors, that requires Board of Governors’ approval.
v. Review and approve any administrative separation or retreat rights subject to Board of Trustees approval under UNC Policy 300.1.6[R] and NC State POL 05.15.01. “Retreat rights” are those conditions of employment that would apply should the administrator leave his/her administrative position.
vi. Confer permanent tenure consistent with NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure.
vii. Designate Distinguished Professorships, including Distinguished Scholars, and Distinguished Fellows, which may be time limited pursuant to UNC Policy 600.2.3.
viii. Confer emeritus status to an individual with an SAAO Tier I appointment at retirement.
ix. Appoint or extend the contract of the athletic director and head coaches with employment contracts in accordance with UNC Policy 1100.3. Recommend contracts for Board of Governors’ approval in circumstances where the proposed contract terms require such approval under UNC Policy 600.3.4 and/or UNC Policy 1100.3.
x. Approve petitions relating to EHRA employees seeking political candidacy and/or public office holding as required by UNC Policy 300.5.2.
b. Employee Appeals
i. Discharge and Suspensions of Employees.
ii. In a manner consistent with the Board of Trustees’ Policies and Procedures, with applicable policies of the Board of Governors, and with State law, hear appeals of discharged or suspended employees from actions taken by the Chancellor when the applicable policies allow such appeals.
iii. Disposition of Employee Grievances.
a) Hear and render a decision on appeals in UNC Code Section 607 grievances, where neither the relevant administrative respondent nor the Chancellor made an adjustment recommended by the grievance committee in favor of the grievant.
c. Academic Programs and Research
i. Review academic degree proposals requiring approval by the Board of Governors and, upon the recommendation of the Chancellor, recommend such programs and proposals to the Board of Trustees.
ii. Receive notification on behalf of the Board of Trustees of other academic program proposals.
d. Student Affairs
i. Upon the recommendation of the Chancellor, review and recommend to the Board of Trustees the approval of campus initiated tuition increases and the approval of student fees, campus dining and housing rates (proposed new fees as well as adjustments to existing fees).
e. Honorary Degrees, Awards and Distinctions
i. Receive and review nominations for Honorary Degrees and Holladay Medals, and recommend nominees for approval to the Board of Trustees.
ii. Provide advice in the Chancellor’s selection of a Commencement speaker.
f. Planning
i. Review and recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval changes in the university’s mission statement.
ii. Advise the Chancellor on the development of plans to carry out the university’s mission.
iii. Review and approve the establishment, continuation and discontinuation of Centers and Institutes as required by the Board of Governors and UNC President and in accordance with UNC Policy 400.5[R].
g. Policy Development
i. Upon the recommendation of the Chancellor, recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval personnel policies not otherwise prescribed by State law, the UNC Code or policies of the Board of Governors, for personnel in all categories of university employment.
ii. Recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval policies regarding the collection of tuition, fees and other monies to be collected from students, as approved by the Board of Governors.
iii. Recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval policies for administration of scholarships and other financial aid to students.
iv. Upon recommendation of the Chancellor, recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval policies related to the provision of student services and activities, including but not limited to student government and intercollegiate athletics, subject to general provisions as may be prescribed by the Board of Governors.
v. Upon recommendation of the Chancellor, recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval policies related to research and centers and institutes.
h. Responsibilities
i. Receive and hear reports at committee meetings from the Chair of the Faculty Senate, the Chair of the Staff Senate, and the Student Body President.
VI. Nominating Committee Guidelines
a. Select one or more nominees for Chair from Board of Trustee members.
b. A Trustee may serve as Chair for two consecutive one-year terms. Where possible, in order to promote a limited continuity of leadership, the Committee is encouraged to give deference to the current Chair for re-nomination for a second consecutive year. A Chair who is serving a second consecutive year as Chair is ineligible for reappointment as Chair until one year has elapsed from the end of the second consecutive year of service. Where appropriate, when nominating a Chair other than the re-nomination of the current Chair, the Committee is encouraged to give deference to the Vice Chair as a candidate.
VII. Chancellor Delegated Authority
a. EHRA Personnel – which may be further delegated to specific designees, to:
i. Take final action on all EHRA personnel actions, except those contained in UNC Policy 600.3.4 and UNC Policy 1100.3, for which the authority is retained by the Board of Trustees and may not be delegated further.
ii. Approve bonuses in accordance with UNC Regulation 300.2.14.2[R] for faculty and non-faculty EHRA employees other than Vice Chancellors or Deans.
iii. Approve EHRA salary increases as authorized by UNC Policy 200.6, section I.A.(4) and further sub-delegated as follows:
a) A temporary salary stipend or supplement with a specified end date that does not exceed 36 months or $50,000 of annual salary adjustments above the June 30 base salary; and
b) A temporary salary stipend or supplement without a specified end date that does not exceed 20% and $15,000 of cumulative salary adjustments fiscal year to-date based on the employee’s June 30 salary.
iv. SAAO Tier II Positions
a) All promotional salary increases.
b) Permanent non-promotional salary increases up to a new base of $125,000 that do not exceed 10% of the employee’s June 30 base salary or exceed the 75th percentile range.
c) Temporary adjustments to the interim or acting assignments with a duration of up to 36 months or up to $50,000 annually above the employee’s June 30 base salary.
v. IRIT Positions
a) All promotional salary increases.
b) Permanent non-promotional adjustments within established salary ranges.
c) Temporary adjustments to interim or acting assignments with a duration up to 36 months or up to $50,000 annually above the employee’s June 30 base salary.
vi. IRIT Head Coaches/Associate/Assistant Coaches
a) All promotional salary increases.
b) Permanent non-promotional salary adjustments that do not exceed 25% of the June 30 base salary and do not exceed $25,000.
c) Temporary salary adjustments related to interim, acting, or other time-limited assignments or appointments with a duration up to 36 months or up to $50,000 annually above the June 30 base salary.
b. SHRA Personnel
i. Approve internal and external hiring, reallocation, career progression, additional duties, reclassification, or other salary actions as follows:
a) that do not exceed 15% of the market reference rate,
b) that do not exceed the market reference rate of a higher competency level or maximum of the salary range, or
c) for positions with a base of $135,000 or greater, up to 5% above the market reference rate.
c. Student Matters – which may be further delegated, to:
i. Determine, after consultation with the faculty, whether an individual student shall be entitled to receipt of a particular degree.
ii. Establish admission policies and resolve individual admission questions for all schools and divisions within the university.
iii. Collect from each student, at the beginning of the semester or term, such tuition, fees and other amounts necessary to pay other expenses for the term, as have been approved by the Board of Governors.
iv. Require payment of such advance deposits, as such times and under such conditions, as may be required by State law or by the Board of Governors.
v. Require payment of such nonrefundable application of fees, in connection with each application for admission, as may be required by State law of by the Board of Governors.
vi. Administer scholarships and other forms of financial aid to students which are limited in their application to or are supported by North Carolina State University subject to the terms of any applicable laws and to policies of the Board of Governors.
vii. Regulate student activities including student conduct, the approval of organized, institutionally-recognized student activities and the definition of roles and functions of any institutionally-recognized system of student self-government and student participation in the governance of any aspect of institutional programs and services.
viii. Establish and supervise the institution’s program of intercollegiate athletics, subject to such policies as may be prescribed by the Board of Governors and the Board of Trustees.
ix. Maintain campus security, subject to applicable provisions of State law and such policies as may be adopted by the Board of Governors.
x. Control and supervise campus utilities and other facilities subject to applicable provisions of State law and policies of the Board of Governors.
d. Signature Authority for Contracts, Leases and Other Agreements – which may be further delegated, to:
i. Sign and execute agreements, contracts, leases, and other official documents (all herein referred to corporately as agreements) with institutions, agencies, corporations, partnerships, individuals and other legal entities, said agreements including all such agreements not required by law or administrative regulation to be otherwise executed.
ii. Agreements shall comply with (1) the law of North Carolina, especially North Carolina General Statutes, Chapters 143 and 146, when applicable, and (2) with The Code and with policies determined by the Board of Governors or the Board of Trustees.
e. Acquisition and Disposition of Real Property
i. Acquire or dispose of an interest in real property other than by lease valued at less than $50,000
ii. Acquire or dispose of an interest in real property by lease with an annual value of $150,000 or less and a term of not more than 10 years
f. Authority to Award Emeritus Status
i. Award emeritus status to Faculty and SAAO Tier II employees in accordance with applicable Board of Trustees policies governing the award of emeritus status.
g. The Use of Firearms on the University’s Research Stations, Field Laboratories, Forest and Woodland Properties – which may be further delegated.
i. Establish operating procedures and to allow the use of weapons on the University’s research stations, field laboratories, forest and woodland properties for the purposes of controlling animal depredation of crops and for wildlife management.
VIII. Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Delegated Authority
a. Purchase, Sell, Transfer or Sign Trust Fund Assets and Securities.
i. Buy stocks, bonds, or other securities of corporations, firms, or individuals, of the United States Government, or of any state or political subdivision thereof.
ii. Sell, trade, assign, endorse, and deliver for transfer certificates representing stocks, bonds, or other securities of corporations, firms, or individuals, of the United States Government, or of any state or political subdivision thereof.
iii. Assign for reissue or redemption any registered obligation of any corporation, the United States Government and its instrumentalities, or of any state or political subdivision thereof, now or hereafter registered in the name of North Carolina State University at Raleigh.
b. Trademark Registration and Licensing Program – or designee.
i. Register such marks, symbols and other indicia of the University in the various states and with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as he deems appropriate.
ii. Enter into an agreement with an agent for the licensing of North Carolina State University’s marks, symbols, and indicia in a manner deemed consistent with the purposes and needs of the University.
c. Internal Revenue Service Reimbursement Resolutions – or designee.
i. Declare the official intent of NC State within the meaning of Section 1.150-2 of the Treasury Regulations promulgated under Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, evidencing NC State’s intent to reimburse NC State for expenditures incurred and paid by NC State in connection with projects from the proceeds of tax exempt obligations.
d. Business Signatures – or designee.
i. Establish Imprest Checking Accounts.
ii. Approve Tax Related Documents necessary for the University.
iii. Approve Trust Fund Authorities and Related Changes.
iv. Approve University Receipt Centers.