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Table containing summaries of updates made to policies, regulations, and rules.
Title Date Last
Change Summary History
REG 05.20.24 – Scholarly Reassignment for Faculty2024-07-24Updated hyperlink...view
REG 11.55.02 – Use of University Space2024-07-23Revised to update definitions and clarify prohibitions....view
REG 11.55.04 – Painting, Chalking, Posters and Temporary Outdoor Signs2024-07-23Revised to reflect current practices and prohibitions and provide clarity as to when signs can be placed around campus....view
REG 04.05.04 – Building Locking Systems2024-07-23Revised to clarify OIT responsibilities and listing of pertinent reference...view
REG 04.00.07 – Developing University Continuity and IT Disaster Recovery Plans2024-07-23Revised to reflect and clarify current processes, responsibilities and related policies including hyperlinks. Title change to clearly reflect scope and purpose of reg. ...view
REG 04.05.03 – Electronic Security Management System (SMS)2024-07-18Updated hyperlink...view
POL 01.10.01 – Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund2024-07-18Revised to update the ex officio membership, streamline verbiage, align quorum to match Board of Trustees verbiage...view
POL 07.60.01 – Parking and Transportation Ordinances2024-07-12Revisions to correct typographical errors...view
REG 01.25.05 – Procedure for Formatting, Adopting, and Publishing Policies, Regulations, and Rules (PRR Protocol)2024-07-11Revised to update template...view
REG 01.25.17 – Surveys of NC State Students, Alumni, Faculty, Staff and/or Administrators2024-07-09Revision to reflect updated titles, names and points of contact....view
REG 11.55.07 – Registered Student Organizations: Regulation for Student Leadership, Membership, and Registration2024-07-09Revised to restore requirement for registered student organizations to have an advisor....view
POL 07.60.01 – Parking and Transportation Ordinances2024-06-28Revisions to reflect updated operations and business needs...view
REG 05.20.27 – Statements of Faculty Responsibilities2024-06-25Revised to align with new System Office Policies...view
REG 05.20.10 – Evaluation of Teaching2024-06-25Revised to align with new System Office Policies...view
REG 07.25.06 – Scheduling a Fire Alarm Disconnect (Repealed)2024-06-25Repealed - Revisions to REG 07.25.05 – Utility Interruption Request incorporate this regulation...view
REG 07.25.05 – Routine Utility Interruption Request (Repealed)2024-06-25Repealed - REG 07.25.05 was combined with REG 07.25.06 and converted to RUL 07.25.13 to update the procedure and align with new service portal tool....view
REG 04.05.04 – Building Locking Systems2024-06-25Updates to reflect and clarify current processes and responsibilities ...view
REG 05.20.03 – Annual Reviews of Faculty Members2024-06-25Revised to align with new System Office Policies...view
REG 05.20.24 – Scholarly Reassignment for Faculty2024-06-03Updated hyperlink...view
REG 05.20.20 – Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Dossier Format Requirements2024-05-28Revised - COVID Impact statement retooled into a 'major distruptions' statement and removal of requirement for explanation for early tenure actions in assessments...view
REG 01.20.02 – Delegation of Authority to Sign Contracts2024-05-10Revised - Hyperlink updates and change of subdelegation to review and approve academic contracts (section 4.1.1) due to personnel changes....view
POL 05.20.03 – Faculty Workload2024-04-26New Policy drafted to comply with the UNC System Office Workload Policy 400.3.4. ...view
POL 08.00.01 – Use of IT Resources Policy2024-04-26Revised - The policy scope was enhanced and IT resources were more clearly defined....view
REG 02.30.03 – Residence For Matriculation and Graduation2024-04-02Revised - Update the process for consideration of exceptions to the hours requirement and to include requirements for an associate degree....view
REG 05.60.01 On-Call Pay2024-03-25Updated to remove inactive hyperlink to additional references....view
REG 01.25.18 – Programs that Involve the Participation of Minors2024-03-11Revised - Updated contact information...view
REG 07.55.04 – Returned Checks (Repealed)2024-03-05Repealed - This information is provided on the University Cashier's website....view
REG 07.55.05 – Student Financial Records (Repealed)2024-03-05Repealed - This regulation was determined to be duplicative to University Reg 11.00.01 and therefore not necessary....view