REG 05.20.26 – Self Assessment for RPT Review (Repealed)
Repealed April 5, 2005, because the self-assessment was approved as an optional section in the RPT dossier beginning with the 2004-05 RPT cycle.
Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
History: First Issued: 1998-1999. Last Revised: April 5, 2005.
Contact Info: Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs (919-515-9770)
This regulation was repealed on April 5, 2005, because the self-assessment was approved as an optional section in the RPT dossier beginning with the 2004-05 RPT cycle. The small amount of information from this regulation will be placed in the dossier instructions as follows:
I.C. Candidate’s Statement (Optional) – (Page limit: 2) Although the dossier format allows for annotation in lists and other methods of providing pertinent information, a candidate may want to provide additional information or perspective about aspects of their accomplishments. The candidate’s statement should not duplicate information found elsewhere in the dossier. However, the statement may reference applicable pages of the dossier to highlight material that the candidate wishes to emphasize