RUL 05.67.801 – Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Procedures

Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

History: First Issued: September 22, 2002. Last Revised: September 14, 2016.

Related Policies: 
NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure
NCSU REG05.20.27 – Statement of Faculty Responsibilities

Additional References:
Office of the Provost RPT Website

Contact Info: Department Head (919-515-6638 or 919-515-4077)

1. Introduction

This rule describes the Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science (TECS) standards and procedures for making reappointment, promotion and tenure recommendations. It is supplemental to and consistent with the NC State University Academic Tenure Policy. It also states the philosophy of the department and the standards used in making these critical recommendations. Additional procedural details as described by the Office of the Provost via the Provost’s RPT website shall be incorporated by the department. The TECS Department acknowledges these procedures and uses them when considering reappointment, promotion and tenure recommendations.

2. Areas of Faculty Responsibility

Faculty members in the TECS Department carry out the mission of the university through their responsibilities in teaching, research, extension and engagement and service. All faculty members are expected to become involved in the operation of the Department, College, and University by serving in various capacities.

3. General Standards

The standards to be used in evaluating faculty members for promotion and tenure reflect an expectation of high‑level performance in all responsibilities of faculty. No standard or definitive distinction is made between the level of expectations for performance in research, teaching or extension and engagement.

All faculty members to be considered for reappointment, promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor with tenure, Associate Professor to Associate Professor with tenure, or Associate Professor to Professor must demonstrate and document that they have made regular scholarly contributions to their field in an appropriate form and at an appropriate level. These contributions should be defined more broadly than simply the publication of research, as many different forms of scholarly activity can contribute to the excellence of a university.

In addition, the overall program of a faculty member must have depth, strength, vitality, and fit within the mission of the TECS Department, the College, and the University. Collegiality, i.e., collaboration and constructive cooperation, is an important aspect of every faculty member’s overall performance and is valued.

3.1. Teaching Standards

A candidate for reappointment, promotion and/or tenure must have demonstrated a commitment to teaching excellence and have a commendable teaching record. Examples of activities considered as teaching include, but are not limited to, the following: teaching effectiveness, student learning and achievement, course and curriculum development, student advising and mentoring, authorship of textbooks and teaching aids, course coordination and service on thesis, dissertation and other graduate project committees.

The evaluation of teaching performance will be based on a variety of information that may include, but is not limited to:

3.1.1. Course syllabi, course content, course supplements, exams, papers, and other student assignments,

3.1.2. Peer review assessment,

3.1.3. Written student evaluations,

3.1.4. Course/curriculum development

3.1.5. Scholarly contributions to teaching and education

Honors, awards, and other special recognition are also indicators of quality and dedication to teaching. Teaching load must be realistically established and must be equitably distributed among faculty in the Department. Failure to do so can adversely affect performance in all areas.

Faculty members are encouraged to seek external funds for teaching development.

3.2. Research Standards

Although scholarly productivity is usually equated with conducting research and reporting results in peer‑reviewed journals, it may also take other forms. These may include the publication of books or the production of scholarly works of a form and type determined by the Department or discipline.

Quantity is of importance only as a general indicator of regular activity. Of more significance is the quality of the contribution to the new knowledge in the field. The Department must determine the relative weight given to various types and forms of scholarly activity. A candidate for reappointment, promotion and tenure must have substantive works accepted for publication that have been subjected to a peer review process; these works may include journal articles, books, patents, and monographs. For promotion to each rank, the expectation is that some of these publications will be in that group of journals considered to be at the top of a particular field or area.

Effort at and success in attracting external funding is important. This funding may take the form of research contracts, direct grants, university mini-grants, memoranda of agreements, unrestricted gifts, in‑kind support and collaborative efforts.

Education of graduate students and post-graduates baccalaureates is an important contribution to a field. Success of graduates is an important measure of the strength of a program. Focused directions of undergraduate and graduate research and chairing/co-chairing graduate student committees are also a part of research activity.

Additional scholarly works such as papers presented at professional meetings and successful research contract proposals are considered part of the candidate’s scholarly activities. The quantity and quality of unpublished working papers, manuscripts, and grant proposals are important elements in assessing a person’s continuing commitment to scholarly activities. Activities, such as memberships on editorial boards of refereed journals, serving as a referee, assisting colleagues with their research activities, and serving as an officer of a professional organization may also be considered.

3.3. Extension and Engagement Standards

Extension and engagement activities fulfilling the mission of the department, college, and the university are considered in the tenure review process. The active transfer of knowledge and technology to industry is a vital activity of a Research-extensive Land Grant university. Examples of activities considered as extension and engagement include, but are not limited to, the following: industrial seminars, applied research activities, technical workshops, publication in trade journals, serving on technical advisory committees of trade associations, and consulting.

3.4. Service Standards

All faculty members are expected to become involved in the operation of the Department, College, and University by serving in various capacities (for example, on committees, boards, panels, task forces and commissions). Although there is a reasonable limit to the extent of involvement (to be managed by the Department Head), it is not unreasonable for these tasks to occupy an average of 10 to 15 percent of a faculty member’s time. Appointments requiring larger amounts of time must be approved in advance by the Department Head.

4. Standards for Reappointment as Assistant Professor

To be reappointed as Assistant Professor, the candidate must demonstrate ability or definite promise in teaching, research, extension and extension and engagement as specified in the Statement of Faculty Responsibility, and an ability and willingness to participate in university, college, and departmental affairs which will lead to promotion to Associate Professor with tenure.

5. Standards for Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure

To be promoted to Associate Professor with tenure, a candidate must first meet the standards listed above for reappointment as an assistant professor. Also, the individual will have achieved distinction in research, teaching, extension and engagement and service commensurate with their Statement of Faculty Responsibilities. The department must be assured that there is a high expectation that the candidate will continue to build their national and international reputations through significant contributions to the field. The same standard for promotion to Associate Professor with tenure will be applied to candidates being considered for tenure after having been appointed at the associate professor level.

6. Standards for Promotion to Professor

To merit promotion to Professor, a candidate will have met the standards described above for appointment or promotion to Associate Professor with tenure. Also, the individual will have demonstrated a proven record of distinguished achievement in research, teaching, research, extension and engagement and service commensurate with their Statement of Faculty Responsibility. For promotion to Professor, the department must be assured that the candidate has achieved (or earned) national and international recognition for excellence in her/his field of research and that the candidate will maintain this reputation through significant (and regular) contributions to the field.

7. Procedures for Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure

7.1. Departmental procedure for developing the department voting faculty (DVF) assessment and the department head (DH) recommendation.

7.1.1. The schedule of DVF meetings for the following academic year is distributed by the Department Head at the May faculty meeting.

7.1.2. The fall meetings for RPT candidates consist of two DVF meetings convened by the DH.  The meetings are chaired by the DH who does not vote or enter into the discussion unless the DVF request information not provided in the dossier.  Before the first DVF meeting, each candidate’s dossier is provided to the appropriate DVF group by the DH at least four days in advance of the first meeting.  In the case of promotion to Professor, only tenured full professors will be provided access to the dossier.  In cases of promotion to Associate Professor with tenure or conferral of tenure on an untenured Associate Professor, all tenured faculty with be provided access to each candidate’s dossier.  In the first meeting, the appropriate DVF discuss each RPT candidate.

7.1.3. In the second meeting, which normally takes place one to two weeks later, any additional information requested during the first meeting  is presented by the DH.  No discussion of the candidates may occur at the second meeting except for discussion concerning additional information that has been presented.  A secret ballot is conducted by the Secretary of the DVF. The full professor with the most years of service at that rank in TECS shall serve as the Secretary of the DVF

7.1.4. After the meeting, the Secretary of the DVF prepares a draft of the assessment statement. This draft is shared with the DVF and revised until it is acceptable. The assessment is forwarded to the DH.

7.1.5. The DH considers the DVF assessment and then writes an independent assessment and recommendation, which are forwarded to the Dean.

7.2. Method for selection of the college RPT committee representative

TECS elects two members to serve on the College RPT committee. These members serve staggered two-year terms. The two members must hold the rank of full professor and two programs must be represented from among TT (Textile Technology), TE (Textile Engineering) and PCC (Polymer and Color Chemistry). The TECS members of the College RPT committee may not vote in the TECS RPT DVF meetings but are encouraged to participate in the candidate discussions at the DVF meetings.

7.3. The review timeline is scheduled in advance so that the assessments and recommendations may be shared with the candidates, who may wish to respond. The timeline is established based on the date on which the dossiers are due in the Provost’s Office.