RUL 05.67.802 – Wilson College of Textiles Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Procedures

Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

History: First Issued: September 30, 2003. Last Revised: January 4, 2024.

Related Policies:
NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure
NCSU REG05.20.27 – Statement of Faculty Responsibilities

NCSU REG 05.20.34 – Professional Faculty Ranks and Appointments

Additional References:
Office of the Provost RPT Website

Culture Charter of the Wilson College

Contact Info: 
Dean of Wilson College of Textiles (919-515-6500)

1. Introduction

This rule describes the standards and procedures for reappointment, promotion and tenure (RPT) in the Wilson College of Textiles. It is supplemental to and consistent with the NC State University Academic Tenure Policy (POL 05.20.01).

The Wilson College of Textiles is committed to providing the highest quality academic programs and services to students, to conducting leading research in a wide variety of areas supporting the fiber, textile, apparel and other fiber based products industries, and to providing outstanding extension and engagement activities in support of these industries.

The Wilson College of Textiles has faculty with backgrounds in a wide variety of academic disciplines and experience, and with different responsibilities. To be applicable to all faculty in both departments, the college-wide guidelines must, of necessity, be general. The two academic departments have developed specific guidelines appropriate to the types of academic activities and disciplines of the faculty in their departments. The Wilson College recognizes the importance of these disciplines and the defined mix of activities leading to creative scholarship, teaching and service. The Wilson College rule is intended to support the appropriate Realms of Faculty Responsibility.

The standards used in evaluating performance of faculty members include an assessment of demonstrated professional competence in an appropriate mix of the specific Realms of Faculty Responsibility as defined by each department’s Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Procedures rule and agreed upon in each faculty member’s Statement of Faculty Responsibilities (SFR); Professional Development Roadmaps (PDR); and Faculty Activity Reports of the individual.

In addition to providing guidance to the Wilson College faculty, this document is also intended to provide guidance to the College Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee (CRPTC) when evaluating individual cases forwarded to the college level by the departments (Departmental Voting Faculty, Head). Each department in the Wilson College has more specifics in their rule for evaluation by the Departmental Voting Faculty (DVF).  DVF members holding administrative appointments of greater than 50% do not vote but are encouraged to attend the meetings and participate in the discussion.

The decisions relating to reappointment, promotion and tenure are second only to the initial decision to hire faculty. The Wilson College strives to create a process that encourages excellence through scholarly activities in the selected mix of Realms of Faculty Responsibility. We define scholarship as the process of systematically, continuously, and rigorously expanding the knowledge base of society. The process for reappointment, promotion and tenure, therefore, must continuously strive to assess whether the faculty members demonstrate the recognized ability and potential for excellence in the selected mix of Realms of Faculty Responsibility.

2. Areas of Faculty Responsibility

The CRPTC will assure that the following six standards are considered in making reappointment, promotion and tenure decisions:

2.1. Teaching and Mentoring of Undergraduate and Graduate Students. Transmission of knowledge to students and the development of wisdom are two primary reasons universities exist.  The goal is to develop students who can play effective and socially constructive roles in a wide variety of institutions and endeavors, who can understand their service in a global and societal context, and who understand the importance of life-long learning.  Knowledge, insights, and understanding are transmitted through disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary learning.

2.2. Discovery of Knowledge through Discipline-Guided Inquiry. Such inquiry requires inductive and deductive reasoning; qualitative and quantitative methodologies; hypotheses and propositions; measurements; accumulation of evidence; analysis and argument; interpretation and evaluation; and communication/publication of findings, concepts, and conclusions.   Basic research aims at understanding the world around us.  Applied research is inquiry aimed at enhancing the arts of teaching and learning, management of nature and human institutions, and developing practices and technologies useful to society.  Discovery of knowledge can be achieved by working either as an individual or as part of a collaborative team.

2.3. Creative Artistry and Literature. Creative artistry involves the creation, production, interpretation, and evaluation of cultural artifacts that generate new insights and interpretations with the potential to inspire and advance the quality of life in society.  Creative artistry can be expressed through literary, performing, fine, and applied arts.

2.4. Technological and Managerial Innovation. Technological innovation provides the means by which knowledge and imagination in the sciences, humanities, and creative arts can be harnessed to drive the economic and social systems of the state, nation, and world, and ultimately, provide new products, processes, and services.

2.5. Extension and Engagement with Constituencies outside the University.  Engagement with people and organizational constituencies outside the university are the principal means by which NC State and other land-grant universities fulfill their unique mission.  Accomplishments in extension and engagement represent an ongoing two-way interchange of knowledge, information, understanding, and services between the university and the state, nation, and world.

2.6. Service to Professional Societies and Discipline, and Service and Engagement within the University itself.  Complex research-extensive universities and discipline-focused scientific and professional societies simply do not work effectively, efficiently, or for long, without the dedicated and continuing investment of university faculty time and creative energy in the programs and governance of these organizations.  Thus, service to and engagement within all parts of the university and its affiliated organizations, including professional scientific and literary organizations (e.g., professional societies that serve a specific discipline, scholarly journals or presses, juried competitions) is valued, appreciated, and rewarded by NC State.

3. General Standards

The CRPTC also assures that the Departmental Voting Faculty have given consideration to a faculty member’s ability to function as part of the department, college, and university team. Individual accomplishments are of primary importance, but contributions to the success of the department, college, and university must be considered along with individual accomplishments.

In addition, the overall program of a faculty member must have depth, strength, vitality, and fit within the mission and their behavior be aligned with the Culture Charter of the Wilson College and the University.  Collegiality, i.e., collaboration and constructive cooperation, is an important aspect of every faculty member’s overall performance and is valued.

4. Standards for Reappointment as Assistant Professor

Specific standards or standards required for reappointment as assistant professor are provided in the Departmental RPT Rules.

5. Standards for Associate Professor with Tenure

Specific standards or standards required for promotion to associate professor are provided in the Departmental RPT Rules.

6. Standards for Professor

Specific standards or standards required for promotion to professor are provided in the Departmental RPT Rules.

7. Procedures for RPT Review

7.1 In accordance with REG 05.20.34 Non-Tenure Track Faculty Ranks and Appointments Section 10.1.3 which requires that each Dean must establish for the college for all the categories of full-time (> 0.75 FTE) non-tenure track faculty with professorial rank whether to require external evaluation letters for the dossier, the Dean of the Textiles has decided the following:

Clinical Assistant/Associate/Full Professors:  Letters not required.
Extension Assistant/Associate/Full Professors:  Letters not required.
Research Assistant/Associate/Full Professors:  Letters not required.
Teaching  Assistant/Associate/Full Professors:  Letters not required.
Assistant/Associate/Full Professors of the Practice:  Letters not required.

7.2  The CRPTC consists of two elected members from each department. Additional members may be appointed by the Dean at the Dean’s discretion. The Departmental Voting Faculty in each department elects two members for two-year terms. Members should be full professors. Each member may be reelected for a second consecutive term. The departments assure that the diversity of the people on the faculty of the college are represented, that as many as possible of the disciplinary and professional specialties of the college are covered, and that the areas of the faculty responsibility within the teaching, research and extension and engagement missions of the college are represented. The departmental representatives on the CRPTC assure that the diversity of the research areas and knowledge of accepted practices in each discipline are shared with the CRPTC .

7.3  In the Wilson College of Textiles the Dean is not a member of CRPTC.  The dean appoints one member on the CRPTC to serve as the committee chair.  The chair shall serve for a one-year term, and shall alternate between members from different departments each year.  The CRPTC assures that expectations have been clearly defined for each faculty member being reviewed and that the departmental committees have reviewed the candidate in regard to the expectations. The CRPTC reviews the processes used by the Department, verifies that the dossiers prepared by the faculty and departments are complete and adhere to the required format, and documents the findings of its review.

7.4  The CRPTC also assures that the processes outlined in the Departments’ Rule, the College Rule, and the University policies and regulations have been followed. The committee assures fairness and equitable treatment of all candidates. The committee also considers the strength of the departmental recommendations. Each member of the CRPTC votes on the action required as a representative of the College Committee.  While the CRPTC members are expect to be present and participate in all Departmental Voting Faculty in their respective home departments, they are not voting members of their home Departmental Voting Faculty.  Once a member of the CRPTC is no longer a member,  they will again become a voting member of their home Departmental Voting Faculty.  At the conclusion of the CRPTC’s discussion, one member of the CRPTC prepares a summary document of the findings of the CRPTC, and consults with the Committee to achieve consensus on the draft prior to submitting the CRPTC’s assessment to the dossier.  The written assessment and the vote of the CRPTC members becomes a permanent record in the candidate’s dossier and is used as input by the Dean in preparing their recommendation.  The Dean’s written recommendation, and the written assessment and tally of votes by the CRPTC and Head, are shared with the Departmental Voting Faculty and to the candidate by way of the department head.

7.5 Candidates will have five business days to submit to the department head an optional written response to then be reviewed by the CRPTC and the Dean.  The Head will subsequently share with the Departmental Voting Faculty.

7.6 The final dossier, unless it is a positive reappointment, will be submitted to the Provost.  Positive reappointment decisions are final upon Dean approval.