REG 02.20.18 Reasonable Modifications for Students Related to Pregnancy or Pregnancy-Related Conditions

Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

History: First Issued: July 23, 2024, Effective August 1, 2024

Contact: Vice Provost for Equal Opportunity (919-515-4559)

Related Policies:

NCSU POL 04.25.05 – Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination, and Affirmative Action Policy
NCSU REG 02.20.01 – Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
NCSU REG 02.15.08 – Parental Leave for Graduate Students

Additional References:

Pregnancy or Pregnancy-Related Condition Modification or Accommodation request form
Pregnancy Resource Page
Lactation Rooms

1. Introduction

This regulation serves as a companion to NCSU POL 04.25.05 (“Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy”) to outline the specific procedures for addressing Student Pregnancy or Pregnancy-Related Conditions. In compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) and state law, North Carolina State University (“NC State” or the “University”) provides Reasonable Modifications to Students on the basis of Pregnancy or Pregnancy-related Conditions as set forth in this regulation.

2. Definitions

For purposes of this regulation, the following definitions shall apply:

2.1.      Programs or Activities: The operations of NC State.

2.2.      Pregnancy or Pregnancy-Related Condition:

  1. Pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation;
  2. Medical conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation; or
  3. Recovery from pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, lactation, or related medical conditions.

2.3.      Reasonable Modification: A change to a University policy, practice, or procedure that is based on a Student’s individualized needs, that ensures the Student’s equal access to a University Program or Activity, and that does not fundamentally alter the nature of the University’s Program or Activity.

2.4.      Student: Any person who has accepted admission to NC State through the date of graduation. This includes but is not limited to new Students at orientation, persons not currently enrolled but who are still seeking a degree from NC State, persons not currently enrolled but who were enrolled at the time of the conduct at issue, and any other person enrolled in a credit-earning course offered by NC State.

2.5.      Vice Provost for Equal Opportunity:  The Vice Provost for the Office of Equal Opportunity or their designee coordinates equal opportunity compliance under NCSU POL 04.25.05 and serves as the Title IX Coordinator

3.         Process for Reasonable Modification(s)

3.1       A Student or person who has a legal right to act on behalf of the Student may inform the Vice Provost for Equal Opportunity of the Student’s Pregnancy or Pregnancy-Related Condition and make a request for modification, by using one of the following means:

  1. In person by speaking to the Vice Provost for Equal Opportunity, or to any Equal Opportunity Officer (EOO) of the OEO;
  2. By delivering, mailing, or otherwise transmitting notification to the OEO;
  3. By calling the OEO at (919) 513-0574;
  4. By emailing the notification to; or
  5. By completing the OEO online Pregnancy or Pregnancy-Related Condition Modification Request

If a modification is requested, the University will provide the opportunity for the Student to engage in an interactive process regarding requested modifications.

3.2       Upon receipt of a request for modification, an EOO will consult with the Student regarding what modifications may be needed by the Student. The EOO may request necessary and reasonable supporting documentation to determine appropriate modifications.

3.3       The EOO will work with applicable units/departments to determine whether such modifications are Reasonable Modifications, and what, if any, Reasonable Modifications will be offered. The Student will be provided a written determination regarding the requested modifications.

3.4       The Student can accept or decline each Reasonable Modification offered by the University. If a Student accepts an offered Reasonable Modification, the EOO will work with the Student and the unit/department to facilitate implementation. The University recognizes that needs associated with Pregnancy and Pregnancy-Related Conditions may change over time. The Student can request to adjust any accepted and/or implemented Reasonable Modifications or seek new or different Reasonable Modifications as appropriate.

3.5       In the event of a dispute about a determination regarding requested modifications, the Student may request a Modification Reconsideration through OEO. To initiate this process, the Student should submit a request for reconsideration in writing to the Vice Provost for Equal Opportunity within 14 days following the receipt of the written modification determination.

3.6       Students with complaints related to discrimination or harassment on the basis of Pregnancy or Pregnancy-Related Conditions should follow the established procedures set forth in REGs 04.25.02 or 04.25.08 as applicable.

4.         Confidentiality

Personally identifiable information obtained under the process described above will not be disclosed except to carry out the purposes of that process and/or as required or allowed by law. Pursuant to applicable law, applicable units/departments may be provided information in order to make decisions regarding requested modifications and to facilitate Reasonable Modifications.