REG 02.90.01 – Assessment of Academic Programs
Authority: Issued by the Chancellor. Changes or exceptions to administrative regulations issued by the Chancellor may only be made by the Chancellor.
History: First Issued: July 8, 2014. Last Revised: October 29, 2024.
Related Policies:
UNC Policy 400.1 – Policy on Academic Program Planning
Additional References:
Office of Assessment and Accreditation Website
SACSCOC, The Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement, Section 8: Student Achievement
Office of Assessment and Accreditation website
Graduate School website
Program Assessment website
Flowchart Assessment for Academic Programs
Contact: Vice Provost for Accreditation and Assessment, Office of Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost (919-515-3062)
The purpose of academic program assessment at North Carolina State University (“NC State” or the
“University”) is to assist the University in maintaining a balanced portfolio of educational programs
that is consistent with the mission of the University, to provide a gauge for institutional effectiveness,
and to assist the University in its efforts to continually improve the quality of teaching and learning at
NC State.
NC State’s assessment process involves both annual outcomes assessments (“Outcomes Assessments”)
and program reviews (“Program Reviews”). Outcomes
Assessment provides systematic data to
evaluate whether students are achieving the educational outcomes of their program. Program reviews
are the process by which the University engages in the thoughtful evaluation of the performance of its
academic programs and their consistency with the mission of the University.
Assessment is required by University of North Carolina policy and NC State’s accreditor and is a
cornerstone of institutional effectiveness.
NC State is committed to assessment that is meaningful, manageable, efficient, and useful for making
academic decisions at the program and unit levels and broader decisions at the college and university
2.1 Applicability and Structure
2.1.1 Applicability
All bachelors, master and doctoral degree programs as well as transcripted certificate programs (individually and collectively, “Programs”) are subject to a yearly outcomes assessment. Each Program must identify a set of student learning outcomes and a plan for assessing each outcome within a three to five year cycle. NC State maintains the outcomes and assessment plan for each Program and requires an annual outcomes assessment report addressing the outcomes stated in the corresponding assessment
2.1.2 Structure
The annual outcomes assessment reporting process includes three levels of reporting – program, department and college. Program level reports are authored by Program faculty and present direct evidence of student learning relative to the outcomes assessed, a detailed analysis of the evidence, strengths and areas for improvement, and actions that have been taken to improve student learning. Department level reports summarize the findings across all Programs in the department and identify areas for improvement. College level reports summarize trends across all Programs in the college. The Office of Assessment and Accreditation and the Graduate School jointly facilitate and manage the annual Outcomes Assessment process.
2.2 Responsibility and Oversight
2.2.1 Responsibility
College deans are responsible for ensuring that every Program and non-departmental program
maintains current student learning outcomes and corresponding program assessment plans, implements
regular procedures for assessing student learning outcomes, and submits annual outcomes assessment
reports. Department heads are responsible for designating a qualified faculty member for each Program
who will coordinate assessment of that Program and post an annual assessment report in the online
submission portal. Department heads, deans, and the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
(“Provost”) are responsible for ensuring that Outcomes Assessment results are used for Program
improvement at each level as appropriate.
2.2.2 Oversight
The Provost is responsible for the effectiveness of the Outcomes Assessment process. The Office of
Assessment and Accreditation and the Graduate School are responsible for facilitating the Outcomes
Assessment process including providing assessment consultation, support, and resources, reviewing
and archiving all assessment reports and providing feedback to each Program in consultation with the
Academic Assessment Council.
3.1 Applicability
The Chancellor shall review all academic degree programs (“Degree Programs”) at least once every
eight years from the date of the preceding review or from the implementation date of a new academic
program, or on such schedule as the president of the University of North Carolina System (“President”)
may prescribe. For purposes of this regulation, Degree Programs include bachelors, masters, and
doctoral degree programs; Degree Programs do not include associates, certificates, concentrations,
minors or any other credit bearing credential not listed in this paragraph.
3.2 Structure
3.2.1 Program Reviews shall include two parts:
● The strategic program review, and
● The academic program review addendum.
3.2.2 Strategic Program Reviews (“SPR”): SPRs leverage the expertise of external experts in the
field of study to identify general strengths and weaknesses of academic program(s) and result
in specific action plans to address areas which need improvement. The primary focus of SPRs
is the analysis and continuous improvement of the quality of academic programs. The Office
of Assessment and Accreditation and the Graduate School jointly facilitate and manage the
Academic degree programs that are accredited by a disciplinary/professional accrediting agency
may request to use that process in lieu of the NC State SPR.
3.2.3 Academic Program Review (“APR”) Addendum: Consistent with UNC Policy Manual
400.1, the APRA shall evaluate:
a. Current and projected student demand, as measured by enrollments in the majors and
degrees produced;
b. Current and projected workforce demand, as measured by projected job growth and
existing data on student employment outcomes;
c. Student outcomes, including persistence, graduation, time to degree, and, where
possible, post-graduation success;
d. Program costs and productivity, including research, scholarship, and creative activity
and student credit hours produced compared to the number and cost of faculty and
e. The contribution of the Program to professions that are critical to the health,
educational attainment, and quality of life of North Carolinians; and
f. Any other considerations identified by the chancellor or by the President.
The Office of Assessment and Accreditation and the Graduate School jointly facilitate and
manage the APRA.
All academic degree programs are required to develop and submit the APRA on a cycle not to
exceed seven years, unless an alternative timeline is reviewed and approved by the President
(i.e., in the case of programs accredited by a disciplinary/professional accrediting agency).
3.3 Responsibilities
In consultation with programs, units and colleges, the Office of Assessment and Accreditation and the
Graduate School develop, publish and maintain the calendar for NC State’s SPRs and APRAs.
Faculty, department and unit leaders work with the Office of Accreditation and Assessment and the
Graduate School to complete both APRA and SPR in accordance with the NC State Program Review
calendar and following the standard operating procedure of each process. For programs subject to
SPRs, the summary report will contain the data mandated under 3.2.3 along with the program strengths
and action plan resulting from the SPR. For specially accredited programs not subject to the SPR, the
summary report will contain the mandated information under 3.2.3 along with the program strengths
and action plan resulting from the last available external accreditation.
3.4 Oversight
For each SPR, the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost will lead a post-review meeting
to finalize an action plan. Programs have to address progress in the implementation of their action plan
in their annual outcomes assessment report.
The Office of the Provost and the Chancellor’s Office will review APRAs on an annual basis to ensure
the maintenance of a sound and balanced educational program that is consistent with the functions and
mission of the institution. The chancellor shall be prepared to initiate discussions regarding the
expansion, contraction, or discontinuation of programs based upon that review, in accordance with
section 502D of the Code of the University of North Carolina. Summary reports of all APRAs shall be
reviewed by Boards of Trustees and then submitted annually to the president of the University of North
Carolina system.