REG 05.20.20 – Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Dossier Format Requirements

Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

History: First Issued: August 1988.  Last Revised: May 28. 2024.

Related Policies:  
NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure
NCSU REG05.20.05 – Consultation and Written Assessments, Recommendations and Responses in RPT Review
NCSU REG05.20.10 – Evaluation of Teaching
NCSU REG05.20.27 – Statements of Faculty Responsibilities

Additional References:
Collection of Optional and Required Formats for Presenting Sections of the Dossier

Dossier Instructions on Provost’s Web Site
NC State’s Online Tool for Submission of Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Dossiers
NC State Guide on Peer Review of Teaching
Peer Review of Teaching Summary Template

Contact Info: Senior Vice Provost for Faculty & Academic Affairs (919-513-7741)


1.1 This regulation addresses the required format of the Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) dossier. The dossier is to be submitted by the College Dean to the Provost via NC State’s Online Tool for Submission of Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Dossiers.  If, however, the college prefers to use a different system for the review prior to uploading the dossiers into the Online Tool for Submission of Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Dossiers, that is permissible.

1.2 The outline is designed to present accomplishments of the faculty member according to their Statement of Faculty Responsibilities that identifies their areas of responsibility relative to the six realms of responsibilities, i.e., Teaching and Mentoring of Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Discovery of Knowledge through Discipline-Guided Inquiry, Creative Artistry and Literature, Technological and Managerial Innovation, Extension and Engagement with Constituencies Outside the University, and Service in Professional Societies and Within the University Itself.


2.1 Font size must be 10 point or larger; Arial or Times New Roman is preferred.

2.2 Each primary section (Roman Numeral) must begin on a new page, unless the section is empty.  If empty, mark as NA (not applicable) and begin the next section on the same page. Exception: Subsection I.B. (Brief Resume) must also begin on a new page.

2.3 For each section/subsection, record only the header number and name/topic, i.e. I. Introduction; II.A.2.b. Summary of Peer Evaluations of Teaching; III.B. External and Internal Sponsored Grants and Contracts. In larger sections, such as III.A., bolded subheadings may be used to differentiate / organize information.

2.4 Where applicable, list most recent activity/entries first.

2.5 If any subsection is not applicable, indicate the subsection number and mark as NA.

2.6  In the outline format REQUIRED for the dossier, the examples of items to include may not all be applicable to an individual faculty member. Only those items appropriate for the individual should be included.


Sections I-VI to be prepared by the individual being reviewed

The dossier is a complete representation of the professional credentials and accomplishments throughout the candidate’s academic career. Dossier is to make clear the timing of those accomplishments. The one exception is that items in section II.A are for the period since initial appointment at NC State, or since the most recent positive RPT action at NC State, whichever is most recent.

Name, Current Rank, Department


A. Statement of Faculty Responsibilities – The electronically authorized and dated SFR from SFR Online must be inserted in this section, or a signed and scanned copy must be uploaded. If applicable, appendices to the SFR (Statement of Mutual Expectations [SME] or Plan for Review) may be included.

B. Brief Resume – (Begin on new page; Page limit: 2) Include dissertation title and name of major professor. (see “Collection of Optional and Required Formats for Presenting Sections of the Dossier” in the Additional References list at the top of this regulation for a template and example)

C. Candidate’s Statement (Optional) – (Page limit: 2*) Although the dossier format allows for annotation in lists and other methods of providing pertinent information, a candidate may want to provide additional information or perspective about aspects of his/her accomplishments. The candidate’s statement should not duplicate information found elsewhere in the dossier. However, the statement may reference applicable pages of the dossier to highlight material that the candidate wishes to emphasize.

*Beginning with the 2021-2022 RPT Cycle, these statements were expanded by an additional one page, increasing the Candidate Statement to three pages, with the intent of providing candidates with space to address the impacts of COVID.  Starting with the 2024-2025 RPT Cycle, the COVID Impact Statements are being retooled in a more generalized ‘major disruptions’ statement.  In addition to the impacts from COVID, faculty may also describe other high impact disruptions that have occurred and have had a demonstrated impact on their ability to carry out their obligations consistent with their SFR.  This impact statement, as well as the candidate statement in general, remains options.


A. Teaching Effectiveness. (Items in II.A. are for the period since initial appointment at NC State University or since the most recent positive RPT action, as appropriate).

1. List courses taught with enrollment in each. Include only course code and number with number of students. Do not include text describing the course.

2. Include an evaluation of teaching effectiveness, including:

a. A ClassEval report or (for CVM faculty only) appropriate summaries of student evaluations (see “Collection of Optional and Required Formats for Presenting Sections of the Dossier” in the Additional References list at the top of this regulation) and

b. A summary of peer evaluations of teaching: For peer evaluations of teaching, the Evaluation of Teaching Committee has recommended that faculty and departments refer to the NC State Guide on Peer Review of Teaching on the Office for Faculty Excellence (OFE) website. The OFE site also offers a general classroom observation template that can be used by faculty colleagues who will conduct Peer Evaluations of Teaching. Finally, additional information on preparing the Summary of Peer Evaluations of Teaching is available in the “Peer Teaching Evaluation Summary Guidance” document.

Each faculty member should provide one or both of the following:

  1.  A brief (1-2 page) summary of Peer Evaluation(s) of Teaching that identifies and/or includes:
    1. Period of time covered (since initial appointment or most recent RPT review);
    2. List of dates & names of peer reviewers;
      Note that the ‘Scope’ and frequency of peer reviews of instruction for faculty of various ranks are set forth in 05.20.10, Section 3.3.
    3. Representative quotes or evaluative statements from each peer review document that describe the quality of teaching;
    4. Explanation of teaching modifications or improvements made in response to feedback along with evidence of progress.
  2. Copies of the unabridged Peer Evaluation of Teaching documents that serve as formative evaluations of teaching.

B. Instructional Development – Highlight innovations and new developments in courses, curricula, and programs.
C. Mentoring Activities – Include undergraduate and/or graduate academic advising, postdoctoral advising, advising student organizations, independent study courses, special projects with students, supervision of clinical faculty, and assessments of any of the above.
D. List all past and current graduate committee memberships and identify those committees on which you have served or are currently serving as committee chair/major advisor for master’s and doctoral theses; show numbers and dates of service in each category (see “A Collection of Samples…” in the Additional References list at the top of this regulation).


(Scholarship in Teaching, Discovery of Knowledge, Creative Artistry and Literature, Technological and Managerial Innovation, Extension and Engagement)

A. List accomplishments as applicable, e.g., original research articles and research review articles in peer-reviewed publications, refereed articles that are pedagogy or extension-related, research abstracts, books; interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary works; invited and contributed research presentations; published conference proceedings; appointments or election to study sections and editorial boards; creative or professional works; exhibitions; juried shows, honors; awards, fellowships, prizes, competitions, and other pertinent evidence. Include an explanation of authorship convention.  Clearly identify completed work from work that has been submitted but has not been accepted for publication/presentation. Work that has been submitted but not yet accepted for publication can be included as an indicator of future productivity.
B. Include a Research Enterprise Data (RED) report of your grant activity.  Also list any external and internal support you have received for your scholarship that is not included in the RED report; indicate funding levels and duration; clearly identify whether submitted and under review, funded or not.
C. Participation in centers, consortia, institutes, interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary activities and other organized scholarly efforts between departments within and across colleges or institutions.


A. List accomplishments as applicable, e.g., bulletins, brochures, reports, pamphlets, non-refereed publications, computer software, educational videos, PowerPoint slides, popular press articles, and other pertinent evidence.
B. Describe program impacts.


A. List knowledge and technology transfer accomplishments, e.g., copyrights awarded, invention disclosures, patents filed, patents awarded, new cultivars developed and released, major software packages, design patents, system designs, organizational processes developed, technologies commercialized, etc.
B. Describe program impacts.


University service (department, college, university committees and governance organizations, administrative duties, e.g. Assistant/Associate Department Head, Undergraduate Coordinator, Director of Graduate Programs, Center or Program Director); state, regional, national and international professional activities and committee work, including professional associations.


Sections VII-VIII to be completed by the department head
VII. EXTERNAL EVALUATIONS {See NCSU REG05.20.05 – Consultation and Written Assessments, Recommendations and Responses in RPT Review}

External evaluations are NOT required for Reappointment as Assistant Professor.  In the case of promotion of professional faculty (i.e., teaching, research, extension, clinical, of the practice), the Dean must establish for each category of professorially ranked faculty whether to require that the dossier include external evaluations.  This requirement must apply college-wide for each category of professional faculty, but may be different for each category. The following must be included:

A. Sample copy of the letter soliciting the external evaluation. (See “Collection of Optional and Required Formats for Presenting Sections of the Dossier”  in the Additional References list at the top of this regulation ).  Department heads or designees must use the template letter to request external review letters, although it may be augmented as needed.
B. Annotated listing of evaluators showing professional affiliation and providing commentary on reputation in the field and means of selection. (see “Collection of Optional and Required Formats for Presenting Sections of the Dossier” in the Additional References list at the top of this regulation).  There must be indication in this list of who proposed each reviewer, i.e., candidate, departmental voting faculty, department head.  Also include a brief list of the materials provided to the evaluators.
C. Insert external letters.

VIII.  DEPARTMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATION {See NCSU REG05.20.05 – Consultation and Written Assessments, Recommendations and Responses in RPT Review}

The Departmental Voting Faculty (DVF) assessment and the Department Head’s recommendation must follow the RPT Dossier Format outline; i.e., do not provide in memorandum format, insert memoranda or include language as if written to an individual or group.

A. Written assessment by the DVF. (Page limit: 2) {See NCSU REG05.20.05 – Consultation and Written Assessments, Recommendations and Responses in RPT Review}
B. Department head’s written recommendation including explanation of missing DVF votes, and an explanation for any case that does not contain the required number of peer teaching evaluations. (Page limit: 2)
C. Optional candidate response if applicable (Page limit: 2). The department head must make any candidate response available to the DVF.


Section IX to be completed by the dean
IX. COLLEGE ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATION {See NCSU REG05.20.05 – Consultation and Written Assessments, Recommendations and Responses in RPT Review}

The College Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee assessment and the Dean’s recommendation must follow the RPT Dossier Format outline; i.e., do not provide in memorandum format, insert memoranda or include language as if written to an individual or group.

A. Written assessment by the College Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee [CRPTC]. (Page limit: 2)
B. Dean’s written recommendation (Page limit: 2)
C. Optional candidate response if applicable (Page limit: 2). The dean must make any candidate response available to the CRPTC and to the department head who must, in turn, make it available to the DVF.

  1. The dossier is to be considered in the control of the candidate until the candidate’s portion is completed and the faculty member’s attestation by signature is on the Dossier Cover Form.  Release to any other party (except the department and college RPT liaisons who must have access) of any parts of the dossier before the candidate signs the dossier (such as to external reviewers) requires the candidate’s express permission.