REG 10.05.05 – Establishing a Sponsored Award Project

Authority: Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration

History: First Issued: July 1, 2002. Last Revised: April 5, 2013.

Contact Info: Assistant Director, Systems and Compliance, (919-515-8011) Office of Contracts and Grants

1. Introduction

The Office of Contracts and Grants establishes new sponsored award projects within the Ledger 5 range. A project can be established based on receipt of the “Notice of Sponsored Award” which is issued by the Office of Sponsored Programs and Regulatory Compliance Services or the college/unit can select the option of using the Request For New Project For a Contract, Grant, or Agreement (Form BA-148). The Office of Contracts and Grants must have a budget that agrees with the total awarded amount before a project can be established.

2. Procedure for establishing a sponsored project based on receipt of the Notice of Sponsored Award

The Office of Sponsored Programs and Regulatory Compliance Services (SPARCS) will provide the Office of Contracts and Grants (C&G) with two copies of each Notice of Sponsored Award (C&G’s copy and the College Administrative Office’s copy). The majority of the Colleges/Schools/Units receiving sponsored awards use this automatic project set up process. The documents in the award package will be reviewed for completeness in order to establish the new project within three (3) working days of the date the award package is received in C&G. The Office of Contracts and Grants will provide specific project information on the front of the award notice. The college’s copy of the award package with the new project number will be forwarded to the College Administrative Office.

3. Establishing a sponsored project based on receipt of a Chartfield Request

A Chartfield Request must be completed and routed through the approval process to the Office of Contracts and Grants. The request must include all supporting documentation and approval from the individual responsible for the project and supported by approval of the College Dean/designee and Department Head, if he/she is not the responsible person. The Office of Contracts and Grants will notify the requestor of approval of the request and the new project number, using the electronic email notification process.

4. Establishing a pre-award sponsored project

A pre-award sponsored project must be requested by using the request option in the Research Administration Data and Reporting (RADAR) system. The request must be submitted by the individual responsible for the project and supported by approval of the College Dean/designee and Department Head, if he/she is not the responsible person. These requests are routed within RADAR to Sponsored Programs and Regulatory Compliance Services for approval. The Office of Contracts and Grants will notify the requestor of approval of the request and the new project number once the new project is established.

Requests for establishment of “pre-award” projects should only be used when actual receipt of a signed agreement is delayed due to contractual issues or reasons beyond the control of the University and award is imminent.