REG 11.55.07 – Registered Student Organizations: Regulation for Student Leadership, Membership, and Registration

Authority: Vice Chancellor and Dean for Academic and Student Affairs (DASA)

History: First Issued: February 6, 2007. Last Revised: July 9, 2024.

Related Policies:
UNC Code Appendix 1, Section XII

NCSU POL11.35.01 – Code of Student Conduct 
NCSU REG02.05.03 – Progress Toward Undergraduate Degree 
NCSU POL01.20.01 – Authority of the Chancellor

Additional References:
Student Leadership and Engagement

Contact Info: Student Leadership and Engagement (919-515-2797)


Student leadership and membership in student organizations is a critical component of the learning process, providing students with lifelong skills and experiences that will enhance their effectiveness as citizens of the world. In support of the academic mission of the university as well as individual student success, this regulation establishes requirements for student leadership and membership in Registered Student Organizations (“Student Organizations”), as well as establishes procedures for registering these organizations.


2.1 Registration forms for student organizations are online at The Student Leadership and Engagement office can assist if questions arise throughout the process.

2.2 Student Organizations must have at least six (6) members in order to be eligible for registration.

2.3 Student Organizations are required to have an advisor.  The advisor must be an NC State faculty or staff member, or a graduate student on a teaching, research, extension or services assistantship appointment.

2.4 A copy of the organization’s constitution must be submitted at the time of registration. Any revisions to an organization’s constitution must be submitted to Student Leadership and Engagement within 30 days of the revision date.

2.5 Registration for Student Organizations is an annual process; an organization must renew its registration each year during the registration period designated by Student Leadership and Engagement. Student Leadership and Engagement reserves the right to hold multiple registration periods and/or make modifications to the registration timeline or process.

2.6 Registration for new Student Organizations will occur within the first 4 to 6 weeks each semester. These deadlines are set and announced at least two months in advance.


3.1 Student Organizations are voluntary associations led by NC State students, which are legally separate entities from the university. Because they are voluntary associations, Student Organizations may not use “NC State” in their names other than to identify that the organization is located at NC State (i.e. “at NC State”), and they may not represent or imply that they speak for or in the name of the university. A Student Organization’s use of the university’s marks must comply with RUL 01.25.01—Trademark Licensing Rules.

3.2 Student Organizations must comply with all University policies, rules and regulations, including the Code of Student Conduct.

3.3 Student leaders (as defined in Section 6 below) of Student Organizations must complete required training as outlined by Student Leadership and Engagement. Information about training sessions will be provided by Student Leadership and Engagement including deadlines for completion. If the student leadership and/or the advisor fail to comply with the training requirements, the Student Organization may be suspended until completion has occurred.


Registered Student Organizations are eligible to access certain University-controlled benefits and resources, such as facilities and equipment, and may seek funding from Student Government.


5.1 Membership in Student Organizations is limited to students enrolled for at least one semester hour of credit at NC State.  Faculty, staff, alumni and others may participate in the activities and programs of student organizations as guests. Guests may not vote and may not have the same privileges as members. The number of NC State student members must always exceed the number of guest participants.

5.2 Subject to the provisions of section 5.3 below, membership and all privileges, including voting and officer positions, must be extended to all students without discrimination on the basis of any Protected Status listed in POL 04.25.05 – Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy (“Protected Status”)  Title IX makes an exception to allow social fraternities and sororities to list gender as a membership criteria.

5.3 Student Organizations that select their members on the basis of commitment to a set of beliefs (e.g., religious or political beliefs) may limit membership and participation in the group to students who, upon individual inquiry, affirm that they support the group’s goals and agree with its beliefs, so long as no student is excluded from membership or participation on the basis of any Protected Status.


6.1 To further the academic mission of the university and the goals of out-of-class learning, certain eligibility criteria are required for student leaders to be elected or appointed as officers of Student Organizations.  In order to be a leader or officer of a Student Organization, a student must meet the following requirements:

6.1.1 Have successfully completed at least three credit hours at NC State University and be enrolled as a student at NC State at the time of the election or appointment.

6.1.2 Not placed on academic warning, academic suspension or academic probation, as defined in (NCSU REG02.05.01 – Continuation of Undergraduate Enrollment (Suspension Regulation), at the time of election or appointment.

6.2 If upon review of registration documents it is determined that a student leader falls below these minimum requirements, Student Leadership and Engagement will advise the student leader (and the organization’s advisor) that the student is not eligible to serve in the leadership role. The organization will then need to elect or appoint an eligible student to serve in the vacated leadership position, and notify Student Leadership and Engagement of the new leader, in order for the registration to be properly maintained.