REG 11.60.02 – Procedures for Serving & Consuming Alcohol at NC State Student Centers, Thompson Theatre & Price Music Center (Repealed)
Repealed August 8, 2023 - REG 04.20.01 – Alcohol Regulation and POL 04.20.02 – Alcohol Policy provide more up-to-date and accurate guidance for the use of alcohol across campus.
Authority: Vice Chancellor and Dean for Academic and Student Affairs (DASA)
History: First Issued: October 1, 2002.
Related Policies:
NCSU POL04.20.02 – Alcohol Policy
Contact Info: Talley Student Center Reservations Manager (919-515-2249)
1. Introduction:
The following are the procedures for the service and consumption of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with events planned at Talley and Witherspoon Student Center, Thompson Theater and Price Music Center. The procedures have been developed for a twofold purpose: To ensure compliance with the North Carolina Statutes, Raleigh City Code and NCSU POL04.20.02 – Alcohol Policy and to promote the responsible use of alcohol. Application for appropriate permits and implementation of these procedures is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization.
1.1. This regulation reflects ABC regulations as well as University Administrative Policies.
1.1.1. All events that offer beer, wine or liquor must be free to the invited guest. With the exception of approved fundraisers, there cannot be any charge associated for the guest to attend the event. If this is a fundraising event there are special permits that can be obtained from the ABC Commission for a $50.00 fee. Please contact the Reservations office at the Talley Student Center for instructions. Fundraisers must be approved by the Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean for Academic and Student Affairs (DASA) and the Vice Chancellor and Dean for Academic and Student Affairs (DASA).
1.1.2. University Catering must provide a bartender to serve the alcoholic beverages.
1.1.3. When serving beer and/or unfortified wine, an “Alcoholic Beverage Permit”application form, provided by the Talley Student Center Reservations Office, must be filled out and returned to the Reservations office at Talley Student Center 15 full business days prior to the event. If liquor and/or fortified wine is to be served, in conjunction with theabove “Alcoholic Beverage Permit”, an ABC Commission “Limited Special Occasion Permit” must also be filled out by a representative from the sponsoring organization, and submitted directly to the ABC Commission. This permit is provided by the ABC Commission and there is a $50.00 fee (copies of this permit are available in the Reservations office at Talley Student Center). At least five business days before the date of the event in which liquor is to be served, a representative of the event must deliver to the Reservations office at Talley Student Center a copy of the approved “Limited Special Occasion Permit”. Failure to do so will result in the event being cancelled. The sponsoring organization is then responsible for displaying the permit at the event and making sure that all laws are enforced. Filling out an application does not ensure that a permit will be issued.
1.1.4. Any event serving beer, wine and/or liquor is limited to a one- (1) hour serving time. See page 3 for Exception to the Time Limits. The serving of alcoholic beverages may not commence prior to 5:00pm weekdays. Service may start at 1:00pm weekends. Beverage service must cease 15 minutes before the end of the time limit and University Catering must remove the beverages from the reception/social area. Program participants will be allowed to finish their alcoholic beverage at the end of the one-hour period, but they cannot obtain another alcoholic beverage.
1.1.5. An alternative non-alcoholic beverage must be made available.
1.1.6. For receptions/socials that do not precede a meal function, serving heavy hors d’oeuvres with at least two hot hors d’oeuvres is required.
1.1.7. Brown bagging, cash bars, or selling tickets is prohibited.
1.1.8. Kegs of alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the Talley and Witherspoon Student Center, Thompson Theater & Price Music Center.
1.1.9. The client must provide the beer, wine and/or liquor; University Catering cannot serve as an agent to procure alcohol.
1.1.10. Alcohol may not be served to anyone under the age of 21.
1.1.11. Alcoholic beverages may be served/consumed only in the area designated for your event. It is not permissible for individuals to take alcoholic beverages from that area.
1.1.12. Alcohol may not be served to anyone who appears to be intoxicated.
1.1.13. A “responsible person” must be designated by the sponsoring organization to oversee compliance with NCSU POL04.20.02 – Alcohol Policy.
1.2. Exception to the Time Limits:
The Vice Chancellor and Dean for Academic and Student Affairs (DASA) with input from the Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean for Academic and Student Affairs (DASA) and the Manager of the Reservations office at Talley Student Center reviews, approves, or denies all requests for exceptions to the one-hour time limit for serving and consuming alcoholic beverages. Requests for exceptions to the time limits are processed in the following manner:
1.2.1. The organization must submit a written request for exception to the Manager of the Reservations office at Talley Student Center, North Carolina State University, Campus Box 7306, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695. The written request should contain the event date, title, type of audience, desired time limit and justification for the exception.
If the exception is approved the following guidelines listed below must be followed:
1.2.1a. Alcohol will not be served to anyone under the age of 21.
1.2.1b. Heavy hors d’oeuvres (including at least two hot hors d’oeuvres) must be served during the entire time that alcohol is served.
1.2.1c. Service of alcohol must be discontinued 15 minutes prior to the anticipated end of the event or function.
1.2.2. The response from the Vice Chancellor and Dean for Academic and Student Affairs (DASA) will be communicated to the event representative.