RUL 02.20.01 – Drop For Non Attendance – College of Management

Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

History: First Issued: August 1, 2002

Related Policies: 
NCSU REG02.20.01 – Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Contact Info: College of Management Dean (919-515-5560)

1. Beginning with the 2002 Fall Semester, students enrolled in courses in the College of Management (ACC, BUS, EC) will be subject to the following Drop for Non-Attendance Policy. This policy will apply to courses where students demand exceeds enrollment capacity.

2. By the second class/laboratory period or the fifth business day of the semester (whichever comes first) students who have not attended class or contacted the instructor regarding his/her absence may be dropped from the class roll. This drop will be initiated by the Associate Dean of the College upon the request of the instructor. The student may petition for readmission to the class if s/he has been dropped in error, or in the event of students with extenuating circumstances, provided the request is received by the tenth business day of the semester. Students who intend to drop a course continue to have the responsibility to officially drop and are encouraged to do this on a timely basis, following normal university procedures.