RUL 02.61.08 – Unassisted Access to D. H. Hill Library (Hillsborough Street Entrance) (Repealed)
Repealed February 20, 2019 - The NC State University Libraries seeks to repeal RUL 02.61.08, Unassisted Access to D.H. Hill Library (Hillsborough Street Entrance), because interior and exterior improvements currently underway will result in reopening the north (Hillsborough Street) entrance to the building permanently. The special process described in this rule for requesting unassisted access for users with disabilities is no longer needed.
Authority: Vice Provost and Director of Libraries
History: First Issued: September, 2002. Repealed: February 20, 2019.
Additional References:
Application for Unassisted Access to D. H. Hill
Contact Info: Vice Provost and Director of Libraries (919-515-7188)