RUL 05.21.01 – College of Natural Resources Named Professorship Award Procedure
Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
History: First Issued: February 7, 2007. Last Revised: March 27, 2019
Related Policies:
NCSU REG05.20.17 – Professors of Distinction
Contact Info: Dean, College of Natural Resources, (919-515-2883)
1.1. This rule covers the procedure for nominating and awarding the five Named Professorships in the College of Natural Resources, i.e., Edwin F. Conger, Elis and Signe Olsson, E.J. “Woody” Rice, Reuben B. Robertson and Carl Alwin Schenck. The five named professorships were grandfathered according to NCSU REG05.20.17 – Professorships of Distinction on May 17, 2011. When awarded after May 17, 2011 no additional modifiers may be added to the title.
1.2. All other professorships in the college follow the procedures in NCSU REG05.20.17 – Professorships of Distinction.
2.1. When there is an opportunity for a Named Professor appointment, the Dean will appoint an ad hoc selection committee consisting of at least three tenured NC State faculty members who are full professors.
2.2. Candidate(s) will be forwarded to the committee for consideration by the Dean, or if requested by the Dean, by NC State faculty colleagues. A candidate’s nomination package shall include a letter of nomination, an additional letter of support, and a complete curriculum vitae.
2.3. The committee will recommend a recipient to the Dean based on merit and any applicable terms of the endowment. Recommendation of candidates is decided by a majority of the committee.
2.4. The income from the endowment may be used for a salary supplement and/or discretionary support unless otherwise limited by terms of the donor agreement. The amounts allocated to salary and discretionary support will be determined by the Dean and the President of the NC State Natural Resources Foundation, Inc.
2.5. Successful candidates will retain the Named Professor title for a fixed term or until separation from full time NC State employment, depending on the criteria established by the donor and the College.
2.6. If the incumbent separates from employment, the funds will be retained for the use of the new named professor as defined in clause 2.4.
2.7. The Dean will inform the Chancellor and Provost of the award.