RUL 05.21.03 – Named Professorships Award Procedure for the College of Management

Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

History: First Issued: June 25, 2007.

Related Policies:
NCSU REG05.20.17 – Professors of Distinction

Contact: Dean, College of Management, (919-515-5560)

1. Introduction

Named Professorships in the College of Management that are for a specific term support the research and education mission of the college’s academic programs at NC State University. This rule describes the procedure to award these professorships.

2. Procedure

2.1. The dean will appoint a search committee consisting of at least one faculty representative from each of the college’s departments.

2.2. The search committee will seek nominations of qualified candidates. In counsel with the Dean, the committee will determine if the search shall be national in scope or internal to the Department or College.

2.3.All nominees willing to be considered must provide a curriculum vita highlighting their research and teaching as it relates to the Professorship. External candidates also must submit three letters of recommendation and a vision statement. The letters and vision statement are optional for internal candidates.

2.4. The committee will recommend a recipient to the dean based on merit.

2.5. The funds for the position may be used to support research, travel, graduate assistance and a salary supplement unless otherwise limited by the terms of the endowment.

2.6. The candidate will hold the position for a specified term. In the case where the term exceeds five years, a five-year review will be conducted. Incumbents may be reappointed.