RUL 05.21.17 – College of Sciences Drexel Professorship Award Procedures
Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost.
History: First Issued: November 23, 2010. Last Revised: June 3, 2014.
Related Policies:
NCSU REG05.20.17 – Professorships of Distinction
Contact Info: Dean, College of Sciences, (919-515-2502)
This rule pertains to the Drexel Professorships, grandfathered Named Professorships as defined in REG 05.20.17. Section 5 of REG 05.20.17 directs the college to have a Rule describing the procedures for selection of this type of professorship. Such procedures must be consistent with the criteria and procedures, if any, specified by the donor and agreed to in writing by the university. All other Professorships of Distinction follow the procedures described in REG 05.20.17.
Candidates will be current or future faculty members who have achieved, or have the potential to achieve, significant national and international recognition over the course of their careers. Appointments can be at all faculty ranks, unless otherwise stipulated by the donor.
2.1 When the opportunity to fill a Drexel Professorship occurs, the Dean shall make the nomination.
2.2 The Dean will appoint a college ad hoc committee consisting of at least three tenured NC State faculty members who are full professors, with the majority being Professors of Distinction as defined in NCSU REG05.20.17 – Professorships of Distinction. The Dean will designate a Chair. The committee should include representation of the nominee’s discipline.
2.3 A nomination packet consists of the candidate’s curriculum vitae and letters of support from at least two NC State and two external scientists with expertise in the nominee’s field.
2.4 The committee will communicate to the Dean whether or not they support the nominee based on the applicable criteria set forth in NCSU REG05.20.17 – Professorships of Distinction and the terms of the donor. The committee’s recommendation will be determined by majority vote of the committee.
2.5 The Dean’s decision to award or not is final.
2.6 The Dean will inform the Chancellor and Provost of the award.
2.7 The spending budget may be used for partial salary support and discretionary support unless otherwise limited by terms of the donor agreement. The amounts allocated to salary and discretionary support will be determined by the Dean in consultation with the Executive Director of the NC State College of Sciences Foundation.
2.8 If the incumbent separates from employment, the funds can be used for the recruitment of the next recipient.