RUL 05.67.106 – College of Design Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Criteria and Procedures
Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
History: First Issued: 1996. Last Revised: March 23, 2020.
Related Policies:
NCSU POL 05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure Department RPT Rules
NCSU REG 05.20.20 – Promotion and Tenure Dossier Format Requirements
NCSU REG 05.20.27 – Statement of Faculty Responsibilities
NCSU REG 05.20.05-Consultation and Written Assessments, Recommendations and Responses in RPT Review
NCSU REG 05.20.34 – Professional Faculty Ranks and Appointments
Additional References:
Office of the Provost RPT Website
Contact Info: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (919-515-8347)
1.1 The primary objective of faculty evaluation is professional development and fulfillment of each individual faculty member. Decisions regarding faculty reappointment, promotion, and tenure, therefore, are among the most important in the life of an academic community. These decisions are based on performance and record of the faculty member in a deliberate review process. Tenured faculty members have the responsibility and duty to equitably and consistently apply the criteria set forth in this regulation. The dean, school or department heads, and other university administrators assure clarity and adherence to the process, and contribution of the individual to the college and the university. Individual faculty performance will vary in content and focus as determined by their Statement of Faculty Responsibilities.
1.2 This rule describes the criteria and procedures for reviewing faculty in the College of Design and is supplemental to and consistent with the university policy (POL05.20.01). The roles and responsibilities of the candidate, the reviewing faculty and administrators are set forth along with the sequence of events in the process.
2.1 The major responsibility of the College of Design is to provide education programs of the highest quality. Teachers and programs remain on the leading edge of professional education through rigorous and objective evaluation linked to this responsibility.
2.2 Faculty remain constructive forces in their field through continued learning and growth. Learning and growth are measured through peer review of creative scholarship related to the six realms of faculty responsibility: teaching and mentoring, discovery of knowledge, creative artistry, technological innovation, extension and engagement and service. The mix of productive involvement in these six realms defined in the Statement of Faculty Responsibilities serves as the principal criteria for decisions regarding faculty reappointment, promotion and tenure.
3.1 An assistant professor is to have demonstrated abilities in the realms appropriate to their Statement of Faculty Responsibilities. An associate professor is to have regional and or national peer-reviewed productivity in the realms appropriate to their Statement of Faculty Responsibilities A full professor is to have an extensive national and or international peer-reviewed record of distinction and significant contributions in the realms appropriate to their Statement of Faculty Responsibilities. These standards apply to all promotion decisions whether the faculty member is tenure track/tenured or non-tenure track. Non-tenure track faculty with professorial rank are also subject to all criteria described below and procedures outlined in (REG 05.20.34) Non-Tenure track Faculty Ranks and Appointments
In addition to the university’s required qualifications for rank outlined in (POL 05.20.01) standards required for reappointment as assistant professor are provided in the Departmental RPT Rules. The College of Design considers a terminal professional master’s degree or equivalent terminal professional degree to be equivalent to a doctor’s degree.
In addition to the university’s required qualifications for rank (POL 05.20.01), standards required for promotion to associate professor with tenure are provided in the Departmental RPT Rules. The College of Design considers a terminal professional master’s degree or equivalent professional degree to be equivalent to a doctor’s degree.
In addition to the university’s required qualifications for rank (POL 05.20.01), standards required for promotion to professor are provided in the Departmental RPT Rules. The College of Design considers a terminal professional master’s degree or equivalent terminal professional degree to be equivalent to a doctor’s degree.
Procedures outlined in this section describe the principal elements and events of the review process as well as the roles and responsibilities of the various participants in the process – candidate, reviewing faculty, administrators, and others. These procedures are to be applied consistently and equitably to all cases of review, reappointment, promotion, and tenure in the College of Design.
7.1 Statement of Faculty Responsibilities
7.1.1 The Statement of Faculty Responsibilities (REG 05.20.27) is an essential element of the process for review, reappointment, promotion, and tenure. It is the responsibility of the individual faculty member and his or her school or department head to formulate the Statement of Faculty Responsibilities and articulate the faculty member’s career goals and productivity within the framework of university, college, school and departmental purposes.
7.1.2 The process leading to review, reappointment, promotion, and tenure begins on the first day of the initial appointment; and the preparation of the Statement of Faculty Responsibilities, as required during the individual’s first year as a tenure-track faculty member, will enable him or her to build a credible case for review, reappointment, promotion, and tenure.
7.2 College RPT Committee
7.2.1 The Dean shall appoint, in consultation with the College Faculty Senate, a College Committee comprised of one member from each department or school, no later then September 1 of the academic year, and one at-large member from the ranks of the tenured faculty of the College. Members of the committee are to serve on a three-year rotating basis. The committee is to be comprised of tenured full or associate professors. College RPT Committee members shall not vote as a member of the college committee on decisions impacting a member of their home department or school. In these cases they would only vote at the department or school level. If there is no full professor available to serve on the committee from a college, school or department then the Head of that unit is to identify a full professor from another unit who is willing to serve on the committee. Then, if the Dean agrees with the recommendation, he or she approves and appoints. This committee is advisory to the Dean. Each member of this committee is responsible for reviewing each candidate’s dossier before discussion of the candidate, for attending the public presentation of each candidate (barring serious schedule conflicts), and for maintaining confidentiality of the committee’s proceedings and discussions.
7.2.2 Absentee votes may be submitted to the Chair of the College RPT Committee by faculty who are unable to attend the meeting. The Chair will make sure that all materials are available via the online RPT system to eligible voting faculty who are absent. Faculty members are encouraged to submit a written evaluation with their absentee vote. Chair of the College RPT Committee will announce the deadline for submission of absentee votes.
7.2.3 The written assessment by the College RPT Committee will include a report on the full range of votes cast as well as brief specific measurement of the candidate in the realms of responsibility outlined in the faculty member’s Statement of Faculty Responsibilities. This assessment is to be circulated to and signed by each committee member before it is forwarded to the Dean no later then December 10th.
7.3 Definition and role of Departmental Voting Faculty (DVF)
Departmental Voting Faculty are defined in POL 05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure. For RTP actions the school or departments voting faculty will be convened and chaired by a full professor of the unit appointed by the unit Head. The composition of the DVF will be all faculty tenured to that unit of a rank equal to or greater than the rank being considered.
7.4 Duties of the School or Department Head
7.4.1 As the chief administrative officer of the school or department, the School or Department Head conducts all periodic reviews of faculty performance and manages all reappointment, promotion, and tenure proceedings within the school or department. The School or Department Head’s perspective assures a consistent and fair review process, and maintenance of the school or department’s academic mission.
7.4.2 The School or Department Head is responsible for guiding each faculty member through the process; for giving clear information to the faculty member about progress toward promotion and tenure in each annual review; for assisting the candidate in preparing the dossier; for notifying all members of the College faculty and the RPT Committee of the date and time of the candidate’s public presentation; for seeing that promotion and tenure reviews in the school or department proceed appropriately and on schedule in compliance with REG 05.20.05 Consultation and Written Assessments, Recommendations and Responses in RPT Review. In addition the School or Department Head is responsible for informing the candidate of their recommendations and the recommendations of School or Department RPT committee. The department head is also responsible for making sure that all recommendations and votes are entered into the online system and communicating the information to the dean.
7.5 Duties of the Dean
7.5.1 Meeting with Unit Head
a) Before writing his or her recommendation regarding the review, reappointment, promotion, or tenure of a faculty member, the Dean shall meet with the Head of the School or Department in question to review the specific faculty needs of the School or Department. This review shall include an assessment of the performance of the candidate with regard to College and School or Department strategic and educational plans.
7.5.2 The Participation of College Administrators
Those assistant and associate deans of the college who have academic tenure in a school or department shall participate with the faculty of the school or department of their tenure but cannot serve as a member of the College RPT Committee.
7.5.3 School or Department and College Consultations
a) The Dean may hold a consultation with the Voting Faculty of a School or Department to request specific opinions regarding a review, reappointment, promotion, or tenure action. The purpose of this consultation is to provide the Dean with additional information regarding the appropriate course of action.
b) The Dean may hold a consultation with College RPT Committee to request specific opinions regarding a review, reappointment, promotion, or tenure action. The purpose of this consultation is to provide the Dean with additional information regarding the appropriate course of action. The Dean is then responsible for forwarding his recommendation concerning promotion and/or conferral of tenure to the Provost in accordance with University policy.
7.6 External Review Procedures
7.6.1 Evaluations by accomplished scholars who are not a part of the NC State community provide an assessment of the accomplishments of faculty who are being considered for promotion in rank and for conferral of tenure. All scholarly external evaluations are conducted in a manner consistent to REG.05.20.05 – Consultation and Written Assessments, Recommendations and Responses in RPT Review, with the goal to obtain at least five letters.
7.6.2 All external evaluations shall be conducted in compliance with POL 05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure and Departmental RPT Rules
7.6.3 In accordance with REG 05.20.34 Non-Tenure Track Faculty Ranks and Appointments each Dean must establish for the college for all the categories of full-time (> 0.75 FTE) NTT faculty with professorial rank whether to require external evaluation letters for the dossier. The Dean of the College of Design has decided the following:
Clinical Assistant/Associate/Full Professors: Letters not required.
Extension Assistant/Associate/Full Professors: Letters not required.
Research Assistant/Associate/Full Professors: Letters not required.
Teaching Assistant/Associate/Full Professors: Letters not required.
Assistant/Associate/Full Professors of the Practice: Letters not required.
7.7 Schedule for Faculty Review, Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure
The following schedule establishes target dates for all specific required actions and identifies the party responsible for initiating action or decision at each step. This schedule must meet the Provost’s timetable and therefore is subject to change. The dates may need to be adjusted each year to account for weekends, academic holidays, etc.
7.7.1 May 1: School or Department Head notifies all faculty of the procedures and schedule for review.
7.7.2 May 15: School or Department Head meets with each candidate who is required or wishes to be reviewed to make sure each candidate has the latest criteria, procedures, and schedule from the University, College, School, and Department. Initial discussion to identify external reviewers.
7.7.3 August 15: Candidate submits complete RPT dossier for review following REG 05.20.20 -Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Dossier Format Requirements and a list of potential external reviewers.
7.7.4 September 1: School or Department Head compiles the final list of external reviewers who have agreed to perform reviews. Documents mailed to external reviewers.
7.7.5 Sept 15 -Oct 15: The Candidate makes a public presentation to the College community. This presentation is scheduled and publicized by the School or Department Head.
7.7.6 September 15: Dean completes appointment of the College RPT Committee.
7.7.7 October 15: School or Department Voting Faculty completes review and vote, and posts written assessment to the RPT Online System. After posting the candidate has five days to enter a written response. The determination of the composition of the Departmental Voting Faculty and voting procedures follow (POL 05.20.01) – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure Departmental RPT Rules.
7.7.8 November 1: School or Department Head posts recommendation and assessment to the RPT Online System. After posting the candidate has five days to enter a written response.
7.7.9 December 10: College’s RPT Committee posts vote and written assessment regarding each candidate to the RTP Online System. After posting the candidate has five days to enter a written response.
7.7.10 January 10: Dossier and the Dean’s recommendation for each candidate are submitted to the Office of the Provost via the RPT Online System . (This date is subject to change depending on university deadlines for submission to the Provost.)