RUL 05.67.200 – Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Procedures

Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

History: First Issued: September 26, 1983. Last Revised: August 26, 2020.

Related Policies: 
NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure
NCSU REG05.20.27 – Statement of Faculty Responsibilities
NCSU REG05.20.20 – Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Dossier Format Requirements
NCSU RUL05.67.204 – College of Education Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Procedures

Additional References:
Office of the Provost RPT Website

Contact Info:  Department Head (919-515-1766)


1.1. This rule describes the standards and procedures for Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development and is supplemental to and consistent with NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure and with NCSU RUL05.67.204 – College of Education Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Procedures

1.2. The Department’s program orientation and research mission serve as the context for reappointment, promotion, and tenure decisions. The needs of the department are those of the faculty and students within the department and reappointment, promotion, tenure, and performance evaluation recommendations and decisions will be made within this framework.

1.3. The mission of the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development is to advance the scholarship, research, and practice of leadership in K-12, adult, workforce, and continuing professional education, counselor education, and higher education with a commitment to the preparation of professional practitioners, scholars, and researchers.  The department adheres to the land-grant university mission that includes teaching, research, and service.  As a unit within a research university, the department also seeks to enhance its prominence regionally, nationally, and internationally through rigorous and recognized research and practice in our professional communities. These expectations will guide decisions on the recruitment, evaluation, and retention of faculty.


The realms of faculty responsibility as defined by NCSU in REG 05.20.27 are:

2.1. Discovery of Knowledge through Discipline-Guided Inquiry.  See Section 3 for examples.

2.2. Teaching and Mentoring Graduate Students.  See Section 3 for examples.

2.3. Service in Professional Societies and Service and Engagement within the University itself. See Section 3 for examples.

2.4. Extension and Engagement with Constituencies outside the University. See Section 3 for examples.

2.5. Technological and Managerial Innovation. See Section 3 for examples.

2.6. Creative Artistry and Literature.

2.7.  The realms most commonly found in ELPHD are 2.1 Discovery of Knowledge through Discipline-Guided Inquiry, 2.2 Teaching and Mentoring Graduate Students, 2.3 Service in Professional Societies and Service and Engagement within the University itself, 2.4 Extension and Engagement with Constituencies outside the University, and 2.5 Technological and Managerial Innovation although some faculty may have responsibilities beyond these realms.


Faculty members will be evaluated on their realms of faculty responsibility described in their Statements of Faculty Responsibilities.

3.1. Discovery of Knowledge through Discipline-Guided Inquiry refers to activities that contribute to knowledge or the application of knowledge.  Evidence of quality of scholarship can include publishing papers in refereed professional journals including on-line journals, publishing monographs or textbooks, contributing chapters to edited works, presenting contributed and invited presentations at professional meetings and workshops, and other activities aimed at generating, contributing to or disseminating knowledge, awards and honors (e.g., outstanding paper awards), positive scholarly external evaluations from persons able to judge the significance and quality of contributions, numerous citations of publications by peers, wide adoption of a textbook/professional books, invited papers and talks (especially at the national or international level), copyrights, and/or receiving external support.

3.2. Teaching and Mentoring Graduate Students refers to developing innovative instructional materials or new courses, supporting and directing graduate students to successful completion of advanced degrees serving as the chair or member on thesis or dissertation committees, and working collaboratively with graduate students on research, teaching, or community-based projects.  Evidence for quality of teaching may include student evaluation, peer reviews, outstanding teacher awards, joint publications and presentations with graduate students, and/or recognized extension activities with students

3.3. Service in Professional Societies and Service and Engagement within the University itself refers to leadership activities such as membership and involvement in professional societies; participation in departmental, college, and university-level committees and task forces or regional, national, and international committees and panels; seeking external support; organizing workshops and conferences. Evidence of quality of service may include extension activities, election or appointment to positions of responsibility in professional associations; service on the editorial board of a professional journal; participation on institutional, regional, national, and international committees, boards, and panels; peer evaluations of impact on education and practice; securing external support; and/or outstanding service in an administrative position.

3.4. Extension and Engagement with Constituencies outside the University are the principal means by which NC State and other land-grant universities fulfill their unique mission. Accomplishments in extension and engagement represent an ongoing two-way interchange of knowledge, information, understanding, and services between the university and the state, nation, and world (NCSU REG 05.20.27). Evidence of quality in this realm may include but are not limited to: research on engagement, participation on boards; providing services or expertise; sharing alternative forms of scholarship (policy papers, expert testimony, etc.); collaborative partnership; planning and implementing professional development activities and workshops; providing consultant services to that draw upon the faculty member’s professional expertise; developing and maintaining partnerships for internships, service learning, practicum, fieldwork and programs; recognition and/or awards.

3.5. Technological and Managerial Innovation provides the means by which knowledge and imagination in sciences, humanities, and creative arts can be harnessed to drive the economic and social systems of the state, nation, and world, and ultimately, provide new products, processes, and services (NCSU REG 05.20.27). Evidence of quality in this realm include: knowledge and technology transfer accomplishments, e.g., copyrights awarded, invention disclosures, patents filed, patents awarded, innovations developed and released, major software packages, design patents, system designs, organizational processes developed, technologies commercialized; and program impacts.


4.1. The role of Assistant Professor Tenure Track in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development carries the expectation that individuals at this rank will place priority in conducting a clear, sustained research agenda and make demonstrable progress in fulfilling that agenda by conducting methodologically-sound research and reporting on their research in peer-reviewed scholarly journals.  They will also be expected to place priority on developing competence and effectiveness in their instruction, course development, and graduate student supervision. Additionally, Assistant Professors on the tenure track are expected to disseminate their research findings at meetings of their professional associations.  In service, Assistant Professors on the tenure track are expected to contribute to department and program as well as college governance.  Engagement, which may include service within the university, community, state, or nationally, does not generally play a significant role in the activities of Assistant Professors on the tenure track and is usually expected to follow research and teaching commitments.

4.2. Reappointment as Assistant Professor on the tenure track requires that the individual be making satisfactory progress towards meeting the standards for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure.  Individuals will be expected to exhibit the following:

4.2.1. A satisfactory level of accomplishment in research and scholarly inquiry through discovery of knowledge through discipline-guided inquiry commensurate with the contributions of peers in the professional field and status in research; evidence indicating a commitment to maintain the level of competence and productivity in research and graduate instruction expected of a tenured faculty member and evidence of emerging status as a national or international authority in an area of expertise, as noted by publications, invited scholarly presentations, and/or other indicators of national or international recognition.  See Section 3.1 above for more details.

4.2.2. A satisfactory level of accomplishment in the areas of teaching and graduate supervision as measured by students, peers, and self-evaluations.  In addition, curricular development/revision, innovative teaching practices, and student advising are valued.  It will be expected that Assistant Professors participate in chairing graduate committees and engaging in effective graduate student advising.  Assistant Professors are normally expected to have attained Full Graduate Faculty status within the first two years in this position.  See Section 3.2 for more details.

4.2.3. A satisfactory level of accomplishment in the areas of engagement and service in professional societies and service and engagement within the university itself as measured by leadership roles, collaborative contributions, and impact on the professional or lay community. See Section 3.3 for more details.

4.2.4. A satisfactory level of accomplishment in the areas of extension and engagement with constituencies outside the university as measured by quality engagements. See Section 3.4 for more details.

4.2.5. Depending on the requirements of the SFR, other areas of accomplishment may be included in the evaluation of an Assistant Professor for reappointment.


5.1. The role of Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development carries the expectation that individuals at this rank will make demonstrable contributions to their field of study at the national or international level through continued development of a sustained pattern of inquiry, knowledge production, and publication.  The role is characterized by continued competence and effectiveness in their instruction, course development, and graduate student supervision.

5.2. In addition, Associate Professors, as compared to Assistant Professors, will exhibit increased contributions in service to the department, college, key professional communities of practice, and professional societies.

5.3. Promotion to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure will be based on cumulative assessment of research publication, instruction, and service.  This cumulative assessment will be judged by both departmental peers and external scholars representing the faculty member’s area of research and demonstrated through scholarly publications, the pursuit of grants, and peer-reviewed publications and presentations.

5.4. Associate Professors will demonstrate a recognized level of achievement that warrants national or international recognition.  Individuals will be expected to exhibit characteristics noted in the Assistant Professor guidelines detailed in Sections 4.2.1-4.2.4 above, in addition to the following:

5.4.1. A recognized level of accomplishment and national or international recognition in a field of emphasis and the likelihood of maintaining that status through publications, presentations, and professional service.

5.4.2. Continued effectiveness in teaching and advising, as well as leadership in program and curriculum development.

5.4.3. A high level of accomplishment in supervision of graduate student dissertation research and dissertations.

5.4.4. Evidence of service, including program, department, college or university service, as well as national or international service.

5.4.5. Evidence of successful extension and/or engagement with constituencies outside the University as delineated in the SFR.


6.1. Faculty appointed to Professor status will demonstrate a level of achievement that warrants national or international recognition.  The role of Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development holds the expectation of continued accomplishment and leadership through maintained contributions to the body of professional knowledge, development and dissemination of knowledge, mentoring of students, pursuit of external grants, and national, departmental, college, and university leadership.  Professors will provide leadership in program development.  In addition, Professors will provide substantive contributions to departmental operations and leadership, as well as provide leadership in the socialization and professional development of non-tenured faculty. Professors will also provide leadership in service to professional groups, related practitioner groups, and units within as well as external to the university.

6.2. Individuals will be expected to exhibit characteristics noted in the Associate Professor and Assistant Professor guidelines detailed in Sections 4.1-5.4 above, in addition to the following:

6.2.1. A superior level of accomplishment and national or international recognition in a field of emphasis and ongoing status through publications, presentations, and professional service.

6.2.2. Continued effectiveness and leadership in teaching, advising, and in program and curriculum development.

6.2.3. A high level of ongoing accomplishment in supervision of graduate student dissertation research and dissertations.

6.2.4. Continued evidence of service, including program, department, college, and university service, in addition to established national and/or international service. Public service which includes community, state, national, or international outreach may comprise part of the service component.


The Department Committee responsible for reappointment, promotion, and tenure is referred to as the Departmental Voting Faculty or the DVF.  The DVF will elect a Chairperson from among its members on an annual basis.

7.1. Assistant Professor Procedures

7.1.1. The DVF will make an interim judgment about the faculty member’s potential for promotion and tenure in the department.  Strengths and weaknesses should be identified, and criteria for reappointment, promotion, and tenure that remain to be satisfied should be clearly articulated in writing.

7.1.2. If the Assistant Professor is reappointed for three years, he or she will be expected to follow the written guidance of the DVF, the department head, the College’s Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) Committee, and the Dean, and to meet the expectations stipulated in the review.  Assistant Professors on the tenure track who choose to be candidates for tenure and promotion to the Associate Professor rank prior to the mandatory time (“early review”) should consult with both the department head and the DVF. Consultation with the Dean is also encouraged.

7.2. Associate Professor Procedures

The University guidelines do not specify a minimum number of years to be served in the Associate Professor level before requesting consideration for promotion to professor.  Associate Professors considering candidacy for Professor would customarily consult with the department head and faculty at the Professor rank regarding their potential for promotion.

7.3. Faculty Duties

Faculty are responsible for being knowledgeable about the department’s reappointment, promotion, and tenure rules, as well as the college- and university-related processes.  Each faculty member is encouraged to maintain systematic records and support documentation on an on-going basis, following the university RPT dossier guidelines. Members of the DVF are to exercise professional judgement and maintain confidentiality during the entire review process.

7.4. Department Head Duties

7.4.1. Early in the spring semester of each year and in accord with the college timeline, the department head will issue a memorandum requesting faculty who are required to participate in mandatory reappointment, promotion and/or tenure review or who wish to be considered for promotion or promotion and tenure to notify the department head of their intention to participate in the RPT process.

7.4.2. The department head will be responsible for establishing deadlines, in accordance with college and university timelines, for submission and review of materials and for convening a meeting of the DVF for discussion and voting on each reappointment, promotion, and tenure application.

7.4.3. External Evaluations

The department head will consult with the candidate, the DVF and the Dean of College of Education to select five or six external evaluators.  The department head shall obtain external evaluators’ willingness to participate in the process and ensure that the candidate assembles the documentary evidence.  The external evaluators provide written assessment of the quality, quantity, impact, and creativity of that performance.  The results of the external evaluators’ assessment are added to the dossier by the department head prior to its review by the DVF.

7.4.4. Following the deliberation and vote, the DVF shall meet as a group with the department head to discuss the decision confidentially. Upon completion of the department review, the department head shall provide the DVF his or her written assessment and recommendation, and any responses provided by the faculty member, as required by University and College policies.

7.5. Departmental Voting Faculty (DVF) Duties

7.5.1. The DVF will conduct their assessments, discussions, and voting on each candidate in strict confidentiality.  No information from these discussions or the voting by its members will be revealed beyond the official written documentation.  The DVF will engage in the review and assessment process based upon current department, college, and university guidelines.  All appropriate faculty are expected to be present at the meeting and to take part in the discussion and voting process unless extreme circumstances warrant a faculty member’s absence.  Within the constraints of college and university deadlines, the DVF chair will provide for absentee vote by any DVF member who is not able to attend the meeting.  A faculty member who is unable to be present at the meeting will be expected to review each candidate’s credentials and to submit a vote for each candidate to the DVF chair prior to the meeting.

7.5.2. The DVF will conduct its assessments related to the criteria noted in this document.  It is recognized that the review process is based upon the assessment and judgment of the faculty member’s RPT dossier and on recognized standards of the department, college, and university.

7.5.3. One member of the DVF will be assigned primary responsibility for developing a departmental written assessment of the candidate for reappointment, promotion, or tenure consideration. This individual will be selected by the DVF, based on familiarity with the candidate’s professional work.

7.5.4. The written assessment will present the DVF’s key findings and evidence of the candidate’s accomplishments in relation to the department and college rules, and university policies and regulations. The individual writing the assessment, or the chair of the DVF, will consult with the other members of the committee to verify that the written assessment accurately reflects the discussions and voting of the DVF.

7.5.5. The DVF assessment will be forwarded to the department head. This document will identify the members of the DVF and become part of the written assessments of the candidate.

7.6. The candidate will be notified of the assessments and, in accordance with college and university rules, will be given an opportunity for a written response.


Any modification of these procedures shall be approved by a vote of all tenure-track department faculty and requires a majority vote of support.