RUL 05.67.414 – Department of Sociology and Anthropology Appointment and Promotion Standards and Procedures for Professorially Ranked Professional Faculty

History: First Issued: October 8, 2020.

Related Policies:
NCSU REG05.20.34 – Professional Faculty Ranks and Appointments
NCSU REG05.20.27 – Statements of Faculty Responsibilities
NCSU RUL 05.67.413 College of Humanities and Social Sciences Appointment and Promotion of Non-Tenure Track Faculty Standards and Procedures

Additional References:
Office of the Provost RPT Website
Sociology and Anthropology Departmental Standards for Appointment to Lecturer and Appointment/Promotion to Senior Lecturer

Contact: Department Head, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, (919-515-3180)


This rule provides the standards and procedures for appointment and promotion of professional faculty with professorial rank in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at North Carolina State University. This rule is supplemental to university and college rules on the appointment and promotion of professional faculty with professorial rank. Only faculty appointed at 0.75FTE and above are eligible for promotion. Department standards for appointment and promotion of Lecturers and Senior Lecturers are maintained at the department website. The Department recognizes that the specific activities upon which professional faculty are evaluated will vary.


All professional faculty with professorial rank in the department are expected to engage in teaching and service as determined by their Statements of Faculty Responsibilities (SFRs).

3. Standards for Appointment to Assistant Teaching Professor

3.1 General Standards for Appointment to Assistant Teaching Professor. For university criteria for Assistant Teaching professors, see Section 5.1.1. of Regulation 05.20.34. For college criteria for Assistant Teaching professors, see Rule 05.67.413 Section 5.

The primary realm of responsibility is teaching and mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students but may also include the realm of service within the university itself, such as curricular committee service, participation in open house events for prospective students, participation in assessment activities, etc. Inclusion of realms of responsibility beyond teaching must be specified in the Statement of Faculty Responsibilities that is required of all full-time (.75 FTE or above) professional faculty academic appointments.

3.1 Department Standards for Appointment to Assistant Teaching Professor

3.2.1 Must have a Ph.D. in anthropology or sociology or a related field.

3.2.2 Must show average or higher ability in teaching and definite promise in at least one of the other realms of faculty responsibility listed above in Section 3.1 (see also Section 5.1.1 of Regulation 05.20.34). Demonstration of efficacious teaching may come from student evaluations, peer observations, participation in teaching workshops, course syllabi, course innovations, self-assessments (such as a teaching portfolio) and teaching awards (or nominations for such awards).

3.2.3 Must show ability or definite promise to direct activities in at least one of the realms of responsibility listed above in Section 3.1.


4.1 General Standards for Appointment or Promotion to Associate Teaching Professor. For university criteria for Associate Teaching professors, see Section 5.1.2 of Regulation 05.20.34. For college criteria for Associate Teaching professors, see Rule 05.67.413, Section 6.

4.2 Must meet or exceed qualifications for appointment to Assistant Teaching Professor.

4.3 The primary realm of responsibility is teaching and mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students but may also include the realm of service within the university itself (see 4.2.4 below). Inclusion of realms of responsibility beyond teaching must be specified in the Statement of Faculty Responsibilities that is required of all full-time (.75 FTE or above) professional faculty academic appointments.

4.4 Faculty seeking promotion from Assistant Teaching Professor to Associate Teaching Professor must show evidence qualifying for promotion accrued since their appointment to Assistant Teaching Professor.


4.2.1 Must demonstrate a sufficient body of evidence showing a high level of teaching effectiveness at the university/college level. Demonstration of efficacious teaching may come from student evaluations, peer observations, participation in teaching workshops, course syllabi, course innovations, self-assessments (such as a teaching portfolio) and teaching awards (or nominations for such awards).

4.2.2 Must show recognized ability and potential for distinction in advising or service.

4.2.3 Must show demonstrated ability to direct activities in teaching courses, advising or service.

4.2.4 Efficacious service is required for professional faculty whose SFRs contain such components. The service may include curricular committee service, enrollment management, advising, participation in open house events for prospective students, participation in assessment activities, service on college or university committees, etc.

4.3 Discovery of knowledge and research activities may be considered, if included in the SFR.


5.1 General Standards for Appointment or Promotion to Teaching Professor. For university criteria for promotion of PT faculty to Professor, see Regulation 05.20.34 Section 5.1.3. For college criteria for promotion see Rule 05.67.413 Section 7.

5.1.2 Must have a Ph.D. in sociology or anthropology or a related field.

5.1.3 Must meet or exceed qualifications for appointment to Associate Teaching Professor.

5.1.3(a) The primary realms of responsibility are teaching and mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students and service within the university itself. Service may also include service to the discipline. Discovery of knowledge and research activities may be considered, if included in the SFR.

5.1.3(b) Faculty seeking promotion from Associate Teaching Professor to Teaching Professor must show evidence qualifying for promotion accrued since their appointment to Associate Teaching Professor.


5.2.1 Must demonstrate a sufficient body of evidence showing a high level of teaching effectiveness at NC State University. Demonstration of efficacious teaching may come from student evaluations, peer observations, participation in teaching workshops, course syllabi, course innovations, self-assessments (such as a teaching portfolio) and teaching awards (or nominations for such awards).

5.2.2 Must show distinguished achievement and ability to direct activities in at least two of the following areas: teaching courses, advising, or service.

5.2.3 Discovery of knowledge and research activities may be considered, if included in the SFR.


6.1 In addition to the procedures mandated by the Provost and by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Department of Sociology and Anthropology has the following procedures for considering faculty members for promotion to the ranks of Assistant Teaching, Associate Teaching, or Teaching Professor.

6.2 Professional faculty (.75 FTE or above) who demonstrate a record of quality teaching may request to be considered for promotion in consultation with the department head. Requests for consideration should be made by the professional faculty member to the Department Head by the March 31st prior to the fall semester. Any Assistant Teaching/Associate Professor (.75 FTE or above) may discuss with the Department Head the standards and procedures for promotion to Associate Teaching Professor/Professor, and how to initiate the promotion process.

6.3 Decisions for promotion are dependent on recommendations by the Department Voting Faculty (DVF), Department Head and Dean to the Provost who is responsible for these decisions.

6.4 Outside letters of support will not be sought for professional faculty promotions.

6.5 The DVF, as defined by the university, shall consist of all tenured / tenure-track faculty of the same or higher rank as the one sought by the candidate and all professional faculty in the same track (i.e. teaching) of the same or higher rank as the one sought by the candidate.

6.6 It is the responsibility of the DVF to participate in consultation at the departmental level. The DVF shall have full access to the documentation prepared for each candidate and the opportunity and responsibility to meet as a group with the Department Head to consider the matter confidentially. The DVF shall provide a written assessment. A vote shall be taken either by secret ballot or open ballot, with the method of voting to be decided by a majority vote of the DVF. Faculty members who cannot attend the meeting shall be expected to vote in accordance with Department Rules.