RUL 05.67.705 – Department of Statistics Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Procedures
Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
History: First Issued: March 1999. Last Revised: July 23, 2014.
Related Policies:
NCSU RUL05.67.706 – College of Sciences Standards and Procedures for Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure
NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure
NCSU REG05.20.20 – Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Dossier Format Requirements
NCSU REG05.20.27 – Statement of Faculty Responsibilities
Additional References:
Office of the Provost RPT Website
Contact Info: Department Head, Statistics, (919-515-1949)
- Introduction
For the purposes of appointment, reappointment and promotion to positions of academic rank, the Department of Statistics subscribes to the campus policy (NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure), the procedures of the College of Sciences (NCSU RUL 05.67.706 College of Sciences Standards and Procedures for Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure), and when applicable the procedures of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (RUL 05.67.22 – College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Procedures). The departmental criteria are in congruence with college and university criteria.
- Areas of Faculty Responsibilities
Faculty are appointed with the expectation that they will undertake research, interdisciplinary collaboration or consulting, teaching, and university and professional service. The mix of activities undertaken by a faculty member in a given year will reflect the terms of his or her Statement of Faculty Responsibilities (including subsequent modifications agreed to by the Department Head in consultation with the Departmental Voting Faculty per (NCSU REG05.20.27 – Statement of Faculty Responsibilities). Evaluation of the faculty member by the Departmental Voting Faculty (DVF) for the purpose of reappointment, promotion and tenure will take account of this mix of activities.
- General Standards
The goal of the RPT process of the Department is to recognize and reward colleagues who have achieved excellence in their academic careers, and who show expectation of continued intellectual development and service. Excellence in teaching and research, interdisciplinary collaboration or consulting, participation in service and extension activity, and general collegiality of faculty are recognized as important contributions to the vitality of the department. General standards for various ranks are summarized below. In the evaluation of candidates for reappointment, promotion or tenure, each DVF member will apply NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure.
3.1. Indicators of scholarly achievement
The faculty member being evaluated is not necessarily expected to have accomplishments in all of these areas.
3.1.1. Research indicators
3.1.1a) publications in refereed journals
3.1.1b) chapters or papers in edited volumes
3.1.1c) books published
3.1.1d) papers appearing in conference proceedings
3.1.1e) other non-refereed publications
3.1.1f) grant and contract proposals; submitted, funded
3.1.1g) papers presented at meetings and seminars at other institutions; contributed, invited
3.1.1h) supervision of graduate student research (MS and Ph.D. production)
3.1.1i) letters from external referees
3.1.1j) honors received
3.1.1k) other research-related achievements
3.1.1l) mentoring of undergraduate research and graduate consulting
3.1.2. Collaboration and consulting indicators
3.1.2a) consulting volume
3.1.2b) established collaborative relationships
3.1.2c) joint authorships on refereed research publications
3.1.2d) statistical education — publication in subject matter journals, seminars and short courses
3.1.2e) technology transfer
3.1.2f) other non-refereed publications
3.1.2g) client evaluations
3.1.2h) participant on research proposals and grant applications
3.1.2i) other consulting-related achievements
3.1.2j) mentoring of undergraduate research and graduate consulting
3.1.3. Teaching indicators
3.1.3a) courses taught
3.1.3b) student evaluations
3.1.3c) Peer review (required)
3.1.3d) service on graduate student committees
3.1.3e) special topic courses
3.1.3f) teaching innovations
3.1.3g) new course development
3.1.3h) curriculum development
3.1.3i) honors received
3.1.3j) short courses
3.1.3k) activity in the professional societies relating to statistical education
3.1.3l) publications relating to teaching and curriculum; refereed, other
3.1.3m) talks relating to teaching and curriculum; contributed, invited
3.1.3n) external funding in support of education
3.1.3o) other teaching-related achievements
3.1.3p) mentoring of undergraduate research and graduate consulting
3.1.4. Service and extension indicators
3.1.4a) student advising and membership on student committees
3.1.4b) committee work
3.1.4c) refereeing, editing and other service to professional societies
3.1.4d) participation in the affairs of the department, college, university and profession
3.1.4e) honors received
3.1.4f) international activities
3.1.4g) other service- and extension-related achievements
3.1.4h) mentoring of undergraduate research and graduate consulting
- Standards for Reappointment as Assistant Professor
4.1. Research program has been initiated
4.2. Developing reputation in the profession
4.3. Evidence that growth in scholarly ability and productivity will continue
4.4. Effective interdisciplinary collaboration or consulting
4.5. Effective teaching as evidenced by student and peer evaluations
4.6. Service with departmental focus. Participation in faculty meetings and seminars, membership on departmental committees.
- Standards for Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure
5.1. Established independent research program that has developed beyond dissertation area with a record of outstanding scholarly achievement as evidenced by publications and grant support
5.2. Established good reputation in the profession
5.3. Continued growth in scholarly ability and productivity
5.4. Effective interdisciplinary collaboration or consulting, with some relationships moving toward joint publications.
5.5. Effective teaching as evidenced by student and peer evaluations
5.6. Service mostly with departmental focus. Participation in faculty meetings and seminars, membership on departmental committees. Taking part in the academic affairs of the department including participation in undergraduate and graduate student affairs
5.7. Record of successful supervision of master’s students or shared supervision of Ph.D. students
5.8. Mentoring of undergraduate research and graduate consulting
5.9. Letters from referees external to the university substantiating that work is recognized and valued by peers
- Standards for Promotion to Full Professor
6.1. Highly productive, sustained and nationally visible program in research or statistics education as evidenced by publications and grant support
6.2. Well established reputation of excellence in the profession
6.3. Assurance of continued academic development
6.4. Mature interdisciplinary collaboration or consulting, resulting in regular joint publications and other externally recognized scholarly achievements
6.5. Effective teaching as evidenced by student and peer evaluations
6.6. Service to the department, the university, and the professional community
6.7. Record of successful supervision of master’s and Ph.D. students
6.8. Mentoring of undergraduate research and graduate consulting
6.9. Letters from referees external to the university substantiating that work is recognized and valued by peers
6.10. Leadership within the university
- Procedures for RPT Review
7.1. Early in the Fall semester, appropriate DVF will review all of the activity reports or resumes of potential non-mandatory candidates for reappointment, promotion and tenure and select the candidates to be considered in addition to mandatory candidates for a reappointment, promotion or tenure. The Department Head discusses the DVF review with both mandatory and non-mandatory candidates. Under exceptional circumstances the Department may nominate a tenure track assistant professor for early tenure and promotion.
7.2. After the faculty member has been selected for candidacy for reappointment, promotion, or tenure by DVF, the Department Head, self-selection, or mandatory consideration, the Department Head works with the candidate and DVF to develop a list of external reviewers in compliance with University guidelines.
7.3. Candidates and DVF will be informed about the procedures and deadlines set by the Colleges and the Provost each year as soon as they are available and will be followed.
7.4. Those faculty eligible to vote but not able to attend may submit absentee ballots. The department head will announce the deadline for submission of absentee ballots in keeping with required deadlines of the process.