RUL 05.67.800 – Department of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Procedures

Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

History: First Issued: August 24, 1999. Last Revised: June 13, 2016.

Related Policies:
NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure

NCSU REG05.20.20 – Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Dossier Format Requirements
NCSU REG05.20.27 – Statement of Faculty Responsibilities

Additional References:
Office of the Provost RPT Website 

Contact Info: Department Head (919-515-6646 or 919-515-4077)


This rule describes the Department of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management (TATM) standards and procedures for making reappointment, promotion and tenure (RPT) recommendations.  It is supplemental to and consistent with NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure.  These procedures are the basis upon which TATM departmental procedures have been developed and are herewith presented.

1.1 TATM Departmental Voting Faculty (DVF) – Definition and Role

1.1.1 Initial Tenure-Track Appointments

For initial appointments, the DVF shall consist of tenured faculty of any rank.  The DVF may consult with other Departmental faculty prior to voting [Policy 05.20.01 Section 6.2.2 a.]. If tenure is to be awarded with an initial appointment, a second vote is taken and recorded.  Decisions for awarding tenure for new faculty, either at the Associate Professor or Full Professor level, require a DVF vote.  The DVF for Associate Professors negotiating to be hired with tenure includes all tenured Associate Professors and Professors.  The DVF for Professors negotiating to be hired with tenure includes all tenured Professors in the Department. DVF members holding administrative appointments of greater than 50% do not vote but are encouraged to attend the meetings and participate in the discussion. [Policy 05.20.01 Section 6.2.3].

1.1.2 Reappointments

For reappointments, the DVF shall consist of tenured faculty of any rank.  DVF members holding administrative appointments of greater than 50% do not vote but are encouraged to attend the meetings and participate in the discussion.

1.1.3 Promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor with tenure

The DVF shall consist of tenured faculty with the rank of associate Professor and Professor. DVF members who are Departmental Representatives on the College RPT Committee attend the meeting, participate in the discussion but do not vote at the Departmental level. Faculty members holding administrative appointments of greater than 50% do not vote but are encouraged to attend the meetings and participate in the discussion.

1.1.4 Promotion from Associate Professor to Professor

The DVF shall consist of tenured faculty with the rank of Professor. DVF members who are at the rank of Professor and are Departmental Representatives on the College RPT Committee attend the meeting, participate in the discussion but do not vote at the Departmental level. Faculty members at the rank of Professor holding administrative appointments of greater than 50% do not vote but are encouraged to attend the meetings and participate in the discussion.


Faculty members in TATM have the responsibility for teaching, research, extension and engagement, and service.  Dissemination of research to academic and industry audiences is expected.  This dissemination should be balanced and can take the form of published works and/or juried exhibitions.  Faculty members are responsible for seeking extramural funds for teaching development and research.  All faculty members are expected to be involved in the operation of the department, college, and university by serving in various capacities (for example, on committees, boards, panels, task forces, and commissions).  The faculty member’s Statement of Faculty Responsibilities describes the level of engagement in the areas of responsibility.


The standards to be used in evaluating faculty members for promotion, tenure, or reappointment reflect an expectation of high-level performance in all types of appointments.  No distinction is made between the level of expectations for performance in scholarly activity, teaching and/or extension and engagement.

A faculty member to be considered for promotion from assistant to associate professor with tenure, or from associate professor to professor, must demonstrate and document that she/he has made regular contributions to their field in an appropriate form.  These contributions should be defined more broadly to include different forms of scholarly activity that contribute to the field.

In addition, the overall program of the faculty member must have depth, strength, vitality, and fit within the mission of the TATM Department, the College, and the University.  It is expected that a faculty member being reviewed for promotion and/or tenure will have demonstrated exceptional leadership in teaching and mentoring, discovery of knowledge and/or extension and engagement, and service to the University, College, Department, and the profession.

In general, when individuals are being considered for reappointment, promotion, and tenure, the quality, quantity, impact, and creativity of all their contributions are considered.  The definition of the measures of these four aspects is one of the most important things that Tenured Faculty and Department Heads do in the nurture and evaluation of junior colleagues.  It is expected that, over a career, a faculty member’s contributions should reflect the importance of the University’s missions to teach, conduct research, and provide extension and engagement to the citizens of North Carolina and beyond as interpreted by the Department’s and College’s standards as to what is expected to be recommended for promotion and tenure.  Before an individual is cloaked with tenure, the quality of the candidate’s accomplishments and inclination to continue a career of active work consistent with the mission of NC State University need to be assured.

3.1 Teaching Standards

A candidate for reappointment, promotion and/or tenure must have demonstrated a commitment to teaching excellence and have a commendable teaching record. The elements of performance to be considered are teaching effectiveness, student learning and achievement, course and curriculum development, authorship of textbooks and teaching aids, course coordination and service on thesis, dissertation and other graduate project committees.

The evaluation of teaching performance will be based on a variety of information that may include, but is not limited to:

3.1.1  Course syllabi, course content, course supplements, exams, papers, and other student assignments;

3.1.2  Level of courses taught; especially evaluation of breadth and depth.  Breadth is defined as teaching in more than one area and depth is defined as teaching at the graduate level;

3.1.3  Peer review assessment;

3.1.4  Student evaluations (course evaluations);

3.1.5  Teaching awards and course/curriculum development.

Honors, awards, and other special recognition are other important indicators of quality and dedication to teaching and mentoring.

Teaching load must be realistically established and must be equitably distributed among faculty in the department.  Failure to do so can adversely affect performance in all areas.

3.1.6 Training  and mentoring of graduate students and postgraduates is an important contribution to a field.  Success of graduates is an important measure of the strength of a program.  Direction of graduate research and chairing/co-chairing of graduate student committees are measures of research and other forms of scholarly activity.

3.2 Research and Scholarship Standards

Scholarly productivity is an essential component of a faculty member’s contribution. Forms of scholarship include peer-reviewed publications and/or juried exhibitions. Additional forms of scholarship may be considered, including (but not limited to) development of computer software, juried competitions, and invited lectures.

Quantity is of importance only as a general indicator of regular activity.  Of more significance is the quality of the contribution to the new knowledge in the field. Honors, awards and other special recognition are important indicators of quality and dedication to research and scholarship. Examples include: Best Paper Awards, Best Poster Awards, and Juried Competition Winner. Relative weight will be given to various types and forms of scholarly activity, as aligned with the Department’s guidelines and the SFR.  A candidate for promotion and tenure must have a number of substantive works accepted for publication or exhibition that have been subjected to peer review; these works may include journal articles, books, and monographs.  A candidate for reappointment must demonstrate ability or definite promise in teaching, research & scholarship, and services.

It is important that each faculty member show continuity of advancement towards the requirements for tenure and promotion as outlined in this document.

Effort at and success in attracting extra-mural funding is important.  This funding may take the form of research contracts, direct grants, University mini-grants, memoranda of agreements, unrestricted gifts, in-kind support and collaborative efforts.

Additional scholarly works such as papers presented at professional meetings and successful research contract proposals are considered part of the candidate’s scholarly activities.  The quantity and quality of unpublished working papers, manuscripts, and grant proposals are important elements in assessing a candidate’s continuing commitment to scholarly activities.

The guidelines for scholarly works presented in sections 5 and 6 must be applied with judgment since the candidate’s scholarly activities are evaluated in the context of total performance at NC State.  Further, the guidelines constitute a necessary but not necessarily sufficient condition for promotion or tenure.  The TATM Department recognizes that there may be substantial variation among refereed works in terms of their contribution to the academic and professional community.

3.3 Creative Artistry Standards

Creative Artistry is described as the creation, production, and/or evaluation of cultural artifacts that generate new insights and interpretations with the potential to inspire and advance the quality of life in society.  Creative artistry can be expressed through literature, performing, fine and applied arts.

Applied arts are defined ( as any art that applies aesthetic principles to the design or decoration of useful objects, such as industrial design, bookmaking, illustration, printmaking, and commercial art. The applied arts are usually contrasted with the fine arts (drawing, painting, sculpture, fine printmaking, etc.), which are seen as serving no purpose other than providing an aesthetic experience. Applied art is any type of art done with a practical application; the application of design and aesthetics to objects of function and everyday use. Examples include the fields of industrial design, graphic design, fashion design, textile design, fiber arts, costume design, footwear, accessories, and interior design are considered applied arts.  Outcomes are typically more “practice-based” rather than “research-based” as in the Realm of Discovery of Knowledge (Scholarship Area) and may include:

  1. a) A new Design Process or novel application of an existing Design Process
  2. b) A new effect obtained through the Practice side of the work
  3. c) Practice of techniques compared– Engaging experts to respond to work, disseminating work in digital or other venues,
  4. d) Learning and preparation of production of creative artifacts early work, novel concepts and preliminary work to understand the potential and application of new techniques

3.4 Technological and Managerial Innovation Standards

Technological innovation provides the means by which knowledge and imagination in the sciences, humanities, and creative arts can be harnessed to drive the economic and social systems of the state, nation, and world and ultimately, provide new products, processes and services. Relevant activities include invention disclosures, patents, contribution to research program development meetings, brainstorming sessions with government and industry, and arranging and managing seminars and meetings to promote field of research.

3.5 Service Standards

Service may include extension and engagement with constituencies outside the University, in professional societies and service and engagement within the University itself.

All faculty members are expected to become involved in the operation of the Department, College, and University by serving in various capacities (for example, on committees, boards, panels, task forces and commissions).  Although there is a reasonable limit to the extent of involvement (to be managed by the Department Head), it is not unreasonable for these tasks to occupy an average of 10 to 15 percent of a faculty member’s time.  Appointments requiring larger amounts of time, such as administrative appointments, should be reflected in the SFR.

The following activities may also be considered: memberships on editorial boards of refereed journals, serving as a referee, assisting colleagues with their research activities, serving as an external examiner, organizing and offering short courses and/or workshops, chairing/co-chairing conferences, and serving as an officer of a professional organization and/or industry board.


To be reappointed as Assistant Professor, the candidate must demonstrate ability or definite promise in teaching, research, generating external funding, and extension and engagement as specified in NCSU REG05.20.27 – Statement of Faculty Responsibilities, and an ability and willingness to participate in the University, College, and Departmental affairs which will lead to national recognition and promotion to Associate Professor with tenure.


To be promoted to Associate Professor with tenure, a candidate must first meet the standards listed above for reappointment as an assistant professor and be recognized nationally.  The Department must be assured that there is a high expectation that the candidate will continue to build their national reputations and potential for international recognition through significant contributions to the field.  The same standard for promotion to Associate Professor with tenure will be applied to candidates being considered for tenure after having been appointed at the associate professor level. The candidate must demonstrate recognized ability in teaching and independent research, generating external funding leading potentially to international recognition, as well as extension services.

To be promoted to Associate Professor with tenure, a candidate must have a number of substantive works accepted for publication or juried exhibition that have been subjected to peer review process that is comparable or exceed Associate Professors’ works in the field since joining TATM either as an Assistant Professor or Associate Professor.  The candidate seeking to obtain tenure and/or promotion to Associate Professor should have demonstrated lead role in authorship of at least one paper/work in the field of expertise.  Reviewed sole authored paper/creative work, first author paper/creative work, and/or joint paper/creative work with graduate students are examples of indicators of lead role in authorship. The expectation is that these scholarly outcomes will be in that group of peer reviewed journals, juried exhibitions, and competitions considered to be at the top of a particular field or area.


To merit promotion to Professor, a candidate will have met the standards described above for appointment or promotion to Associate Professor with tenure.  Also, the individual will have demonstrated a proven record of distinguished achievement in research with consistent contribution in externally funded projects, teaching, extension and engagement and service commensurate with their Statement of Faculty Responsibilities. For promotion to Professor, the Department must be assured that the candidate has achieved (or earned) national and/or international recognition for excellence in her/his field of research and that the candidate will maintain this reputation through significant (and regular) contributions to the field.

To be promoted to Professor, a candidate must have a number of substantive works accepted for publication or exhibition that have been subjected to a peer review process that is comparable or exceed Full Professors’ works in the field. The candidates for Full Professor should have a commendable lead role in authorship of at least two reviewed papers/creative works. Reviewed sole authored papers/creative works, first author papers/creative works, and/or joint papers/creative works with graduate students are examples of indicators of commendable lead role in authorship. The expectation is that these publications will be in that group of journals, juried exhibitions, and competitions considered to be at the top of a particular field or area.


7.1  Dossier

Candidates for RPT must prepare a dossier following the RPT Dossier Format Requirements, NCSU REG05.20.20 – Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Dossier Format Requirements.  The RPT dossier is submitted to the Department Head at a date determined by the Department Head to permit adequate time for the review and feedback stages of the process.


TATM has identified the following areas of specialization within the Department:  Fashion and Textile Management, Fashion and Textile Design.

It is recognized that there are journals, media and vehicles for disseminating scholarly work that may be appropriate for particular faculty members depending on their area of scholarship and expertise. It is recommended that a faculty seeking reappointment, promotion, and tenure to consult with his/her mentor, tenured faculty in his/her field and Department Head for guidance on selecting appropriate media for his/her works.

8.1 Articles in Refereed, Peer Reviewed and Prestigious Journals

Journals in this category are either completely peer reviewed, or have sections that are refereed and/or peer reviewed, or alternatively are considered respected prestigious journals.  Their function is to disseminate the latest and most creative ideas and research findings.  Articles published in journals of this category are classified as peer reviewed.

8.2 Juried Exhibitions

Items in this category are creative work exhibited following an invitation or a competitive review for a design show or exhibition at the state, national or international level.

8.3 Scholarly Work, Books, Invited Reviews, Book Chapters, Critical Reviews and Government Bulletins

Items in this category result from the faculty member’s reputation for expertise and standing in the field, they have been approached and invited to produce the particular manuscript or other creative work.