RUL 05.68.12 – Department of Horticultural Science Post Tenure Review Standards and Procedures

Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

History: First Issued: January 8, 2010.  Last Revised: July 20, 2016.

Related Policies:
UNC Policy 400.3.3 – Performance Review of Tenured Faculty
NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure

NCSU REG05.20.04 – Post Tenure Review of Faculty
NCSU REG05.20.27 – Statement of Faculty Responsibilities
NCSU REG05.20.10 – Evaluation of Teaching

Additional References:
Office of the Provost RPT Website
NC State Guide on Peer Review of Teaching

Contact Info:  Department Head (919-515-3131)


This rule describes standards and procedures of the Department of Horticultural Science for post tenure review of faculty.  It supplements NC State University’s Academic Tenure Policy and Regulation on Post Tenure Review of Faculty (  To the extent of any inconsistency, the Academic Tenure Policy and Post Tenure Review Regulation control.  The Department Head is responsible for assuring that the procedures as set forth in NCSU REG05.20.04 – Post Tenure Review of Faculty and this Rule are followed.  Any changes to this Rule should be approved by majority vote of the department tenured faculty.

  1. Post Tenure Review Committee (PTRC)

2.1 Selection

2.1.1  The PTRC shall consist of five tenured professors appointed by the Department Head.  The majority of members will be Full Professors. PTRC members will serve three-year terms. All tenured Associate and Full Professors in the department are eligible to serve on the PTRC, unless they will be reviewed during the term.

2.1.2  In any given academic year, the member of the PTRC who is serving for his or her last year is recommended to chair the committee. The PTRC Chair should familiarize himself or herself with the applicable policies and regulations and this rule.

2.1.3  The Department Head, after consultation with the Assistant Department Head, shall appoint the PTRC Chair and members. The Head shall also appoint a replacement(s) in any academic year, as necessary.

2.1.4*The PTRC Chair will schedule all meetings, coordinate with the Department Head/ Assistant Department Head, and prepare and transmit reports from the committee to the Head and to the faculty members reviewed.

2.2 Meeting Schedule

2.2.1 October – Department head notifies all faculty to be reviewed that academic year and requests they begin preparation of their review packet.

2.2.2 October — PTRC Chair and members appointed by the Department Head.

2.2.3 February 15 (or two weeks after the deadline date for the FAR/POW)– Review packets, outlined in Section 3, are due to the Assistant Department Head.

2.2.4 February (third week) – Review packets are given to the PTRC Chair for distribution to the PTRC.

2.2.5 February/March/ — PTRC meets and assesses packets.

2.2.6 April 15 — Department head receives written assessments from PTRC.

2.2.7 April 30 — Department head provides to the faculty member being reviewed the written assessment of the PTRC, including their numerical vote.

2.2.8 May 1 — Department head provides the Dean with PTRC assessment.


The documentation provided to the PTRC is as follows, which includes the items as set forth in section 5.2 of university NCSU REG05.20.04 – Post Tenure Review of Faculty.

3.1 Current curriculum vitae, including publication list.

3.2 Statement of Faculty Responsibilities

3.3 An optional self-assessment (not to exceed 2 pages), including a statement of professional activities and achievements, summarized for the review period following the RPT format

3.4 Copies of all Faculty Activity Reports since the last review or promotion: three (or five) years for Associate; five years for Full Professor.

3.5 Departmental teacher/course evaluations from the review period (when applicable)

3.6 Results of any peer reviews of teaching during the review period (when applicable)

3.7 Results of Extension program evaluations from the review period (when applicable)

3.8 Any additional supportive information deemed pertinent by the faculty member or the Department Head

  1. Performance Standards AND REVIEW SCHEDULES

4.1 Standards for Associate Professor

Associate Professors are to be evaluated to determine if they are performing the realms of responsibility set forth in their Statement of Faculty Responsibilities at the Associate Professor standard as set forth in the Department’s Rule on Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Procedures. They must present evidence that they are maintaining the standards for promotion to Associate Professor (meets expectations) as set forth in the Academic Tenure Policy and college and departmental reappointment, promotion and tenure rules. The PTRC shall provide a determination of: does not meet expectations; meets expectations; or exceeds expectations. The department will follow the College rule for designating an exceeds expectations determination. The first Post Tenure Review assessment of Associate Professors will occur at three years (inclusive of the year of promotion to the Associate level). If the overall determination of the PTRC is that the faculty member’s performance meets expectations or exceeds expectations, the review is concluded and the next post tenure review shall occur in five years. Associate Professors on this 5-year review schedule shall provide documentation to the PTRC as described for Full Professors in Section 2.2.3.  More frequent reviews of individual faculty may be requested by the Department Head as needed.

4.2 Standards for Professor

Professors are to be evaluated to determine if they are performing the realms of responsibility set forth in their Statement of Faculty Responsibilities at the standard set forth in the Department’s Rule on Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Procedures.  They must present evidence that they are maintaining the standards for promotion to Full Professor (meets expectations) as set forth in the Academic Tenure Policy and college and departmental reappointment, promotion and tenure rules. The PTRC shall provide a final assessment of: does not meet expectations; meets expectations; or exceeds expectations. The department will follow the College rule for designating an exceeds expectations determination. The programs of Full Professors will be reviewed every five years. More frequent reviews of individual faculty may be requested by the Department Head as needed.

4.3. If the final determination is that the faculty member’s performance does not meet expectations, the Department Head will prepare a written performance development plan as described in Section 5.


5.1 Criteria for performance development plans include the following:

  • The plan should be developed in consultation with the faculty member and relevant peers in the department(s) or program(s) participating in the review.
  • The plan will provide specific descriptions of areas for improvement as they relate to the realms of responsibility described in the faculty member’s SFR and include a specified timeline (usually 1-5 years) during which improvements are expected to occur.
  • The plan will document what the faculty member must do to meet expectations according to the specified timeline and the consequences of failing to make the required improvements.

The professional development plan will serve as the basis for subsequent post tenure reviews, which will be conducted annually by the PTRC for the duration described in the plan or until such time as the faculty member is found to meet expectations. For subsequent reviews, the Department Head will provide the PTRC with the previous post-tenure review report(s) and the faculty member’s performance development plan.

Subsequent actions and involvement of the Department Head with the faculty member including assignment of a peer mentor, reviews by the PTRC, and consultation with the Dean shall be pursuant to Section 7.2-7.8 of NCSU REG05.20.04 – Post Tenure Review of Faculty (