RUL 05.68.79 – Poole College of Management Post Tenure Review of Faculty Standards and Procedures

Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

History:  First Issued:  December 16, 2016. Last Revised: March 20, 2020. 

Related Policies:
UNC Policy 400.3.3 – Performance Review of Tenured Faculty
UNC Policy 400.3.3.1[G] – Guidelines on Performance Review of Tenured Faculty
NCSU REG05.20.04 – Post Tenure Review of Faculty
NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure
NCSU POL05.25.01 – Faculty Grievance and Non-Reappointment Review Policy
NCSU REG05.20.20 – Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Dossier Format Requirements

Additional References:
Promotion and Tenure Departmental Standards and Procedures
Departmental Post Tenure Review Rules
N C Gen Stat. 126-24


This regulation establishes college information for the comprehensive, periodic, cumulative review of the performance of all the college’s tenured faculty. This regulation is consistent with the requirements of NC State’s REG 05.20.04 Post Tenure Review of Faculty, UNC Policy 400.3.3 – Performance Review of Tenured Faculty and UNC Policy 400.3.3.1[G] – Guidelines on Performance Review of Tenured Faculty.


2.1 Standards for Associate Professor

For the purpose of Post-Tenure Review, Associate Professors are evaluated every five years to determine if they are meeting expectations in the realms of responsibility set forth in their Statement of Faculty Responsibilities (SFR). For tenure-track faculty, these realms of responsibility are typically teaching, research, and service; however, it is recognized that some faculty may be engaged in other activities, as reflected in their SFRs. To meet expectations in teaching, a faculty member must be effective in the classroom, as indicated by the summative peer reviews, student evaluations, and other evidence on effective teaching.  To meet expectations in research, a faculty member must have an active research program.  Publications, working papers, conference presentations, and research grant proposals are examples of evidence of an active research program.  To meet expectations in service, a faculty member must participate in department, college, or university committee activities and participate in professional service in keeping with the needs of the department. In addition, Associate Professors are expected to maintain Scholarly Academic Status or Scholarly Practitioner Status, as defined by the College’s AACSB Faculty Classifications Criteria.

2.2 Standards for Professor

For the purpose of Post-Tenure Review, Professors are evaluated every five years to determine if they are meeting expectations in the realms of responsibility set forth in their Statement of Faculty Responsibilities (SFR). For tenure-track faculty, these realms of responsibility are typically teaching, research, and service; however, it is recognized that some faculty may be engaged in other activities, as reflected in their SFRs. To meet expectations in teaching, a faculty member must be effective in the classroom, as indicated by the summative peer reviews, student evaluations, and other evidence on effective teaching.  To meet expectations in research, a faculty member must have an active research program.  Publications, working papers, conference presentations, and research grant proposals are examples of evidence of an active research program.  To meet expectations in service, a faculty member must participate in department, college, or university committee activities and participate in professional service in keeping with the needs of the department. In addition, Professors are expected to maintain Scholarly Academic Status or Scholarly Practitioner Status, as defined by the College’s AACSB Faculty Classifications Criteria.


3.1 Standards for Associate Professor

Associate Professors are evaluated to determine if they are exceeding expectations in the realms of responsibility set forth in their Statement of Faculty Responsibilities (SFR). For tenure-track faculty, these realms of responsibility are typically teaching, research, and service; however, it is recognized that some faculty may be engaged in other activities, as reflected in their SFRs. To exceed expectations, as defined in section 2.2 above, a faculty member must demonstrate exemplary performance in all realms of responsibility listed on their SFRs, during the period over which the faculty member is being evaluated. Evidence of exemplary performance in teaching might include, but not be limited to, nominations for department, college or university teaching awards.  Evidence of exemplary performance in research might include, but not be limited to, the quantity and quality of a faculty member’s publications or grants, and/or outstanding research awards from professional associations, the college or university.  Evidence of exemplary service might include, but not be limited to, participation in department, college, or university committee activities and in professional service above and beyond the needs of the department, college or relevant professional associations.  In addition Associate Professors exceeding expectations are expected to maintain Scholarly Academic Status, as defined by the College’s AACSB Faculty Classifications Criteria.

3.2 Standards for Professor

Professors are evaluated to determine if they are exceeding expectations in the realms of responsibility set forth in their Statement of Faculty Responsibilities (SFR). For tenure-track faculty, these realms of responsibility are typically teaching, research, and service; however, it is recognized that some faculty may be engaged in other activities, as reflected in their SFRs. To exceed expectations, as defined in section 2.2 above, a faculty member must demonstrate exemplary performance in all realms of responsibility listed on their SFRs, during the period over which the faculty member is being evaluated.  Evidence of exemplary performance in teaching might include, but not be limited to, nominations for department, college or university teaching awards.  Evidence of exemplary performance in research might include, but not be limited to, the quantity and quality of a faculty member’s publications or grants, and/or outstanding research awards from professional associations, the college or university.  Evidence of exemplary service might include, but not be limited to, participation in department, college, or university committee activities and in professional service above and beyond the needs of the department, college or relevant professional associations.  In addition Professors exceeding expectations are expected to maintain Scholarly Academic Status, as defined by the College’s AACSB Faculty Classifications Criteria.


Section 6.3 of REG 05.20.04 states that “If the Dean’s initial determination of the faculty member’s performance differs from that of the Department PTR Committee and/or the Department Head, all of the materials from the review will be sent to a College Post-Tenure Review (PTR) Committee selected in accordance with the College PTR Rule.”  Thus, if the Dean, Department Head, or Department PTR Committee disagree, then the case will be reviewed by the College PTR Committee.

In such cases, the College Retention, Promotion, and Tenure Committee shall serve as the

Post Tenure Review Committee.


5.1 Training. All faculty in the college who are involved in the PTR process will have undertaken the PTR online training before assuming any role.  UNC General Administration has provided an online training resource for all faculty and administrators involved in Post-Tenure Review.  Department heads will verify completion of that training by collecting copies of the certification verification document generated by the online site and notifying the dean of the individuals who have completed the training.