RUL 05.68.63 – Department of Population Health and Pathobiology Post Tenure Review Standards and Procedures and Review of Non-Tenure Track Faculty Standards and Procedures

Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

History: First Issued: January 8, 2010. Last Revised: September 26, 2019.

Related Policies:
UNC Policy 400.3.3 – Performance Review of Tenured Faculty
NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure
NCSU REG05.20.04 – Post Tenure Review of Faculty
NCSU REG05.20.27 – Statement of Faculty Responsibilities
NCSU REG05.20.10 – Evaluation of Teaching

Additional References: 
Office of the Provost RPT Website
NC State Guide on Peer Review of Teaching

Contact Info:  Department Head (919-513-6440)


This rule describes standards and procedures of the Department of Population Health and Pathobiology for post tenure review of faculty. It supplements NC State University’s Academic Tenure Policy and Regulation on Post Tenure Review of Faculty. To the extent of any inconsistency, the Academic Tenure Policy and Post Tenure Review Regulation control. The Department Head is responsible for assuring that the procedures as set forth in NCSU REG05.20.04 – Post Tenure Review of Faculty  and RUL 05.68.77 – College of Veterinary Medicine Post Tenure Review of Faculty and these Rules are followed.


2.1 Selection

2.1.1 The PTRC will consist of 4 full professors appointed by the Department Head of Population Health and Pathobiology who will serve a 2-year term, with 2 rotating off every year. Faculty are not scheduled to serve on the committee during the year of their own review.  All tenured full professors in the department are eligible to serve on the PTRC, unless they  are scheduled for review during the term or if they are appointed to the College RPT committee. The Department Head is ineligible to serve on the committee.

2.1.2 In any given academic year, a member of the PTRC who is serving for his or her last year will chair the committee. The chair should familiarize himself or herself with the applicable policies and regulations and this rule.

2.1.3 If a committee member leaves prior to the end of their term, the Department Head will ask for, and approve of, a volunteer to serve on the committee until the term is complete.  If there are no volunteers, the Department Head will appoint a replacement.

2.2 Meeting Schedule

2.2.1 After review with the Department Head, the executive assistant in the department contacts faculty to be reviewed and distributes a copy of NCSU REG05.20.04 – Post Tenure Review of Faculty, RUL05.68.63 – Department of Population Health and Pathobiology Post Tenure Review Standards and Procedures including a review timeline.

2.2.2    The committee chair works with the executive assistant to schedule a PTRC with those up for review to discuss documentation required by each faculty member.

2.2.3    The committee meets in January or February,  reviews the submitted documentation and assesses whether the faculty member(s) does not meet, meets, or exceeds performance standards.  The committee then provides a written assessment to the Department Head. In order to meet expectations, the faculty member must meet the departmental standards for performance over the 5-year review period.  The department head, chair and PTRC members all must follow the university NCSU REG05.20.04 – Post Tenure Review of Faculty as well as the departmental rule RUL05.68.63 – Department of Population Health and Pathobiology Post Tenure Review Standards and Procedures.


The documentation provided to the PTRC is set forth in section 5.2 of university NCSU REG05.20.04 – Post Tenure Review of Faculty and this rule. The committee will receive copies of the Department Head’s review for each annual review occurring within the 5-year review period.

3.1 In addition, the faculty member is to provide a summary of significance of activities in didactic teaching, clinical teaching and service, research, and organizational service in the last 5 years [maximum 2 pages total] as well as an outline of goals and plans for next 3-5 years  and a Plan for Professional Development [1 page maximum for both].  The committee may request additional clarification from the faculty member, if necessary.

3.2 Failure to provide these required documents by the deadline will result in a determination of ‘does not meet’ expectations.

3.3 The Department Head will transmit a written summary of the PTRC’s findings and the Department Head’s own assessment to the faculty member. These findings will include a statement as to whether the faculty member “meets”, “does not meet” or “exceeds” expectations according to the performance standards for the department (see below, Section 4.)


4.1 Standards for Associate Professor

Associate Professors with tenure will be evaluated with regard to assigned effort  in the individual’s Statement of Faculty Responsibilities (SFR) documents covering the 5-year review period and the Associate Professor standard as set forth in RUL05.67.852 – Department of Population Health and Pathobiology Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Policies.

The expectation is that an Associate Professor will show evidence they are making contributions that will eventually qualify the candidate for promotion to Professor.  Associate Professors should show evidence of continued contributions in their major focus area (research, teaching, service).  Demonstration of such contributions might include continued scholarly activity through innovative peer-reviewed research, demonstration of advanced teaching or clinical techniques or awards, or serving on national scientific or specialty boards.

4.2 Standards for Professor

Professors with tenure will be evaluated with regard to assigned effort in the individual’s  SFR covering the 5-year review period for the individual and the Professor standard as set forth  in RUL05.67.852 – Department of Population Health and Pathobiology Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Policies.

The expectation is that a Professor should demonstrate a sustained effort, through innovative peer-reviewed contributions in a major focus area and will continue to maintain an international reputation and outstanding leadership in their focus area.   Professors should demonstrate outstanding leadership within the department and college by participating on committees, mentorship programs, graduate student/post-doctoral training, and/or student teaching.  Professors may also make significant contributions to the department and college by serving in major administrative roles.

4.3 Standards for Non-Tenure Track Faculty

Non-tenure track faculty will be reviewed every five years using the same procedures as described above for tenure track faculty.  The performance standards are based on the distribution of effort detailed in the annual SFR documents covering the 5-year review period for the individual.  The performance standards mirror those detailed in RUL 05.67.852 – Department of Population Health and Pathobiology Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Policies.

4.4 Standards for exceeding expectations

In order to “exceed expectations” the faculty member must significantly and consistently exceed the standards set forth in the SFR and RUL 05.67.852 – Department of Population Health and Pathobiology Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Policies.  Faculty performance that exceeds expectations must demonstrate sustained and clearly recognizable excellence across the entire five years of the review period in at least one area of teaching, scholarship, or service that corresponds to a significant area of effort distribution as defined in the SFR. This accomplishment must be consistent with the increased expectations associated with the ranks of Associate and Full Professor, respectively.