RUL 05.67.207 Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development Professional Faculty Appointment and Promotion Standards and Procedures
Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
History: First Issued: August 18, 2023
Related Policies:
NCSU REG05.20.34 – Professional Faculty Ranks and Appointments
RUL 05.67.902 – College of Education Professional Faculty Appointment and Promotion Standards and Procedures
NCSU REG05.20.27 – Statements of Faculty Responsibilities
NCSU REG05.20.20 – Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Dossier Format Requirements
NCSU POL05.15.01 – Employees Exempt from the State Human Resources Act (EHRA) Policy
NCSU POL05.25.01 – Faculty Grievance and Non-Reappointment Review Policy
NCSU REG01.20.01 – Delegations of Authority for Appointments, Compensation and Other Personnel Actions for Employees Exempt from the State Human Resources Act (EHRA)
NCSU REG02.40.01 – Membership in the Graduate Faculty
NCSU REG05.20.03 – Annual Reviews of Faculty Members
NCSU REG05.20.10 – Evaluation of Teaching
Additional References:
Justifying, Approving, and Documenting Instructor Qualifications
N.C.G.S. §135
Job Posting and Background Check Requirements
This rule describes the standards and procedures for appointments, including both initial contracts and subsequent contracts, and promotion for professional faculty in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development. As specified in NCSU REG 05.20.34, NC State uses the term “professional faculty” rather than “special” or “non-tenure track” faculty. In this rule, “professional faculty” is inclusive of professional faculty in different tracks—clinical, extension, research, teaching, and of the practice; ranks (assistant professor, associate professor, and professor); full-time (> .75 FTE), part-time (<.75 FTE), adjunct (unpaid part-time (<0.75 FTE). This rule is supplemental to university NCSU REG05.20.34-Professional Faculty Ranks and Appointments and the College of Education rule NCSU REG 05.67.902-College of Education Professional Faculty Appointment and Promotion Standards and Procedures. Only faculty appointed at 0.75FTE and above are eligible for promotion.
Consistent with NCSU REG 05.20.34—Professional Faculty Ranks and Appointments, professional faculty with professorial ranks must be in one of the following tracks. These titles can also be modified by “adjunct.”
1.1 Clinical: A full-time (>.75 FTE) or part-time (<.75 FTE) contract with a principal responsibility in clinical practice or clinical research. Professorial ranks in this track are Assistant Clinical Professor, Associate Clinical Professor, and Clinical Professor.
1.2 Extension: A full-time (>.75 FTE) or part-time (<.75 FTE) contract with a principal responsibility in extension and engagement. Professorial ranks in this track are Assistant Extension Professor, Associate Extension Professor, and Extension Professor.
1.3 Research: A full-time (>.75 FTE) or part-time (<.75 FTE) contract with a principal responsibility in research. Professorial ranks in this track are Assistant Research Professor, Associate Research Professor, and Research Professor.
1.4 Teaching: A full-time (>.75 FTE) or part-time (<.75 FTE) contract with a principal responsibility in teaching. Professorial ranks in this track are Assistant Teaching Professor, Associate Teaching Professor, and Teaching Professor.
1.5 Of the Practice: A full-time (> .75 FTE) or part-time (<.75 FTE) contract with a practitioner with significant experience in their field. Professorial ranks in this track are Assistant Professor of the Practice, Associate Professor of the Practice, and Professor of the Practice.
1.6 The tracks commonly designated in Educational Leadership, Policy and Human Development are Teaching and Of the Practice. Professional faculty in the Teaching track are professionals with the principal responsibility of teaching. Professional faculty in the Of the Practice track are accomplished senior-level professionals in their particular fields, and whose contributions to teaching, research, service and/or extension have their foundation in prior non-academic accomplishments associated with their area of expertise. Appointment in both tracks requires a terminal degree.
1.7 Educational Leadership, Policy and Human Development does not appoint faculty at the ranks of Lecturer and Senior Lecturer.
1.8 All full-time professional faculty with contacts exceeding one year must have a Statement of Faculty Responsibilities and contract. All part-time professional faculty must have a contract and may have a Statement of Faculty Responsibilities. The content and procedures for the Statement of Faculty Responsibility shall comply with the university regulation NCSU REG05.20.27 – Statements of Faculty Responsibilities and the content and procedures for contracts shall comply with university regulation NCSU REG05.20.34 – Professional Faculty Ranks and Appointments.
1.9 The Department recognizes that the specific activities upon which professional faculty are evaluated will vary, depending on each faculty member’s track, rank, the mix and percentage of effort of their areas of faculty responsibility specified in their Statement of Faculty Responsibilities and/or contracts.
All professional faculty in the department are expected to engage in teaching, research, service or other responsibilities as determined by their Statements of Faculty Responsibilities (SFRs) where realms of responsibility are greater than zero and/or assigned duties in their contracts.
The realms of faculty responsibility specified and defined by NCSU in REG 05.20.27 section 2 are:
2.1 Discovery of Knowledge through Discipline-Guided Inquiry
2.2. Teaching and Mentoring of Undergraduate and Graduate Students
2.3 Service in Professional Societies and Service and Engagement within the University itself
2.4 Extension and Engagement with Constituencies outside the University
2.5 Technological and Managerial Innovation
2.6 Creative Artistry and Literature
2.7 The realms most commonly found in ELPHD are 2.1 Discovery of Knowledge through Discipline-Guided Inquiry, 2.2 Teaching and Mentoring Graduate Students, 2.3 Service in Professional Societies and Service and Engagement within the University itself, 2.4 Extension and Engagement with Constituencies outside the University, and 2.5 Technological and Managerial Innovation although some faculty may have responsibilities beyond these realms.
2.8 Contributions in the realms of faculty responsibility described in each professional faculty member’s Statement of Faculty Responsibilities are the principal criteria for decisions about professional faculty appointment and promotion. Contributions expected at each rank are specified in the general standards and departmental standards for each rank specified in this rule.
At the departmental level, the review of candidates will employ standards generally consonant with those of the College (RUL 05.67.902 – College of Education Professional Faculty Appointment and Promotion Standards and Procedures) and University (REG 05.20.34 – Professional Faculty Ranks and Appointments), while specifically suitable for faculty members in the Department. These standards are applied with the expectation that faculty who are appointed and promoted within the Department are highly qualified within their discipline, as demonstrated by their teaching, service, and other relevant areas of responsibility, and that these are consistent with the needs and resources of the university. The merit of the faculty member’s performance, rather than time in rank, is the basic standard for all recommendations for appointment (initial contract), subsequent contracts, and promotion. The dossier, in the case of promotion, and documentation (specified in NCSU section 9 NCSU REG 05.20.34) in the case of initial contract and subsequent contracts, must demonstrate that the faculty member has established a record of performance consistent with the appointment, subsequent contracts, and promotion criteria. Faculty recognize that during evaluation for appointment and promotion, accomplishments in some realms may be weighted more heavily than accomplishments in other realms because of the percent of effort associated with the different realms of responsibility. Additionally, candidates may submit evidence of meritorious performance in realms of faculty responsibility in which they have 0% assignments in their SFRs, but are not required to do so as a condition of promotion.
3.1. Discovery of Knowledge through Discipline-Guided Inquiry refers to activities that contribute to knowledge or the application of knowledge. These activities may include the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and community engaged scholarship (CES). SOTL is the systemic inquiry into student learning which advances the practice of teaching by making inquiry findings public. CES is scholarship that is a result of engagement activities with a community partner. Evidence of quality of scholarship includes: publishing papers in refereed professional journals including online journals, publishing monographs or textbooks, contributing chapters to edited works, presenting at professional meetings and workshops, and other activities aimed at generating, contributing to or disseminating knowledge; research and scholarship awards; positive scholarly external evaluations from persons able to judge the significance and quality of contributions; internal and external grants and sponsored projects for scholarship.
3.2. Teaching and Mentoring Undergraduate and Graduate Students refers to developing innovative instructional materials or new courses, supporting and directing graduate students, serving on thesis or dissertation committees, and working collaboratively with graduate students on research, teaching, or community-based projects. Evidence for quality of teaching and mentoring includes: student evaluations, peer reviews, nomination and/or selection for teaching award, joint publications and presentations with graduate students, and/or recognized extension activities with students, teaching and curricular innovations; awards, honors, and recognition for teaching courses and/or supervising of practicum/internships; receiving grant support for program/curriculum innovations or student professional development.
3.3. Service in Professional Societies and Service and Engagement within the University itself refers to participation and leadership activities such as membership and involvement in professional societies; participation and/or leadership in degree program, departmental, college, and university-level committees and task forces or regional, national, and international committees and panels; and organizing workshops and conferences. Evidence of service includes: election or appointment to positions of responsibility in professional associations; service on the editorial board of a professional journal; participation on institutional, regional, national, and international committees, boards, and panels; peer evaluations of impact on education and practice; outstanding service in an administrative position; leadership role in the accreditation process, graduate program review, or self-study; organizer of conferences or conference sessions; and workshops and other learning activities for internal constituents and professional societies.
3.4. Extension and Engagement with Constituencies outside the University are the principal means by which NC State and other land-grant universities fulfill their unique mission. Accomplishments in extension and engagement represent an ongoing two-way interchange of knowledge, information, understanding, and services between the university and the state, nation, and world (NCSU REG 05.20.27 – Statements of Faculty Responsibilities). Evidence of quality in extension and engagement includes: research on engagement, participation on boards; providing services or expertise; sharing alternative forms of scholarship (policy papers, expert testimony, etc.); collaborative partnership; planning and implementing professional development activities and workshops; providing consultant services to that draw upon the faculty member’s professional expertise; developing and maintaining partnerships for internships, service learning, practicum, fieldwork and programs; recognition and/or awards for extension and engagement; leadership in community organizations; websites, training modules; classes or curricula for community; information portals, on-line and electronic resources, or other extension materials created for community partners; novel extension publications or videos to address community needs; developed resources that have been used or adapted in other states/regions/nations, grants relevant to extension and training; presentation, seminars, and talks at extension meetings; citizen science activities; and social media activities.
3.5. Technological and Managerial Innovation provides the means by which knowledge and imagination in sciences, humanities, and creative arts can be harnessed to drive the economic and social systems of the state, nation, and world, and ultimately, provide new products, processes, and services (NCSU REG 05.20.27). Evidence of quality in this realm include: knowledge and technology transfer accomplishments, e.g., copyrights awarded, invention disclosures, patents filed, patents awarded, innovations developed and released, major software packages, design patents, system designs, organizational processes developed, technologies commercialized; program impacts; licenses executed; awards for technology transfer impact; faculty-founded start-up companies; published reviews of technology created; and software widely adopted.
4.1 For initial appointment, the criteria for qualifications of Professional Assistant Professors are equivalent with Subsections (a), (b), and (c) of Section 5.1.1 of Regulation 05.20.34. However, as it relates to the minimum academic credentials, subsection (d), Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development requires a doctoral degree. Professional experience cannot function as a substitute for a doctorate.
(a) Ability or definite promise in the mutually agreed upon realms of responsibility (see REG 05.20.27 Statements of Faculty Responsibilities)
(b) Potential for directing activities in the mutually agreed upon realms of responsibility
(c) Ability and willingness to participate in department, college and university activities
(d) A doctoral degree, an equivalent degree, or equivalent professional experience
Evidence for (a), (b), and (c) includes, but is not limited to, academic degrees and certifications in relevant areas of expertise; professional experience; teaching, administrative, and leadership experience; research experience; publications and presentations; awards associated with the fields represented in our department; professional affiliations; and community or university service.
4.2 In addition to qualifications required for academic rank, faculty who teach must provide documentation to the department that they are qualified to teach the course, either based on degrees attained or alternative credentials. For these guidelines and instructions on how to document credentials, see “Justifying, Approving, and Documenting Instructor Qualifications” on the Office of the Provost website.
4.3 The mix of realms of responsibility varies depending on track—teaching, clinical, extension, research, practice—and are consistent with the needs and resources of the department.
In addition to meeting the criteria for qualifications of Professional Assistant Professors, professional assistant professors under consideration for subsequent contracts shall meet additional criteria:
5.1 Must show a satisfactory level of accomplishment in the realms of responsibility specified in the Statement of Faculty Responsibilities SFR and assigned duties in their faculty contract for full-time (> .75 FTE) professional faculty and the assigned duties in the contract for part-time (<.75 FTE) professional faculty.
5.1.1 Evidence of satisfactory accomplishment in Discovery of Knowledge through Discipline-Guided Inquiry includes, but is not limited to, presentations or publications that further knowledge development and scholarship, including the scholarship of teaching.
5.1.2 Evidence of satisfactory accomplishment in Teaching and Mentoring Undergraduate and Graduate Students includes, but is not limited to, student and peer evaluations, teaching and curricular innovations, and presentations or publications in the scholarship of teaching and learning, membership on advisory committees, and participating in programs designed to mentor or offer professional development of graduate students.
5.1.3 Evidence of satisfactory accomplishment in Service in Professional Societies and Service and Engagement within the University itself include, but is not limited to, membership and involvement in professional societies; participation in departmental, college, and university-level committees and task forces.
5.1.4 Evidence of satisfactory accomplishment in Extension and Engagement with Constituencies outside the University includes, but is not limited to, efforts to contribute to program design that focus on coordinating educational activities with external stakeholders.
5.1.5 Evidence of satisfactory performance in Technological and Managerial innovation includes, but is not limited to, the development of technological and managerial innovations.
5.2 Must show demonstrated ability to direct activities in one or more realms of faculty responsibility. Evidence of demonstrated ability to direct activities includes, but is not limited to, participating in programs that guide, support, or substantively inform the department’s mission and curricular policies and/or foster graduate students’ academic and career development.
5.3 Must show demonstrated ability and willingness to participate in department, college and/or university affairs. Evidence includes, but is not limited to, service on degree program, department, college and/or university committees, programs task forces, special projects, accreditation and program review activities; and department and college efforts to recruit new students and promote graduate student engagement and success.
5.4 Depending on the requirements of the Statement of Faculty Responsibilities and/or contract, other areas of accomplishment may be included in the evaluation.
The role of the Professional Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development carries the expectation that individuals at this rank make a sustained pattern of excellence in the realms of responsibility specified in the Statement of Faculty Responsibilities and/or contract. All Professional Associate Professors shall meet the minimum qualifications for Professional Associate Professors and standards for appointment and promotion require significant accomplishments beyond those required for the previous rank and appropriate to appointment at the more advanced rank. The criteria for appointment/promotion to Professional Associate Professor are:
6.1 Must show excellence in the realms of responsibility specified in the Statement of Faculty Responsibilities SFR and/or assigned duties in their faculty contract for full-time (> .75 FTE) professional faculty and the assigned duties in the contract for part-time (<.75 FTE) professional faculty.
6.1.1 Evidence of excellence in Discovery of Knowledge through Discipline-Guided Inquiry includes, but is not limited to, presentations or publications that further knowledge development and scholarship, including the scholarship of teaching.
6.1.2 Evidence of excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Undergraduate and Graduate Students includes, but is not limited to, student and peer evaluations, teaching and curricular innovations, presentations or publications in the scholarship of teaching and learning, the development and/or leadership of programs designed to mentor or offer professional development to graduate students; facilitating graduate scholarship (e.g., graduate research symposia, co-presenting conference presentation, co-authorship with students); honors, awards, and/or recognition for teaching or mentoring undergraduate and graduate students; supervising practicum/internships; and receiving grant support for teaching or curriculum innovations.
6.1.3 Evidence of excellence in Service in Professional Societies and Service and Engagement within the University itself includes, but is not limited, leadership in professional societies and/or departmental, college, and university-level committees, task forces, and special projects; and participation in regional, national, and/or international advisory boards or committees.
6.1.4 Evidence of excellence in Extension and Engagement with Constituencies outside the University includes, but is not limited to, participation on boards; providing services or expertise such as workshops, professional development, and consultations; sharing alternative forms of scholarship (policy papers, expert testimony, etc.); training modules, classes or curricula for community; and information portals, on-line and electronic resources, or other extension materials created for community partners.
6.1.5 Evidence of excellence in Technological and Managerial innovation includes, but is not limited to, development and application of new technological and managerial innovations.
6.2. Must show demonstrated ability to direct activities in one or more realms of faculty responsibility. Evidence of demonstrated ability to direct activities includes, but is not limited to, designing and/or leading programs that guide, support, or substantively inform the department’s mission and curricular policies and/or foster graduate students’ academic and career development.
6.3 Must show demonstrated ability and willingness to participate in department, college and/or university affairs includes but is not limited to leadership roles in degree program, department, college and/or university committees, programs task forces, special projects, and accreditation and program review activities.
6.4 Depending on the requirements of the SFR, other areas of accomplishment may be included in the evaluation.
Professional associate professors under consideration for subsequent contracts at the same rank shall meet the criteria for qualifications of Professional Associate Professors.
8.1. Faculty appointed or promoted to Professional Professor status must demonstrate a level of achievement that warrants national or international recognition. All Professional Professors shall meet the minimum qualifications for Professional Professors and standards for appointment and promotion require significant accomplishments beyond those required for the previous rank and appropriate to appointment at the more advanced rank. The criteria for appointment/promotion to Professional Professor are:
8.1.1 Must show distinguished achievement in the realms of faculty responsibility as specified in SFR, and/or assigned duties in their faculty contract for full-time (> .75 FTE) professional faculty and the assigned duties in the contract for part-time (<.75 FTE) professional faculty. Evidence of distinction in Discovery of Knowledge through Discipline-Guided Inquiry includes, but is not limited to, national and international presentations or publications on the scholarship in their primary realm of responsibility and invited talks.
8.1.2 Evidence of distinction in Teaching and Mentoring Undergraduate and Graduate Students includes, but is not limited to, student and peer evaluations, teaching and curricular innovations, presentations or publications in the scholarship of teaching and learning, facilitating graduate scholarship (e.g., graduate research symposia, co-presenting conference presentation, co-authorship with students), honors, awards and/or special recognition for teaching, mentoring, or supervising practicum/internships, and receiving grant support for program/curriculum innovations.
8.1.3 Evidence of distinction in Service in Professional Societies and Service and Engagement within the University itself includes, but is not limited, leadership in professional societies and/or departmental, college, and university-level committees, task forces, and special projects; service to national and international organizations that raise the profile of North Carolina State University, awards/recognition for service and/or impact on practice; mentoring other colleagues; substantial leadership in their area of expertise within the state of North Carolina and possibly regionally or nationally.
8.1.4 Evidence of distinction in Extension and Engagement with Constituencies outside the University, includes, but is not limited to, participation on national and international boards; providing services or expertise such as workshops, professional development, and consultations services to external stakeholders; sharing alternative forms of scholarship (policy papers, expert testimony, etc.), external funding associated with community partnerships, innovation and/or leadership in community engagement., and awards related to extension and engagement activities.
8.1.5 Evidence of distinction in Technological and Managerial innovation includes, but is not limited to, awards for technology transfer impact; start-up companies; published reviews of technology created; software widely adopted; and transformative improvement associated with managerial innovation.
8.2 Must show demonstrated ability to direct activities in one or more realms of faculty responsibility as specified in the Statement of Faculty Responsibilities and/or contract. Evidence includes, but is not limited to, leadership roles in degree program, department, college and/or university committees, programs task forces, special projects, and accreditation and program review activities; leadership in community engagement projects; and service to national and international organizations that raise the profile of North Carolina State University.
8.3 Must show an established reputation for the realms of responsibility as specified in the Statement of Faculty Responsibilities. Evidence includes invited talks, conference presentations and publications, leadership and awards in professional societies, leadership in high profile and/or high impact collaboration with state, national and/or international partners.
8.4 Must show demonstrated ability and willingness to participate in department, college and/or university affairs includes but is not limited to leadership roles in degree program, department, college and/or university committees, programs task forces, special projects, and accreditation and program review activities.
8.5 Depending on the requirements of the SFR, other areas of accomplishment may be included in the evaluation.
Professional professors under consideration for subsequent contracts at the same rank shall meet the criteria for qualifications of Professional Professors.
10.1 Departmental rules and procedures for initial contracts (appointment) and subsequent contracts for Professional Faculty at the same rank conform to those of the university and college, as outlined in REG05.20.34-Professional Faculty Ranks and Appointments and the College of Education rule NCSU REG 05.67.902-College of Education Professional Faculty Appointment and Promotion Standards and Procedures.
10.2 Departmental rules and procedures for promotion of Professional conform to those of the university and college, as outlined in REG05.20.34-Professional Faculty Ranks and Appointments and the College of Education rule NCSU REG 05.67.902-College of Education Professional Faculty Appointment and Promotion Standards and Procedures and NCSU REG05.20.20 – Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Dossier Format Requirements.
10.3 The Department Committee responsible for initial and subsequent contracts and promotion is referred to as the Departmental Voting Faculty or the DVF. The DVF for initial and subsequent contracts and promotion of professional faculty shall consist of all faculty who hold tenured or tenure-track positions at a rank equal to or higher than the rank being considered for appointment as well as full-time (.75 FTE and higher) professional faculty in the track in which the appointment is being considered and with professorial rank equal to or higher than the rank being considered. The DVF will elect a Chairperson from among its members on an annual basis. When the DVF vote on initial and subsequent contracts at the same rank, only the vote is required to be reported to the Department Head as part of the consultation process. However, the DVF chair or designated representative can opt to discuss with the department head the range of peer viewpoints about the quality and impact of the professional faculty’s accomplishments as it relates to the needs and resources of the department and professional development. When the DVF vote on professional faculty under consideration for promotion, the DVF must provide a written assessment that conforms with college and university guidelines.
10.4 The University guidelines do not specify a minimum number of years to be served in the Assistant or Associate Teaching Professor level before requesting consideration for promotion. Professional faculty considering promotion should meet with the department head and faculty at the Professor rank regarding their potential for promotion. Consultation with the Dean is also encouraged.
10.5 Faculty Duties for Documentation for Initial Contracts, Subsequent Contracts, and Promotion
Faculty are responsible for being knowledgeable about the department, college- and university-related standards and processes. Each faculty member is encouraged to maintain systematic records and support documentation on an on-going basis, following the relevant university guidelines.
10.6. Department Head Duties
10.6.1. The department head will be responsible for establishing deadlines, in accordance with college and university timelines, for submission and review of materials and for convening a meeting of the DVF for discussion and voting on each appointment (initial contract), subsequent contract, and candidate for promotion.
10.6.2. External Evaluations For Promotion of Professional Faculty
Pursuant to NCSU REG 05.20.34, the Dean must establish for professorially ranked professional faculty in each track (i.e., teaching, research, extension, clinical, of the practice) whether to require that the dossier include Section VII. EXTERNAL EVALUATIONS as part of the dossier for Professional Faculty under consideration for promotion. If external evaluations are required, the department head will consult with the candidate, the DVF, and the Dean of the College of Education to select five or six external evaluators. The department head shall obtain external evaluators’ willingness to participate in the process and ensure that the candidate assembles the documentary evidence. The external evaluators provide a written assessment of the quality, quantity, impact, and creativity of that performance. The results of the external evaluators’ assessment are added to the dossier by the department head prior to its review by the DVF.
10.6.3. Following the deliberation and vote, the DVF shall meet as a group with the department head to discuss the decision confidentially. Upon completion of the department review, the department head shall provide the DVF their written assessment and recommendation, and any responses provided by the faculty member, as required by University and College policies.
10.7 Departmental Voting Faculty (DVF) Duties Related to Promotion of Professional Faculty
10.7.1. The DVF will conduct their assessments, discussions, and voting on each candidate in strict confidentiality. No information from these discussions or the voting by its members will be revealed beyond the official written documentation. The DVF will engage in the review and assessment process based upon current department, college, and university guidelines. All DVF are expected to be present at the meeting and to take part in the discussion and voting process unless exigent circumstances warrant a faculty member’s absence. Within the constraints of college and university deadlines, the DVF chair will provide for an absentee vote by any DVF member who is not able to attend the meeting. A faculty member who is unable to be present at the meeting will be expected to review each candidate’s documentation and to submit a vote for each candidate.
10.7.2.When the DVF is considering a professional faculty candidate for promotion, written assessments from the DVF must explain how the candidate’s accomplishments, as documented in the dossier, meet (or fail to meet) the standards for promotion laid out in departmental rules.
10.7.3. One member of the DVF will be assigned primary responsibility for drafting the departmental written assessment of the candidate for promotion. The written assessment shall describe the range of peer viewpoints as to the quality and impact of the accomplishments of the candidate relative to the appropriate standards. This individual will be selected by the DVF based on familiarity with the candidate’s professional work. The individual writing the assessment, or the chair of the DVF, will consult with the other members of the committee to verify that the written assessment accurately reflects the discussions and voting of the DVF.
10.7.4. The DVF assessment will be forwarded to the department head. This document will identify the members of the DVF and become part of the written assessments of the candidate.
10.7.5. The candidate will be notified of the assessment and, in accordance with college and university rules, will be given an opportunity for a written response.
Any modification of these procedures shall be approved by a vote of all tenure-track department faculty and full-time professional faculty who are at the rank of associate and full, and requires a majority vote of support. A vote shall be taken either by secret ballot or open ballot, with the method of voting to be decided by a majority vote of the DVF.