POL 03.00.02 – Criteria and Procedures for Naming Facilities, Programs and Funds

Authority: Board of Trustees

History: First Issued: November 18, 1994. Last Revised: September 11, 2020.

Related Policies:
UNC Code Appendix 1 Section VI (Property and Buildings)
UNC Code Appendix 1 Section XVI (Auxiliary Enterprises, Utilities and Miscellaneous Facilities)
NCSU POL 03.00.01 – Coordination of Fundraising Activities and Acceptance of Private Donations (Gifts)
NCSU REG 03.00.04 – Review of Facility Namings for Removal

Contact Info: Vice Chancellor for University Advancement (919-515-3226)


1.1 This policy sets forth the criteria and procedures for the naming North Carolina State University Facilities, Programs, and Funds in recognition of an individual or organization.


2.1  The term “Facilities” includes buildings, rooms, interior spaces, exterior spaces (gardens, courts, plazas, memorials, roads, markers, streets, athletic fields, open spaces, land, forests, pastures, etc.), and all other tangible and relatively permanent features owned, operated or controlled by North Carolina State University.2.2  The term “Program” includes colleges, departments, institutes, centers, and other units associated with North Carolina State University’s functions.

2.3 The term “Funds” includes endowed and restricted funds established to support students, faculty/staff, Programs, and Facilities associated with North Carolina State University.


3.1 This policy shall be reviewed periodically by the Office of University Advancement or designee.  All recommended changes to this policy require approval by the Chancellor and Board of Trustees.


4.1 Board of Trustees

4.1.1 The act of naming Facilities and Programs shall be that of the Board of Trustees, acting after receiving the recommendation of the Chancellor. Donors, honorees, or benefactors should be informed throughout the naming discussions that final naming approval for all University Facilities and Programs rests with the Board of Trustees.

4.2 Chancellor

4.2.1 Subject to the responsibilities of the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, shall have responsibility and authority with respect to and is an essential participant in, all Facility and Program naming actions.

4.2.2 No Facility or Program may be named without the early knowledge and prior approval of the Chancellor. The Chancellor shall endeavor to determine that the proposed action is consistent with the interests of the University, to assure that the amount of any gift warrants the action proposed, and to maintain equity in the relationship of gifts for similar naming actions.

4.2.3 The Chancellor may recommend exceptions to this policy, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, and after consultation with University leadership when appropriate.

4.3 Special Committee on Donor-Funded Naming Opportunities

4.3.1 The Special Committee on Donor-Funded Naming Opportunities shall be appointed by the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement.

4.3.2  The Special Committee on Donor-Funded Naming Opportunities shall review donor-funded naming proposals requesting the naming of Facilities and/or Programs in honor of donors or benefactors who have made substantial contributions to the University in accordance with pre-approved and recommended gift minimums and within the guidelines for naming of Facilities and Programs at North Carolina State University and make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement.

4.3.3  The Special Committee on Donor-Funded Naming Opportunities shall meet as required to efficiently perform its duties either in person or remotely. The chair shall call meetings. A simple majority of the membership of the committee shall constitute a quorum. No proxy shall be recognized in any meeting of the committee.

4.4 Special Committee on Honorary Namings

4.4.1 The Special Committee on Honorary Namings shall be appointed by the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement.

4.4.2  In the rare event of an honorary naming of a Facility or Program, the Special Committee on Honorary Namings shall review proposals in recognition of individual or organization who have attained achievement of extraordinary and lasting distinction and shall make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement.

4.4.3 The Special Committee on Honorary Namings shall meet as required to efficiently perform its duties either in person or remotely. The chair shall call meetings. A simple majority of the membership of the committee shall constitute a quorum. No proxy shall be recognized in any meeting of the committee.

4.5 University Advancement

4.5.1 For Facilities and Programs, all namings shall be directed and managed through University Advancement.

4.6 Office of the University Architect

4.6.1 Signage approvals are managed through the Office of the University Architect.


5.1 For all namings, the donor, honoree, or benefactor must exhibit an image and demonstrate integrity consistent with the values and mission of the University.

5.2 Honorary Namings

5.2.1 Honorary namings are to recognize individuals who have attained achievements of extraordinary and lasting distinction.

5.2.2 The naming of Facilities and Programs are reserved for philanthropic gifts to the University or connected to a sponsorship. The naming of a Facility or a Program that honors a person in the absence of a gift shall remain a rare method of recognizing individuals.

5.2.3  Honorary namings of Facilities will not be named for members of the University faculty or staff, members of the Board of Trustees, members of the Board of Governors, the Governor, elected officials, or state employees concerned with the functions, oversight or control of the University, so long as the relationship exists.

5.3 Donor-Funded Naming Opportunities

5.3.1 Donor-funded naming opportunities are to recognize donors who have made substantial financial contributions to the University. The term “donors” includes individuals, corporations, and other organizations.

5.3.2 For donor-funded naming opportunities, the recommended gift minimum shall be determined by University Advancement. The recommendation is valid for up to five years. The Vice Chancellor for University Advancement may grant exceptions on occasion upon their discretion.

5.4 Corporate or Organization Naming

5.4.1 Corporations or other organizations shall not name a University Program, unit, department, or college unless approved as an exception by the Chancellor or designee.

5.4.2 Only in rare, exceptional situations should an entire Facility be named for a corporation or organization. Such gifts shall represent a “transformative contribution,” and an exception shall be made by the Chancellor or designee.

5.4.3 Corporate or organization naming of a Facility shall be term-limited up to twenty years unless approved as an exception by the Chancellor or designee.

5.4.4 In the instance of corporate or organizational namings of Facilities, due diligence shall be taken to avoid any appearance of undue influence or conflict of interest.


6.1 A Facility or Program naming agreement is required for all donor-funded naming opportunities. The agreement shall be approved by the Board of Trustees and contain the terms and conditions agreed to by the University and the donor. Electronic signatures are acceptable.


7.1 Naming opportunities may include (1) new Facilities that are to be constructed or acquired, (2) existing Facilities that are undergoing major or minor renovations, or (3) existing Facilities that are not undergoing renovations.

7.2 Selection of Facility names should take into account the University’s Physical Master Plan and all new major capital projects that are dependent upon private funding.

7.3 Colleges or departments pursuing donor-funded naming opportunities for capital projects with required fundraising goals must submit fundraising plans to the Office of University Advancement or designee for approval by the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement and Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, as per POL 03.00.01 – Coordination of Fundraising Activities and Acceptance of Private Donations (Gifts).

7.4 University Advancement and the Facilities Division reserve the right to determine if a Facility should or should not be named.

7.5 Items such as furniture, trees, shrubs, plants, benches, bricks, bike racks, and any item of personal property that is moveable and not permanent shall not be named. The Vice Chancellor for University Advancement may grant exceptions to this on occasion upon their discretion.

7.6 Facilities that are being leased to North Carolina State University or by North Carolina State University shall not be named.

7.7 For donor-funded named rooms and spaces, the recommended gift minimum is determined by the project cost or replacement cost, current marketable value, location, and prospect pool. The recommendation is valid for up to five years. The Vice Chancellor for University Advancement may grant exceptions to this on occasion upon their discretion.

7.8 For a donor or benefactor to name a building, the recommended gift minimum shall be a substantial and significant amount that will enhance the University’s mission.

7.9 All recommended gift minimums shall be predetermined by University Advancement prior to the donor’s commitment to name the Facility.

7.10 The minimum gift amount for a Facility to be named is $25,000. The Vice Chancellor for University Advancement may grant exceptions on occasion upon their discretion.

7.11 The allocation of funds for donor-funded Facility naming opportunities shall be predetermined before the donor makes a commitment and shall be pre-approved by University Advancement. The funds shall be established in a pooled endowed or restricted fund unless the donor’s contribution meets both the endowment minimum and the recommended gift minimum to name the Facility. In addition, the donor’s intent must align with the pre-approved allocation of funds purpose. The donor cannot have a named fund if the fund purpose is directed to a capital project.

7.12 Facilities shall not be named through a grant, sponsored research, or sponsorship without prior approval from University Advancement and is subject to approval by the Chancellor and Board of Trustees.


8.1 For Programs, the recommended gift minimum shall be a substantial and significant amount that will enhance the University’s mission.

8.2 For a gift to name a Program, the funds shall be allocated to either a named or unnamed unrestricted endowment designated by the Dean or the head of the unit. The Vice Chancellor for University Advancement may grant exceptions to this on occasion upon their discretion.

8.3  The allocation of funds for donor-funded Program naming opportunities shall be predetermined by the Dean or Unit Leadership before the donor makes a commitment and shall be pre-approved by the Board of Trustees.

8.4 The recommended gift minimum shall be predetermined by University Advancement prior to the donor’s commitment to name the Program. The recommendation is valid for up to five years.

8.5 Programs shall not be named through a grant, sponsored research, or sponsorship without prior approval from University Advancement and is subject to approval by the Chancellor and Board of Trustees.


9.1  When a Facility or Program is to be named in consideration of a financial contribution, the gift shall have been received by the University or affiliated foundation, or its future receipt shall be assured through the appropriate signed agreement before a naming action shall be taken, as follows:

9.1.1 Pledges to be paid over a period of time, typically up to five years, are acceptable for current naming of Facilities and Programs when a signed pledge payment agreement for the total is in hand. Pledges for beyond five years must be approved by the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement or designee.

9.1.2 If the pledged gift is to name new construction, renovation, or other projects with cash-flow considerations, the timing of the pledge payments should be such that sufficient current dollars are available to cover project costs.

9.2 Irrevocable planned gifts may generate current naming of Facilities and Programs if current cash flow considerations are not an issue for the requesting Facility or Program. Irrevocable planned gifts will be credited at their face value, with particular emphasis being given to the predictability of the long-term value of the irrevocable deferred gift.

9.3 Combinations of revocable planned gifts and cash may occasionally generate current naming opportunities under certain circumstances and must be approved by the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement or designee. Each combination request must be explained fully to the respective committee and a case made for the appropriateness of the naming given the specifics of a particular gift. Particular emphasis will be given to the cash flow requirements of the requesting Facility or Program, the predictability of the long-term value of the revocable deferred gift component, and the predictability of its receipt.


10.1 The duration of a donor’s, honoree’s, or benefactor’s name on any Facility or Program ordinarily continues for as long as the Facility or Program is used in the same manner purpose for which the naming occurred. Upon demolition, replacement, substantial renovation, redesignation of purpose, or similar modification of a named Facility or Program, the University may deem that the naming period has concluded.

10.1.1  At the discretion of University Advancement, the appropriate University representative may be directed to make all reasonable efforts to inform in advance the original donors, honorees, benefactor s, or their surviving family members when the naming period is deemed to have concluded.

10.1.2 The duration of a donor wall is contingent upon the life cycle of the Facility or Program, and once the life cycle has ended, the donor wall can be removed with approval from University Advancement.

10.2 Renaming

10.2.1  When the donor’s, honoree’s, or benefactor ‘s naming period has concluded, the Facility or Program may be renamed, with the original name removed, in recognition of new gifts, subject to any specific terms and conditions set forth in the original agreement.

10.3 Term Naming

10.3.1 In appropriate instances, most often involving a corporate donor, naming may be granted for a predetermined fixed term. At the end of the term, the name of the Facility or Program shall expire but may be renewed with the same or a new name. The Facility naming agreement should specify the period of time for which the Facility or Program will be named.

10.4 Donor, Honoree, or Benefactor Name Changes

10.4.1 If a donor, honoree, or benefactor requests a change to the name of a Facility or Program (e.g., due to divorce or corporate merger), the University will consider the request.

10.5 Removal of Naming Approval or Conferral

10.5.1 The University reserves the right, on reasonable grounds, to remove and terminate its obligations regarding a naming, with no financial responsibility for returning any received contributions to the donor or benefactor.  The Board of Trustees must approve all removals prior to removal.  Reasonable grounds to remove and terminate a naming include, but are not limited to the following:

(a) If the donor’s, honoree’s, or benefactor’s reputation, actions, or behavior do not align with the university mission and values. Removal of the naming shall only occur after review in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Chancellor.

(b) If the donor or benefactor fails to maintain payments on a pledge upon which the naming was bestowed. In such an instance, the naming may be removed after a pro rata period of time that reflects the number of pledge payments made, given the estimated useful life of the building or the term of years covered by the Facility Naming Agreement, as applicable

(c) If a planned gift upon which the naming was bestowed does not result in the value agreed upon.

(d) If a Facility has been named without proper approval, after due diligence has occurred to ensure the naming was not properly approved.


11.1 Endowments and named Funds shall be established by University Advancement and do not require review or approval by the Board of Trustees.

11.2 The minimum gift amount to establish a named endowed Fund is $50,000. The Vice Chancellor for University Advancement may grant exceptions to this minimum gift amount on occasion upon their discretion.

11.3 The minimum gift amount to establish a named current-use Fund is $10,000. The Vice Chancellor for University Advancement may grant exceptions to this minimum gift amount on occasion upon their discretion.

11.4 Endowment levels above the minimum for named endowed Funds shall be established by the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement.


12.1 Financial contributions resulting in the naming of a Facility, Program, or Fund may be made to an affiliated foundation but, if the University is constructing or renovating a Facility, then funds will be transferred to the University.


13.1 In the event that outside legal counsel is necessary, all legal costs related to donor-funded naming opportunities and endowed Funds are the responsibility of the college/unit supported by the gift.

13.2 All costs of donor, honoree, or benefactor signage or recognition are the responsibility of the college/unit supported by the gift.

13.3 If the donor, honoree, or benefactor requests a sign or recognition to be changed, all replacement signage and other related costs shall be at the donor’s expense.


14.1 Naming signage shall not be approved until approved by the Board of Trustees.

14.1.1 Naming signage shall conform to all University signature guidelines and shall not be installed until approved by the Office of the University Architect and University Advancement.

14.1.2 Naming signage standards shall conform to all University branding standards. Signage reflecting a corporate or organizational naming of a Facility may not include the donor’s logo or other components of branding. This policy applies only to donor-funded namings and does not apply to leased spaces, or other contractual business relationships.

14.2  No statues or significant works of art recognizing a donor’s gift or to honor a person shall be commissioned or installed without following the Guidelines for Public Art Acquisition and by receiving approval of the Office of the University Architect and University Advancement.

14.3 No publicity of the naming shall be released to the public until it has been approved by the Board of Trustees.

14.4 All gift minimums for donor recognition, which includes public displays, signs, donor walls and mounted object that recognizes a donor, shall be predetermined by University Advancement.

14.5 All mounted naming signage that has not been properly approved is subject to removal.