POL 05.15.01 – Employees Exempt from the State Human Resources Act (EHRA) Policy

Authority: Board of Trustees

History: First Issued: May 22, 1981. Last Revised: September 8, 2023.

Related Policies:
UNC Code, Appendix I.C – Personnel Policies
UNC Policy 300.2.1 – Employees Exempt from the State Human Resources Act
UNC Policy 300.2.10 – Faculty Community Service Leave
UNC Policy 300.1.1 – Senior Academic and Administrative Officers
UNC Policy 300.4.2 – Employment of Related Persons
UNC Policy 300.5.1 – Political Activities of Employees

UNC Policy 1000.2.2 – Waiver of Tuition and Fees for Faculty and Staff
NCSU POL04.20.06 – Interpersonal Relationships among Faculty, Staff and Students
NCSU POL08.00.01 – Computer Use Policy
NCSU POL05.25.01 – Faculty Grievance and Non-Reappointment Review Policy

NCSU POL05.25.03 – Review and Appeal Processes for EHRA Non-Faculty Employees
NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure
NCSU REG05.20.34 – Non-Tenure Track Faculty Ranks and Appointments
NCSU REG10.10.08 – Postdoctoral Scholars

Additional References: 

Checklist & Sample Offer Letters for SAAO-Tier I Appointments
State Human Resources Manual, Section 5 – Leave Policies 

Community Service Leave (Human Resources Website) 
N.C.G.S. §116-11(4) and (5) – Powers and Duties of the Board of Governors 
N.C.G.S. §116-14 – UNC President; Professional Staff 
N.C.G.S. §116-143 – Tuition and Fees for Staff and Faculty
N.C.G.S. §126-5 – Employees Subject to Chapter; Exemptions
N.C.G.S. §128-15 – Employment Preference for Veterans and their Spouses or Surviving Spouses 

UNC-General Administration’s – Guidelines Concerning Use of University of North Carolina Resources for Political Campaign Activities

Contact Info: Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources (919-515-3443)


1.1 Scope

Positions Exempt from the State Human Resources Act (EHRA positions) are those positions that are not subject to the State Human Resources Act (SHRA) and are classified in one of four categories: 1) EHRA Non-Faculty, 2) Faculty, 3) Senior Academic and Administrative Officer Tier-I (SAAO Tier-I), or 4) Senior Academic and Administrative Officer Tier-II (SAAO Tier-II).

1.2 Coverage

1.2.1 EHRA Non-Faculty:  This policy applies to all permanent EHRA Non-Faculty employees.

1.2.2 Faculty:  This policy does not apply to academic year (9-month) or fiscal year (12-month) faculty, except for Section 2.4 which applies to all faculty and Section 8 which applies to fiscal year (12-month) faculty.  NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure contains other applicable personnel policies for faculty.

1.2.3 SAAO Tier-I: Sections 2.4, 6, 7,, 8.2.3, 8.2.4, 8.3, 8.5, 8.6 and 9 of this policy apply to SAAO Tier-I positions. 1.2.4 SAAO Tier-II: Sections 2.4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.2.1, 8.2.3, 8.2.4, 8.3, 8.5, 8.6, and 9 of this policy apply to SAAO Tier-II positions.

1.2.5 Postdocs:  This policy does not apply to postdoctoral scholars, they are covered by NCSU REG10.10.08 – Postdoctoral Scholars.

1.3 Definitions of Positions

1.3.1 EHRA Non-Faculty Employees:

EHRA Non-Faculty are employees who are not subject to the State Human Resources Act (N.C.G.S. Chapter 126) and who are not: (1) faculty subject to institutional tenure regulations; (2) employees within administrative categories of employment subject to N.C.G.S. § 116-11(4), N.C.G.S. §116-11(5), or N.C.G.S. § 116-14; (3) positions within the “physicians or dentists” category under N.C.G.S. § 126-5; and (4) University students or postdocs who are employed incident to their status as students or postdocs, as in graduate teaching assistantships or work-study positions.

1.3.2 Faculty:  Faculty are employees covered by NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure for faculty who are tenured or on the tenure track, and NCSU REG05.20.34 – Professional Faculty Ranks and Appointments   faculty on professional tracks.

1.3.3 SAAO Tier-I:  SAAO Tier-1 employees include the chancellor [N.C.G.S. 116-11(4)]; vice chancellors, provosts, deans, and directors of major administrative, educational, research and public services activities designated by the Board of Governors [N.C.G.S. 116-11(5)].

1.3.4 SAAO Tier-II:  SAAO Tier-2 employees include associate and assistant vice chancellors; associate and assistant deans; and other administrative positions that have been designated and approved by the president.


2.1 Method of Appointment

Every appointment to an EHRA position shall be made by the chancellor or chancellor’s designee by means of a letter of appointment that fulfills the requirements of Section 2.

2.2 Letter of Appointment

The letter of appointment shall include the items specified in the UNC Policy Manual, chapters 300.2.1 or 300.1.1, as applicable. Section II. B.

2.3 Funding Contingencies

When an EHRA position is funded in whole or substantial part from sources other than continuing State budget funds or permanent trust accounts, the letter of appointment shall state 1) continuation of the employee’s service in that position is contingent upon the continuing availability of funds from such other sources to support that position, 2) specify the source of such funds, and 3) that the effect of such contingency may apply without the additional notice otherwise required by sections 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 provided that the affected employee shall be informed at the earliest practicable date of the occurrence of such a funding contingency.

2.4 Individuals Covered by More than One Employment Policy

2.4.1 When an employee is to serve simultaneously in more than one type of EHRA position as defined in section 1.2, one position shall be designated in writing as the base or primary appointment that governs the conditions of employment and the rights and responsibilities of the employee.  If appointment to an additional type of EHRA position occurs subsequent to the initial appointment, the letter of appointment for the additional position shall embody the required designation of base employment (or primary appointment) versus secondary appointment.  The designation of base employment shall specifically describe the different rights, duties, and compensation for each position and the relationship, if any, between/among the positions.

2.4.2 Any funding contingency of the type referred to in section 2.3 shall be set forth separately for each position to the extent applicable, since the operation of any such contingencies may be independent.

2.5 Terms of Appointment/Subsequent Appointments

Initial appointments and any subsequent appointment(s) for EHRA non-faculty positions should be “at will.”  In exceptional circumstances, with Human Resources endorsement and executive officer approval, EHRA non-faculty positions may be appointed on a “fixed term.”

2.5.1 Fixed-term appointment:  An initial fixed-term appointment and any subsequent fixed-term appointment(s) for a permanent EHRA non-faculty position may be for a period of no more than five (5) years.

2.5.2 “At will” appointment:  An appointment may be designated as employment “at will” subject to continuation or discontinuation at the discretion of the chancellor or chancellor’s designee.  Such an appointment is for an indefinite term.  When a position is not expected to continue indefinitely – such as due to finite programmatic or funding constraints — the appointment should be designated as “at-will” for a period “not to exceed” an anticipated ending period.

2.5.3 A fixed-term appointment may be converted to an “at will” appointment at the end of a fixed-term.  An “at will” appointment may be converted to a fixed-term appointment at any time.

2.5.4 Visiting Appointments

An appointment and any subsequent appointment(s) in a visiting EHRA position shall be for a period of no more than two (2) years.  If the visiting appointment is funded in whole or substantial part from sources other than continuing State budget funds or permanent trust accounts, the letter of appointment shall state include the funding contingency set forth in section 2.3.

2.6 Rank/Title, Appointment, Subsequent Appointments, and Promotion

Where applicable, a university unit may develop procedures and criteria regarding rank/title, appointment, subsequent appointments, and promotion.  Such procedures and criteria must be in accordance with the provisions of section 2.5 and approved by the executive officer to whom the unit reports.


3.1 Discontinuation of Appointment

3.1.1 Discontinuation with Notice or Severance Pay

Employment within an EHRA position that is established by the letter of appointment to be an employment “at will” is subject to discontinuation at any time at the discretion of the chancellor or chancellor’s designee; provided, that such a discontinuation (as distinguished from discharge for cause, section 4.1) shall be subject to advance timely notice of discontinuation, as follows:

1) during the first year of service, not less than 30 days notice prior to discontinuation of employment or the payment of severance pay for 30 days;

2) during the second and third years of service, not less than 60 days notice prior to discontinuation of employment or the payment of severance pay for 60 days; and

3) during the fourth and all subsequent years of service, not less than 90 days notice prior to discontinuation of employment or the payment of severance pay for 90 days.

After consultation with the provost, vice chancellor, and/or dean as appropriate, the chancellor or designee may determine, at their discretion, that it is in the best interest of the University to provide the employee with severance pay in lieu of notice.  The severance pay amount must be directly related to the required notice period.  Any agreement to compensate the employee in excess of the amount set forth in this section must be approved by the Board of Trustees.

3.1.2 Return to a Faculty Position

An EHRA non-faculty employee who is employed at will and holds a concurrent tenured faculty appointment may assume the rights and responsibilities of that faculty appointment in the home department after voluntary or involuntary removal from an administrative appointment, unless a proceeding is initiated to discharge or demote the employee from the faculty position.  Any administrative supplement paid during the administrative appointment must be removed once the employee’s administrative appointment ends. The employee’s new salary must be adjusted to a 9-month or 12-month faculty salary that is commensurate with the salaries of comparable faculty members within the employee’s department/college.

At the discretion of the chancellor, the chancellor may provide for up to a one semester research leave for any tenured faculty member who has served in one or more consecutive SAAO Tier-1 positions for at least five years in order to provide an opportunity for the faculty member to prepare for teaching and research responsibilities.  Prior to the beginning of the research leave, the administrator will submit a work plan for the leave period to include expected outcomes.  The plan will be reviewed and approved by the chancellor.

Exceptions may be made to recognize extraordinary circumstances including, but not limited to, extended or superior service in administrative roles.  Any exception to these provisions must be approved by the Board of Trustees and by the President.

In the event that the faculty member does not assume faculty responsibilities for at least one semester after the research leave in accordance with this policy, the chancellor is authorized, in his or her discretion, to require repayment of compensation paid during the leave period from the non-returning faculty member.

3.1.3 Subsequent Appointment of an Administrator without Return to Faculty Rights

An EHRA employee who is employed at will has no claim to a position at the University.  The University may determine that it is in its best interest to assign an employee without a right to return to faculty to another administrative or teaching position.  In the case of such reassignment, the employee must receive advance notice in accordance with Section 3.1.1 above, and the new salary must be appropriate to the assignment.  Any exception to the above must be approved by the Board of Trustees and by the President.

3.2 Expiration of a Fixed-Term Appointment

Employment within an EHRA position that is established by the letter of appointment to be for a stated definite term expires automatically at the conclusion of the stated term; such an appointment may be renewed or extended at the option of the employer, by a new appointment as required by Section 2.  If the employer intends not to renew or extend the term appointment:

1) with respect to a term of one year or less, no notice of intent not to renew or extend the term shall be required; the letter of appointment is considered to be adequate notice of the expiration of the term;

2) with respect to a term of more than one year but less than four years, notice of intent not to renew or extend shall be transmitted in writing at least 60 days prior to the expiration date of the term;

(3) with respect to a term of four years or more, notice of intent not to renew or extend shall be transmitted in writing at least 90 days prior to the expiration of the date of the term.  Failure to provide the required 60 or 90 days written notice shall result in the automatic extension of employment for a period that would equal the applicable notice requirement.

3.3 Termination of Employment Because of Financial Exigency or Program Curtailment or Elimination

Employment within an EHRA position that is established by the letter of appointment to be for a stated definite term may be terminated prior to expiration of the stated term because of:  1) demonstrable, bona fide institutional financial exigency, or 2) major curtailment or elimination of a program.  “Financial exigency” is defined to mean a significant decline in financial resources of the University that compels a reduction in the institution’s budget.  The determination of whether a condition of financial exigency exists or whether there shall be a major curtailment or an elimination of a program shall be made by the chancellor, with advance notice to and approval by the president and the Board of Governors.  If the financial exigency or curtailment or elimination of a program is such that the contractual obligation to an employee within an EHRA position cannot be met, the employment of the individual may be terminated, subject to the following notice requirements; 1) during the first year of service, not less than 30 days notice prior to termination; 2) during the second and third years of employment, not less than 60 days notice prior to termination; and, 3) during the fourth and all subsequent years of service, not less than 90 days notice prior to termination.


4.1 Any employee occupying an EHRA position may be discharged for stated cause.  Discharge for cause is to be distinguished from discontinuation of an at-will appointment with notice or severance pay (Section 3.1.1), expiration of a fixed-term appointment (Section 3.2.) and termination of employment because of financial exigency or program curtailment or elimination (Section 3.3).

4.2 Stated causes for discharge shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, incompetence, unsatisfactory performance, neglect of duty, or misconduct that interferes with the capacity of the employee to perform effectively the requirements of his or her employment. Discharge for cause is to be preceded by written notice of intent to discharge and is subject to Section 4 of this policy.

4.3 When an employee occupying an EHRA position has been notified of the intention to discharge the employee for cause, the chancellor (or designee) may place the employee on administrative leave with pay at any time and continue the administrative leave until the decision concerning discharge is final.  The decision is final either: a) after the employee has been notified of the decision to discharge and the employee does not request a review of the discharge pursuant to NCSU POL 05.25.03 – Review and Appeal Processes for EHRA Non-Faculty Employees (for EHRA Non-Faculty and SAAO Tier II positions); or b) after the employee requests a review of the discharge and the chancellor (or designee) has issued a final decision.  At such time as the discharge is final, the employee may be separated from employment without further pay.

4.4 For purposes of this policy, an individual serving in a fixed-term appointment should be regarded as having the protection of these procedures until the end of the term.

4.5 The executive officer of the employee’s division shall send the individual by a method of delivery that documents receipt, a written statement of intention to discharge the individual. The statement shall include notice of the individual’s rights, upon request, to both written specification of the reasons for the intended action and a hearing.

4.6 Review of a discharge for cause may be requested in accordance with NCSU POL05.25.03 – Review and Appeal Processes for EHRA Non-Faculty Employees.

5.   REVIEW OF DISCONTINUATIONS, expirations of term appointments or termination of employment

Requests for reviews concerning discontinuation of “at-will” employment with notice or severance pay pursuant to section 3.1.1, expiration of term appointments pursuant to section 3.2, and termination of employment based on financial exigency or program curtailment pursuant to section 3.3 may be brought only upon allegations of violations of applicable notice or severance pay requirements of section 3.1, 3.2, or 3.3, or violations of any provision of sections 6 (Equal Employment Opportunity) or section 7 (Protected Activity) of this policy.


It is the policy and intention of NC State that there be equal employment opportunity and freedom from unlawful discrimination in all employment within the University.  There shall be no discrimination on the basis of a Protected Status as defined in NCSU POL 04.25.05 (Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action Policy).*  Employment in covered positions shall be conducted in accordance with all provisions of state or federal law or regulation prohibiting any such discrimination, and in accordance with the  NCSU POL 04.25.05

*Bona fide occupational qualifications or other exceptions to those general prohibitions, specifically provided for by State or Federal law are applicable to EHRA positions.


Employment in EHRA positions shall not be adversely affected by the exercise of rights guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or by Article I of the North Carolina Constitution; provided, that employees in EHRA positions shall be subject to any limitations on political activity established by Article 5 of N.C.G.S. Chapter 126, Section 300.5.1 if the UNC Policy Manual, and as and may be revised periodically, shall apply to EHRA positions.


8.1 Holidays

EHRA employees shall be subject to the same number of days as given to employees subject to the State Human Resources Act.

8.2 Annual Leave

8.2.1 Basic Leave Policy Annual Leave: Annual leave is accrued at a monthly rate and is adjusted proportionately for a part-time employee who works halftime or more (0.50 – 0.99 FTE).  The monthly earnings amount is equal to one-twelfth of the annual rate for each month the employee works or is on approved leave with pay.  Monthly leave is earned when an employee works or is on approved leave with pay at least half the working days of a month. Permanent EHRA and SAAO Tier-II Employees:  Permanent full-time (1.00 FTE) EHRA employees shall be entitled to accrue  twenty-four (24)  annual leave days per year. SAAO Tier I Employees:  SAAO Tier I employees shall be entitled to accrue  twenty-six (26) annual leave days per year. Definition of Year:  NC State defines a year as the “calendar year” (January 1 – December 31).  The scheduling of an employee’s annual leave shall be subject to the approval of the employee’s supervisor.  With respect to an incumbent employee who is earning more than 24 days per year as of the date this policy becomes effective, such employee shall be entitled to continue to earn leave at that rate. Leave Carry Forward and Conversion:  The maximum number of unused days of annual leave that an EHRA employee may accrue and carry forward from one calendar year to the next shall be thirty (30) days. Annual leave in excess of 30 days will be automatically converted to sick leave at the end of the calendar year.

8.2.2 Transfer of Accrued Annual Leave

NC State may accept the transfer of partial or full accrued annual leave at the discretion of the Chancellor or designee.  This applies to any leave from a UNC constituent institution, the UNC System, State of North Carolina agency or local North Carolina government agency as designated by OSHR.

8.2.3 Advancement of Annual/Sick Leave

Subject to approval by the employee’s supervisor, an EHRA employee may be advanced an amount of annual leave and/or sick leave up to a combined maximum deficit balance of twenty (20) days.  A supervisor may approve a deficit balance of annual and/or sick leave, for extenuating circumstance or exceptional need.  The permissible negative balance is adjusted proportionately for a permanent part-time employee who works halftime or more (0.50 – 0.99 FTE).  If an employee separates from NC State and has taken more annual and/or sick leave than has been accrued, then NC State will determine the amount of annual and/or sick leave the employee must repay to NC State and make deductions from the employee’s final salary check accordingly.  However, if the employee has been advanced more leave than can be repaid in the employee’s final paycheck, the employee will be billed accordingly.

8.2.4 Payout of Accrued Annual Leave An EHRA employee who has accrued unused annual leave upon separation of employment from NC State and who either does not elect or is not eligible to transfer such accrued leave to another State or local governmental agency, shall be paid for such unused annual leave.  The amount paid to an EHRA employee who has been employed an aggregate of 24 months or less of regular employment (not to include temporary employment) by one or more State or local governmental agencies is equal to one day for each month worked less the number of days of annual leave taken during the employment period.  An employee who has been employed for more than 24 months shall be paid subject to a maximum of 30 such days. If an EHRA employee changes appointment status from 12 months (fiscal year) to 9 months (academic year), then the employee’s annual leave balance as of the effective date of the appointment change will be paid out at the time of the appointment conversion.  An EHRA employee who transfers inside NC State to an SHRA position shall have the annual and sick leave balances transferred to that position.

8.3 Sick Leave, Family and Medical Leave, Civil Leave, Military Leave, and Community Service Leave

8.3.1 Sick Leave A permanent EHRA employee shall be subject to the same policies concerning sick leave as may be prescribed for employees subject to the State Human Resources Act.

8.3.2 Other Leave

A permanent EHRA employee shall be subject to the same policies concerning family and medical leave, family illness leave, civil leave, military leave, and community service leave, and any other applicable leave as may be prescribed for employees subject to the State Human Resources Act.

8.4 Leave Without Pay

A permanent EHRA employee may request a leave without pay, subject to approval of such leave by the department head or division leadership, as applicable.  .

8.5 Voluntary Shared Leave

A permanent EHRA employee shall be subject to the same provisions concerning shared leave as are applicable to employees subject to the State Human Resources Act with the exception that the donation and acceptance of such leave shall be computed on the basis of days rather than hours.

8.6 Educational Entitlement

A permanent EHRA employee is entitled to the same opportunities as other University employees to invoke the privilege of tuition waiver conferred by UNC Policy 1000.2.2.


9.1 Privacy of Personnel Records

An EHRA employee has the protections of and is subject to the provisions of Article 7 of N.C.G.S.126, entitled “The Privacy of State Employee Personnel Records.”

9.2 Employment Preference for Veterans and National Guard

State law requires that employment preference be given for having served in the Armed Forces of the United States on active duty (for reasons other than training) during periods of war or any other campaign, expedition, or engagement for which a campaign badge or medal is authorized by the United States Department of Defense. The preference to be accorded eligible veterans shall apply in initial employment, subsequent employment, promotions, reassignments, horizontal transfers and reduction in-force situations.

9.3 Employment of Related Persons

An EHRA employee is subject to Board of Governors policy 300.4.2 concerning employment of related persons.

9.4 Retirement

An EHRA employee may retire in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 135 of the North Carolina General Statutes (“Retirement System of Teachers and State Employees”).  Nothing in this policy shall prevent an employee from retiring or an administrator with faculty retreat rights from participating in phased retirement consistent with existing policies.