REG 05.30.01 – Study Leave for Extension Agents Pursuing a Graduate Degree

Authority: Issued by the Chancellor. Changes or exceptions to administrative regulations issued by the Chancellor may only be made by the Chancellor.

History: First Issued: March 1995.

Contact Info: CALS Personnel Director (919-515-2708)

1. Agents, to be considered for study leave, must meet the following requirements:

1.1. Be an admitted graduate student in a degree program suited to the needs of an Extension Agent, with 15 to 18 hours of applicable graduate credit completed. (NOTE: To ensure that degree pattern is compatible with organizational needs as well as the individual’s goals, agent entering graduate program and anticipating study leave should confer with the District Extension Director and the Extension Education Group prior to admission.)

1.2. Have worked out a satisfactory arrangement through County and District Extension Directors for continuation of critical program responsibilities during the duration of study leave.

1.3. County Extension Director to have discussed possibilities of study leave with Commissioners and/or County Manager. County Extension Director should request county provide study leave with pay.

2. Agents meeting the above requirements apply to District Extension Director for study leave with pay (state portion of salary). Application to include:

2.1. A letter stating career goals or aspirations and how the degree and associated study leave will contribute toward these goals.

2.2. Plan of Study, including courses completed and planned.

2.3. Request for Study Leave Form (available from District Extension Director).

Semester or Term Application Deadline
Fall May 1
Spring October 1
Summer February 1

3. Approval Procedures:

3.1. Plan of Study is approved by District Extension Director and Assistant Director, Extension Education.

3.2. District Extension Director’s recommendation is made to Extension Administration, where each application is considered and acted upon individually.

3.3. Applicants who are approved are expected to remain with Extension for one year for each semester of study leave.

3.4. Applicants who are approved for study leave with pay are required to sign an affidavit indicating they understand and agree to the policy on reimbursement to the University of overpayment of salary in the event they do not return to employment with the NC Cooperative Extension Service.

The Assistant Director for County Operations will send to each applicant approved forstudy leave with pay an affidavit which must be signed, notarized, and returned to the Assistant Director for County Operations. The Assistant Director will in turn sign and forward to the Extension Personnel Office to be included in the employee’s official personnel file.

3.5. County and District Directors will negotiate each case with county officials in arranging for study leave, with or without pay from the county, making every effort to secure leave with pay.