REG 06.15.03 – Intern Experiences for Higher Education Students
Authority: Issued by the Chancellor. Changes or exceptions to administrative regulations issued by the Chancellor may only be made by the Chancellor.
History: First Issued: March 1995.
Contact Info: CALS Personnel Director (919-515-2708)
1. Policy Statement
Increasingly, departments and schools in higher education institutions are requesting Extension’s cooperation in providing intern-type experiences for their students. Extension Administration is supportive of these efforts. If properly planned and supervised, these programs are mutually beneficial to Extension and the students.
In the interest of coordination and balance of work loads among county staffs, the following administrative policies and procedures for handling these requests have been established:
1.1. All requests for Extension’s cooperation in providing internship or practicum experiences (similar to practice teaching) are to be directed to state-level administration, through District Extension Directors. After working out satisfactory arrangements with students’ academic departments or schools, state administrators will then work through District Extension Directors in locating host counties for the students.
1.2. Requests for relatively short-term experiences for purposes of observing or conferring with agents to gain a general understanding of Extension’s approach may be handled by the County Extension Director and appropriate agents, upon consultation with District Extension Director.