REG 07.25.01 – Alteration, Renovation, Maintenance and Repair of Facilities

Authority: Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration

History: First Issued: July 1, 2002.  Last Revised: September 19, 2011.

Related Policies: 
NCSU REG07.25.10 – Work Requests

Additional Information:
Facilities Modification Request Form and Instructions

Contact Info: Facilities Division Administrative Officer (919-513-2414)


1.1  Alteration includes, but is not limited to, all minor construction; changes in facilities configuration; fabrication, modification, removal, or installation of hardware and equipment; signs; erection, relocation, or removal of partitions, doors, and windows; and changes in type of finishes and flooring materials.

1.2  Renovation applies to that work which is required to restore, upgrade, or otherwise improve the general condition of facilities.

1.3  Maintenance or Repair includes all work necessary for the general upkeep of existing facilities, facility components, grounds, and utility systems.

1.4  Structural/physical changes to interior space is defined as demolition or new construction that includes: installation of fixed equipment or furniture requiring utility, electrical, laboratory exhaust or HVAC connections; fire alarms and fire suppression systems; taps into building utilities or HVAC systems; plumbing; involvement of any hazardous materials or life safety issues such as propane, natural gas, chemicals, fumes, ventilation issues.


2.1  The Facilities Division is responsible for review and approval of all alterations, renovations, maintenance and repair of NC State University facilities.  All alterations, renovations, structural/physical changes, maintenance and repair must be performed or contracted only through the Facilities Division unless the Division gives expressed written approval for an exception.  The Division will ensure that alterations, renovations, maintenance and repair are:

2.1.1  Designed and carried out in compliance with the parameters of the Physical Master Plan and the programmatic needs of the university,

2.1.2  Conducted so as to protect the health, welfare and safety of the university community,

2.1.3  In compliance with State Building Codes and University and State Building standards,

2.1.4  Reviewed by the required campus units, university committees and state agencies,

2.1.5  Documented and archived into building “As Built” plans.


3.1  This rule shall apply to all facilities belonging to or under the responsibility of NC State University.  Departments violating this rule will be required to correct non-compliant work and will be financially responsible for all costs to obtain compliance.  Exceptions to this rule are as follows:

3.1.1  University Housing, Athletics, Campus Enterprises, and Transportation operate their own Maintenance and Repair units and may carry out limited, pre-approved maintenance and repair within the space / buildings assigned.

3.1.2  CALS Research Stations and field laboratories operate their own Maintenance and Repair units and may carry out limited, pre-approved maintenance and repair at these off-campus facilities.


4.1  Departments requesting alterations or renovations must:

4.1.1  Contact the appropriate College Facility Coordinator to discuss need, source of funds and scope of work.

4.2  Submit a Facilities Modification Request (FACMOD) to the Office of the University Architect within the Facilities Division if the project involves one or more of the following:

4.2.1  Alteration as defined in 1.1, renovation as defined in 1.2, or structural/physical changes as defined in 1.4.

4.2.2  Changes in the use of the space such as conference room to office, hallway to office, teaching lab to research lab, Chemistry space to Statistics space.

4.2.3  Changes in the room numbers, door numbers, or unassigned space.

4.2.4  Exterior changes to the building.

4.2.5  Equipment located exterior or interior to the building and interior equipment requiring utility services.

4.2.6  New external structures; e.g., bus shelters, benches, bike racks, news stands, special fencing, banners, picnic, recreation shelters, flagpoles.

4.2.7  Recreational areas; e.g., volleyball, basketball, tennis courts.

4.2.8  Locating equipment interior or exterior to buildings including, but not limited to, the installation of fixed equipment or furniture requiring utility connections, including HVAC systems, AC window units, fume hoods, gas cabinets, lasers or the addition of fixed or portable equipment that utilizes hazardous chemicals or gases.

4.2.9  Changes Affecting University “110” Classrooms:  Any change; e.g., priority scheduling assignments, change in the number of seats, adding screens or equipment, adding lecterns, adding AV infrastructure, change in use of space, change in room number, which would affect University “110” Classroom space.  (The FACMOD should contain an explanation or justification for the proposed change.  In addition to the regular FACMOD reviewers listed below, other appropriate departments may be consulted in reviewing and acting upon FACMOD requests affecting “110” classrooms.)

4.2.10  Any proposal from a private construction firm.

4.3  Initiate a planning study if the project will affect the assignment of space, add more space, impact exterior building appearances, or change programmatic functions – contact the Office of the University Architect.


5.1  Individuals requesting maintenance or repair must:

5.1.1  Contact the Building Liaison, who will submit the Work Request.

5.1.2  Provide the Building Liaison all information pertaining to the work request to include any situations that may be occurring within the building such as power outages, water shut downs, HVAC systems.