REG 07.30.10 – Temporary Non Travel Cash Advance
Authority: Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
History: First Issued: November 1, 2001. Last Revised: August 10, 2012.
Additional References:
University Controllers Website
Contact Info: University Controller (919-515-3824)
1. Purpose
This procedure provides a mechanism for a department with a short term need to make cash payments to do so without obtaining a permanent imprest cash fund. This procedure will be used only in those few cases when checks are not a viable method of payment. It cannot be used for payroll disbursements of any kind.
2. General Guidelines
2.1. The department initiates and approves a small purchase(SP) in the APPS system with the payment payable to the custodian name with the title of custodian affixed. Use the custodian identification number on the small purchase transaction. The department prepares a memorandum which should include the purpose of the advance including the calculation for the amount being requested, and the date of the activity. The custodian of the advance must be a permanent employee of the department. NOTE: The custodian is personally responsible for assuring that original receipts or invoices are obtained to support the funds expended. Recipient identification should be verified to a photo ID by a person other than the custodian who will be disbursing the funds. The Director of Accounting or his designate must approve the advance request.
2.2. If the amount exceeds $500.00, the custodian should request multiple checks or purchase traveler’s checks.
2.3. If the department desires or time does not permit mail delivery, the remittance field should be set to “Y”, and the department will be contacted for pick up; otherwise, the check will be mailed to departments specifying the request.
2.4. The department should forward the justification plus a copy to the signed custodial agreement (GA080) to the Imprest Account Technician in General Accounting, Box 7203, NCSU Campus or may be delivered to the Administrative Services Center, Room 120.
2.5. If the amount expended is less that the advance, the excess should be deposited at the University Cashier’s Office to the account number originally charged within one day of the completion of the event or return to campus. A copy of the validated deposit slip should be included with the reconciliation.
2.6. Within one week after the date of the activity listed on the advance request, the custodian must prepare a cash advance reconciliation (GA081) listing the amount received and how the funds were spent, including account numbers and object codes to be charged. Expenditures must be supported by original invoices or signed receipts (GA082). If expenditures exceed the amount of the advance, an additional payment authorization should be prepared for the difference, charging the correct account number and object code, and a copy of the reconciliation attached to support the request. The reconciliation must be signed by the custodian and approved by the individual responsible for the accounts charged.
2.7. The approved reconciliation and supporting documents should be forwarded to the Imprest Account Technician who will prepare a journal entry to distribute the expenses and eliminate the cash advance.
2.8. If the reconciliation package includes a payment request for expenditures in excess of the advance, the Imprest Account Technician will initial the payment documents and forward them to Accounts Payable for normal processing.
3. Form
GA080 – Custodial Agreement
GA081 – Cash Advance Reconciliation
GA082a – Cash Receipt Certification
GA082b – Cash Advance Record
Blank forms GA080 (Custodial Agreement), GA081 (Cash Advance Reconciliation), GA082a (Cash Receipt Certification) and GA082b (Cash Advance Record) can be copied or obtained from General Accounting, 919/515-7688, for use in requesting and reconciling a Temporary Non-Travel Cash Advance.