RUL 05.67.807 – Department of History Appointment and Promotion of Non-Tenure Track Professorial Faculty Standards and Procedures
History: First Issued: August 26, 2019.
Related Policies:
NCSU RUL05.67.411 – College of Humanities and Social Sciences Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Procedures
NCSU RUL 05.67.413 College of Humanities and Social Sciences Appointment and Promotion of Non-Tenure Track Faculty Standards and Procedures
NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure
NCSU REG05.20.03 – Annual Reviews of Faculty Members
NCSU REG05.20.27 – Statements of Faculty Responsibilities
Additional References:
Office of the Provost RPT Website
Contact Info: Head, Department of History (919-515-2483)
This rule provides the standards and procedures for appointment and promotion of non-tenure track (NTT) professorial faculty—Teaching Assistant Professors, Teaching Associate Professors, and Teaching Professors in the Department of History at North Carolina State University. Only faculty appointed at 0.75FTE and above are eligible for promotion. Standards for appointment to Lecturer are maintained at the department website.
NTT professorial faculty of all ranks are expected to engage in teaching, and service (as determined by their SFR).
3.1 Title Change from Lecturer to NTT Assistant Professor.
The change in title from Lecturer to Teaching Assistant Professor is solely a matter of credentials—the acquisition of the terminal degree, usually a PhD—and not a substantive change in duties and expectations. The History Department does not appoint or promote NTT faculty to the rank of Senior Lecturer.
3.2 Standards for Appointment to Teaching Assistant Professor
3.2.1 All faculty appointed to the rank of Teaching Assistant Professor must hold an appropriate terminal degree.
3.2.2 All faculty appointed to the rank of Teaching Assistant Professor must further show ability or definite promise in the mutually agreed upon realms of responsibility.
3.2.3 Terms of appointment for Teaching Assistant Professors must be a minimum of two years. Exceptions to the two-year minimum appointment must be requested by the Department Head and approved by the college dean. Requests for exceptions should be justified in terms of short-term (rather than recurring) personnel needs (e.g., a temporary increase in FTE to cover another faculty member on leave).
Appointment or promotion to Teaching Associate Professor in the History Department is awarded to teachers who have achieved sufficient distinction to merit this status based on their teaching and service accomplishments (as determined by the SFR). The History Department does not apply fixed or quantitative standards for promotion to Teaching Associate Professor. Instead, the Department weighs qualitative contributions of candidates in teaching and service.
4.1.1 Efficacious teaching is essential. A demonstration of efficacious teaching may come from (but is not limited to):
4.1.1a Student evaluations
4.1.1b Peer observation
4.1.2 Other evidence of contributions to teaching can include (but is not limited to):
(a) Participation in teaching workshops
(b) Course syllabi and innovations, self‑assessments
(c) Use of research and scholarship in the classroom; including contributions to integrating Department-, College-, or University-level research programs or the faculty member’s own current research into curricular development and teaching
(d) Other data that might be included in a teaching portfolio, including teaching awards or nominations for such awards
4.1.3 Participation in public programs that draw upon faculty expertise.
4.1.4 Development of or participation in Study Abroad programs
4.2.1 Efficacious service is essential for NTT faculty whose SFRs contain such components. Evidence of efficacious service may come from (but is not limited to):
(a) Service within the department, such as advising or enrollment management
(b) Participation in college or university committees
(c) NTT service awards or nominations for such awards
In the appointment or promotion to Teaching Professor, paramount importance will be given to teaching (and, if included in the SFR, service). Contributions to teaching and service must be beyond those that merited promotion to Teaching Associate Professor. The History Department has consistently rejected fixed quantitative standards for promotion to Teaching Professor. Instead, the Department has chosen to weigh the qualitative balance in all categories on a case-by-case basis.
5.1.1 Efficacious teaching is essential. A demonstration of efficacious teaching may come from (but is not limited to):
(a) Student evaluations
(b) Peer observation
5.1.2 Other evidence of contributions to teaching can include (but is not limited to)
(a) Participation in teaching workshops
(b) Course syllabi and innovations, self‑assessments
(c) Use of research and scholarship in the classroom; including contributions to integrating Department-, College-, or University-level research programs or the faculty member’s own current research into curricular development and teaching
(d) Other data that might be included in a teaching portfolio, including teaching awards or nominations for such awards
5.1.3 Participation in public programs that draw upon faculty expertise.
5.1.4 Development of or participation in Study Abroad programs
5.2.1 Efficacious service is essential for NTT faculty whose SFRs contain such components. Evidence of efficacious service may come from (but is not limited to):
(a) Service within the department, such as advising or enrollment management
(b) Participation in college or university committees
(c) NTT service awards or nominations for such awards
6.1 Promotion to Teaching Associate Professor
In addition to the procedures mandated by the University, the History Department has the following procedures for considering faculty members for promotion to the rank of Teaching Associate Professor.
6.1.1 Any Teaching Assistant Professor (.75 FTE or above) may discuss with the Department Head the standards and procedures for promotion to Teaching Associate Professor, and whether to initiate the promotion process.
6.1.2 The Head sets the dates for the meetings of the DVF to consider promotion, and announces them to the DVF members.
6.1.3 The Department Head will work with the candidate to assemble relevant documentation, and review the material and dossier for completeness and appropriateness in assembling all necessary documents and information. External letters are not required for promotion to Teaching Associate Professor.
6.1.4 The material will be ready for review by all members of the DVF at least two weeks before the meeting of the DVF to consider promotion is held.
6.1.5 The discussion of any individual candidate for promotion must be completed within a single meeting. The DVF may choose to discuss more than one candidate in a single meeting, but must hold separate meetings to discuss different candidates should any DVF member so request. Votes on each candidate will be sealed until all candidates have been reviewed and all votes have been completed in the DVF meeting(s).
6.1.6 Voting will be by written secret ballot. Arrangements for absentee voting will be announced by the Department Head prior to the meeting.
6.1.7 All Associate Professors with tenure and Professors are expected to attend all meetings of the DVF. Any tenured faculty member who cannot attend a DVF meeting will be asked by the Department Head to follow the Department’s procedures for absentee voting in NTT promotion cases.
6.2 Promotion to Teaching Professor
In addition to the procedures mandated by the University, the History Department has the following procedures for considering faculty members for promotion to the rank of Teaching Professor
6.2.1 Any Teaching Associate Professor (.75 FTE or above) may discuss with the Department Head the standards and procedures for promotion to Teaching Professor, and whether to initiate the promotion process.
6.2.2 The Head sets the dates for the meetings of the DVF-Professors to consider promotion, and announces them to the DVF-Professors members.
6.2.3 The Department Head will work with the candidate to assemble relevant documentation, and review the material and dossier for completeness and appropriateness in assembling all necessary documents and information. External letters are not required for promotion to Teaching Professor.
6.2.4 The material will be ready for review by all members of the DVF-Professors at least two weeks before the meeting of the DVF-Professors to consider promotion is held.
6.2.5 The discussion of any individual candidate for promotion must be completed within a single meeting. The DVF-Professors may choose to discuss more than one candidate in a single meeting, but must hold separate meetings to discuss different candidates should any DVF-Professor member so request. Votes on each candidate will be sealed until all candidates have been reviewed and all votes have been completed in the DVF-Professor meeting(s).
6.2.6 Voting will be by written secret ballot. Arrangements for absentee voting will be announced by the Department Head prior to the meeting.
6.2.7 All Professors are expected to attend all meetings of the DVF-Professors. Any Professor who cannot attend a DVF-Professor meeting will be asked by the Department Head to follow the Department’s procedures for absentee voting in NTT promotion cases.