RUL 05.68.59 – Department of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management Post Tenure Review Standards and Procedures
Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
History: First Issued: November 16, 2009. Last Revised: August 3, 2016.
Related Policies:
UNC Policy 400.3.3 – Performance Review of Tenured Faculty
NCSU POL05.20.01 – Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure
NCSU REG05.20.04 – Post Tenure Review of Faculty
NCSU REG05.20.27 – Statement of Faculty Responsibilities
NCSU REG05.20.10 – Evaluation of Teaching
Additional References:
Office of the Provost RPT Website
NC State Guide on Peer Review of Teaching
Contact Info: Department Head (919-513-4180)
This rule describes standards and procedures of the Department of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management (TATM) for post tenure review of faculty. It supplements NC State University’s Academic Tenure Policy and Regulation on Post Tenure Review of Faculty. To the extent of any inconsistency, the Academic Tenure Policy and Post Tenure Review Regulation control. The Department Head is responsible for assuring that the procedures as set forth in NCSU REG05.20.04 – Post Tenure Review of Faculty and this Rule are followed.
2.1 Committee Selection and Procedures
2.1.1 The Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management (TATM) Department will establish a Post Tenure Review Committee (PTRC) comprised of all Professors of the TATM department and two elected tenured Associate Professors who will not be reviewed during the committee term. Department Voting Faculty (DVF) members holding an administrative appointment of greater than 50% do not vote.
2.1.2 The election of the Associate Professors will be conducted by the Faculty Senate Representative of the TATM Department (or College of Textiles in the event that both Senators are outside TATM). Every fall, one Associate Professor will be elected to the PTR Committee, and agrees to serve for two (2) years. Should an Associate Professor need to be replaced, an election will again be held by the Faculty Senate Representative to elect another Associate Professor.
2.1.3 Associate Professors on the PTRC will serve two year staggered terms.
2.1.4 Only tenured TATM faculty may elect the two Associate Professors.
2.1.5 Once the PTRC Committee is formed, the Committee will elect the Chair of the PTRC. The Chair must be a Professor. The Chair election will take place during the fall semester prior to the review process.
2.1.6 The Department Head will initiate the formation of the Post Tenure Review Committee and the election of the two Associate Professors and the Chair of the PTRC at the beginning of the academic year. Elections should be held in the third week of the fall semester.
2.1.7 Associate Professors will not participate in the review of Professors.
2.2 Meeting Schedule
2.2.1 The PTRC Chair will meet with the Department Head early in the fall semester to learn who will be reviewed during that year and what the schedule will be. The main review will be held in the spring after the Department has assembled the required materials, as set forth in section 5.2 of university NCSU REG05.20.04 – Post Tenure Review of Faculty, from each faculty member to be reviewed.
2.2.2 The PTRC Chair will schedule all meetings, coordinate with the Department Head, and prepare and transmit reports from the committee to the Head and to the faculty members reviewed.
The documentation provided to the PTRC is set forth in section 5.2 of university NCSU REG05.20.04 – Post Tenure Review of Faculty.
To assess faculty member’s cumulative performance, the following materials or documents with equivalent content shall be provided to the review committee:
- A current CV;
- The Statement of Faculty Responsibilities (SFR);
- Each annual faculty activity report (i.e., annual report) since the last review;
- Peer teaching evaluations since the last review; and
- An optional two-page candidate statement
Note: The PTR document should be ordered accordingly:
- Statement of Faculty Responsibilities (SFR)
- Each annual faculty activity report (i.e., annual report) since the last review
- Peer teaching evaluations since the last review
- A Current C.V.
- An Optional two-page candidate statement
4.1 Standards for Associate Professor
Associate Professors are to be evaluated to determine if they are performing the realms of responsibility set forth in their Statement of Faculty Responsibilities at the Associate Professor standard as set forth in the Department’s Rule on Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Procedures (NCSU RUL 05.67.800). For “meets expectations”, they must present evidence that they are maintaining the standards for promotion to associate professor as set forth in the Academic Tenure Policy and college and departmental reappointment, promotion and tenure rules. For “exceeds expectations”, exemplary accomplishments would include extraordinary quantity or quality of scholarly works, receipt of prestigious awards recognizing distinguished achievement in one or more realms of faculty responsibility, being named a fellow in a relevant society, or gaining membership to one of the academies.
4.1.1 Post Tenure Review (PTR) and Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure (RPT) are separate processes. The relationship between these reviews are primarily defined in sections 2.4 and 2.5 of NCSU REG 05.20.04-Post Tenure Review.
4.2 Standards for Professor
Professors are to be evaluated to determine if they are performing the realms of responsibility set forth in their Statement of Faculty Responsibilities at the standard set forth in the Department’s Rule on Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Procedures For “meets expectations”, they must present evidence that they are maintaining the standards for promotion to full professor as set forth in the Academic Tenure Policy and college and departmental reappointment, promotion and tenure rules. For “exceeds expectations”, exemplary accomplishments would include extraordinary quantity or quality of scholarly works, receipt of prestigious awards recognizing distinguished achievement in one or more realms of faculty responsibility, being named a fellow in a relevant society, or gaining membership to one of the academies.